INJURY LEAVE 22.01 When an employee is injured in the line of duty, he shall be eligible for a paid leave not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days per incident. In order to be eligible for injury leave, the employee shall file a Workers Compensation claim for lost wages, i.e., temporary total disability, and shall sign a waiver assigning to the City all sums received by the employee from Workers Compensation for lost wages to a maximum of ninety days or the amount of injury leave benefits advanced by the City. In the event Workers Compensation ultimately denies benefits to the employee, after the employee has exhausted all available appeals and administrative remedies provided under the Worker Compensation Act, then the employee shall reimburse the City one-half (1/2) of the injury leave received through reduction of all accrued leaves, current or future. 22.02 If at the end of this ninety (90) calendar day period the employee is still disabled, the leave may, at the Employers sole discretion, be extended for additional ninety (90) calendar day periods, or parts thereof. 22.03 The Employer shall have the right to require the employee to have a physical exam by a physician appointed and paid by the Employer resulting in the physician's certification that the employee is unable to work due to the injury as a condition precedent to the employee receiving any benefits under this article. The designated physician's opinion shall govern whether the employee is actually disabled or not, and for the period in which the employee is disabled, but shall not govern whether the Employer shall extend the period of leave or if the injury was duty related. If there is a conflict between the employee's and Employers physicians, a third physician shall be consulted whose opinion shall govern. This third physician shall be selected by a mutual agreement between the Employer and the employee, who shall share the costs equally. 22.04 If the attending physician(s) of an employee so certifies that the employee may return to temporary light or temporary restricted duty, the City, at its discretion, and if the City has suitable work for such employee, may assign the employee to light duty work. 22.05 All employees are subject to the City's Transitional Work Program Policy.
Personal Illness and Injury Leave 10.1.1 Full-time bargaining unit members shall be entitled to ten (10) days leave with full pay for each school year for purposes of personal illness or injury. Bargaining unit members who work less than full-time shall be entitled to that portion of the ten (10) days leave as the number of hours per week of scheduled duty relates to the number of hours for a full-time bargaining unit member in a comparable position. 10.1.2 After all earned leave as set forth in 10.1.1 above is exhausted, additional non-accumulated leave shall be available for a period not to exceed five (5) school months, provided that the provisions of 10.1.4 below are met. The amount deducted for leave purposes from the bargaining unit member's salary shall be the amount actually paid a substitute employee employed to fill the position during the leave, or, if no substitute is employed, the amount which would have been paid to a substitute. The five-month period shall begin on the eleventh (11) day of absence due to illness or injury. 10.1.3 If a bargaining unit member does not utilize the full amount of leave as authorized in Article 10.1.1 above in any school year, the amount not utilized shall be accumulated from year to year. 10.1.4 Upon request by District management, a bargaining unit member shall be required to present a medical doctor's certificate verifying the personal illness or injury and/or a medical authorization to return to work. If the illness or injury exceeds twenty (20) consecutive days, the District may require a certified medical specialist to visit the bargaining unit member and make all necessary inquiries in order to be fully informed as to the nature and severity of the illness or injury, and to report such findings to the Superintendent or designee. If the report concludes that the absence is not due to personal illness or injury, or that the illness is not sufficiently severe to warrant continued absence, then the Superintendent or designee, after notice to the bargaining unit member, may refuse to grant such a leave. If requested by the District management to furnish a medical doctor's authorization, bargaining unit member shall submit said authorization upon returning to work. 10.1.5 Whenever possible, a bargaining unit member must contact the designated District Office personnel as soon as the need to be absent is known, but no later than ninety (90) minutes prior to the bargaining unit member's starting time, in order to permit the employer time to secure a substitute. Failure to provide adequate notice may be grounds for denial of leave with pay. 10.1.6 A bargaining unit member who is absent for one-half day or less may have deducted one-half day from the accumulated leave; and if the absence exceeds more than one-half day, a full day may be deducted from accumulated leave. 10.1.7 A bargaining unit member may not be allowed to return to work and may be required to pay the cost of the substitute secured if the bargaining unit member fails to notify the District of the bargaining unit member's intent to return to work prior to the close of the bargaining unit member's preceding workday, and such failure results in a substitute being secured. 10.1.8 Each bargaining unit member may request notification of the accumulated leave by September 30th of each school year.
