Security Enhancements. Chrysler will not prohibit Chrysler Dealers from providing guaranties and/or additional security or credit enhancements to Ally, including granting a security interest in accounts payable owed by Chrysler to Chrysler Dealers.
Security Enhancements. You acknowledge that we may offer certain products that may reduce the risks associated with certain of the Services. These products may be subject to a fee. We may also make you aware of additional products in the future designed to further mitigate the risk of future threats to the Services. If you continue to use the Services without subscribing for the enhanced security measures that we may offer now and in the future, you understand and agree that you assume all liability resulting from any losses or damages that could otherwise have been prevented with such measures.
a. ACH Filter. We offer an ACH Filter product that provides complete “pay” or “no pay” control of exception items by allowing you to compare authorized debtor information to ACH debits posting to your account.
Security Enhancements. Microsoft shall have the right but not to the obligation to design and construct certain security enhancements to the area outside the footprint of the WTP Compound. These enhancements may include, but are not limited to the following: (a) location and installation of ecology blocks at grade near the fence; (b) potential trenching or berms adjacent to the security fence; (c) modifications to the gate currently located in the security fence; and (d) electronic upgrades/monitoring of the well flow meter to accommodate proofing of water rights as may be required from time-to-time. The security fence shall remain fully under Microsoft control where it abuts the non-WTP Compound area of the Microsoft campus.
Security Enhancements. A PKI-based message-signing functionality was added to the WISER agents and its protocol. The messages from the agent towards RabbitMQ are signed with the agent's private key. An extra python library (py-OpenSSL) was added to the agent requirements. This enables the agents to send the signed messages to "eu.cyberwiser.siem_agent_output-signed" exchange. There is also a component installed on the RabbitMQ's VM which checks whether the signature in the message corresponds to the certificate of the organization marked in the message. This component reads the signed messages and forwards them in their normal (un-signed) form to the "eu.cyberwiser.siem_agent_output" exchange, from which they are routed forward as usual. This means that any message with e.g. organization set to XLAB has to be signed by XLAB's certificate, otherwise it will be dropped. While increasing the security this also prevents errors in the WISER agent's organization setting. At this moment, un-signed messages are still supported, but after the next release and after the installation of the new packages at the FSPs, WISER will forbid sending messages directly to the "eu.cyberwiser.siem_agent_output" exchange and only allow signed messages from the agents.
Security Enhancements. Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Adminis- trator, in consultation with the ASAC, shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the feasibility of requiring a security threat assessment be- fore an individual could obtain training from a private flight school to operate an aircraft having a maximum certificated takeoff weight of more than 12,500 pounds.’’ [For definitions of terms used in section 1952 of Pub.
Security Enhancements. Following the Data Incident, Defendant implemented or continued the implementation of a number of security enhancements designed to avoid future cybersecurity incidents. Within thirty (30) days after the date of the Preliminary Approval Order, Defendant shall provide Class Counsel with a confidential declaration or affidavit attesting to such measures that have been and are expected to be implemented.
Security Enhancements. Defendant has made and/or will make the following enhancements:
(a) Implemented more stringent password complexity requirements. Passwords must now be at least 16 characters in length. Additionally, North Highland’s information security team maintains a list of weak passwords and periodically checks users’ current passwords to ensure that no passwords on that list are being used. If a user is found to have a known weak password, that user’s account is immediately locked and a password reset is required. Users found to have used known weak passwords a second time are required to undergo mandatory supplemental security training.
(b) Removed local administrator privileges from user workstations to limit potential impact if a user’s workstation is compromised.
(c) Increased coverage of Microsoft Defender across the corporate network. Microsoft Defender must be installed on all endpoints (servers and workstations) and North Highland uses the Axonius asset management tool to identify any systems missing Microsoft Defender.
(d) Deployed Automox, a network management tool that allows for rapid patching of critical security holes and facilitates rapid performance of other time- sensitive system maintenance tasks.
(e) Deployed Microsoft Sentinel, a security information and event management (“SIEM”) tool, to aggregate security-relevant logging and provide better visibility to the Critical Start SOC.
(f) Instituted blocks of Internet traffic from countries where North Highland does not do business.
(g) Deployed the Abnormal anti-phishing and email security tool to all corporate email accounts. North Highland confirmed that the Abnormal software would have blocked the malicious email here.
(h) North Highland migrated from an on-network version of Microsoft Direct Access to the cloud-based Microsoft Azure SSPR. SSPR will allow North Highland to more rapidly reset user passwords following any incident, including passwords for users who work remotely.
Security Enhancements. C.R.E has implemented and will maintain as necessary enhancements to its data security system.
Security Enhancements. Contractor shall perform a penetration test and vulnerability assessment to validate security enhancements made in the past year. Additionally, the Contractor will purchase and implement an auditing tool to perform periodic audits of user access to VHIE data. Contractor shall provide a summary of the results of the VITL internal systems penetration test and vulnerability assessment to the State and will work with the State to approve the mitigation plan. Contractor shall provide a system security plan (SSP) that details data protection schemes (transactional, storage, and use) for all data housed within its systems. The format of the SSP shall be determined by VITL and shall be based on a minimum of the NIST 800-53 revision 4 moderate control framework, and should define implementation points for each of the applicable controls.
Security Enhancements. You acknowledge that we may offer certain products that may reduce the risks associated with certain Services. These products may be subject to a fee. We may also make you aware of additional products in the future designed to further mitigate the risk of future threats to the Services. If you continue to use the Services without subscribing for the enhanced security measures that we may offer now and in the future, you understand and agree that you assume all liability resulting from any losses or damages that could otherwise have been prevented with such measures.