Jury Leave In keeping with the policy that an employee not suffer a loss of pay while serving as a juror, the remuneration to be received by the employee on any working day the employee reports for or serves on jury duty shall be regular rate of pay for the day less jury duty fees receivable for that day.
General Leave of Absence a) Leave of absence without pay may be granted to employees for valid reasons as set out by Company policy. b) An employee on general leave of absence shall not accumulate sick leave credits, or earn vacation but shall retain the seniority, sick leave credits, and vacation credits earned prior to commencing leave of absence. c) Employees do not have the option of continuing their benefit coverage during the leave. d) Employees on leave of absence shall be required to apply for any extension.
Workers' Compensation Leave A. When an injury is determined to be job related in accordance with Article XII, a regular, limited-term or probationary employee shall be placed on Workers'
General Leave Notwithstanding any provision for leave in this Agreement, the Employer may grant a leave of absence without pay to an employee requesting leave for an emergency or other unusual circumstances. A leave of absence may also be granted for any other reason in which case approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All requests and approvals for leave shall be in writing. Upon request, the Employer will give reasons orally for withholding approval.
Other Leave Granting of leave is a matter between the employees and the mill management. The Company will consider length of service and will endeavour to arrange leave of absence to suit the employee's wishes. Employees with ten or more years service will be given special consideration.
Statutory Leave (a) For the purposes of calculating entitlement to leave under this clause, the Employment Business leave year runs from 1 December to 30 November in each calendar year. (b) Under the Working Time Regulations 1998, the Temporary Worker is entitled to 5.6 weeks paid leave. Any and all entitlement to leave must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues and none may be carried forward to the next year. (c) Entitlement to paid leave under the Working Time Regulations 1998 accrues in proportion to the number of normal working hours (i.e. those which do not attract overtime rates of pay) worked continuously by the Temporary Worker on Assignment during the leave year. The amount of the payment to which the Temporary Worker is entitled in respect of such leave is calculated in accordance with and in proportion to the number of hours which he works on Assignment. (d) Where the Temporary Worker wishes to take leave s/he should notify the Employment Business in writing of the dates of his/her intended absence. The amount of notice which the Temporary Worker is required to give should be at least 2 weeks. Occasionally you may be asked to defer your holiday due to the requirements of the Client. If this is the case you will be notified as soon as possible. You will always be allowed to take your full entitlement before the end of the year. (e) Where a Bank Holiday or other public holiday falls during an Assignment and the Temporary Worker does not work on that day, the Bank Holiday or other public holiday shall count as part of the Temporary Worker’s paid annual leave entitlement. (f) If the Temporary Worker leaves the engagement of the Employment Business with an outstanding paid holiday entitlement then s/he will, in addition to any other sums to which s/he may be entitled be paid a sum representing pay for the paid holiday entitlement outstanding. If the Temporary Worker leaves the engagement of the Employment Business having taken more than the accumulated paid holiday entitlement for the current holiday year then a sum equivalent to pay for the additional paid holiday taken will be deducted from any final payment to the Temporary Worker and the balance (if any) will be paid to him/her. (g) None of the provisions of this clause regarding the statutory entitlement to paid leave shall affect the Temporary Worker’s status as a self-employed worker.
Civil Leave A. A bargaining unit member subpoenaed to appear in court for a work-related matter or serve on jury duty shall be granted leave without loss of pay. A copy of the court summons, subpoena, or letter from the court requesting the bargaining unit member’s presence must be submitted to administration. B. When a bargaining unit member is scheduled to be absent and such appearance in court is negated or the bargaining unit member is excused in such time to return to his/her work site for the remainder of his/her workday, then he/she is required to do so.
Other Leaves Other short-term leaves may be granted at the discretion of the Chancellor. The Chancellor’s decision to approve or deny the request shall be final.