Authorized Use of Sick Leave. Xxxx leave can only be granted upon the approval of the Department Head or designee in the case of bona fide illness or injury of an Employee or, illness, injury or death of any relative within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity as listed in Appendix B.
Authorized Use of Sick Leave. Sick leave, with pay, can only be granted upon the approval of the Department Head or designee in the case of bona fide illness or injury of an Employee or, illness, injury or death of any relative within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity, to include: Employee, spouse, child, step-child, parent, step-parent, sibling (brother or sister), step-sibling, grandparent, step-grandparent, grandchild, step-grandchild, great-grandparent, step-great-grandparent, great- grandchild, or step-great-grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or domestic partner. Xxxxxxxxxxx leave will not count against an Employee’s use of sick leave in regards to award hours for no use of sick leave. Degrees of Consanguinity and Affinity (not applicable to domestic partners) attached hereto as Appendix B. Sick leave used for bereavement shall be limited to forty (40) hours per incident, except as approved in advance by the City Manager or designee. Such use of bereavement leave is limited to the relatives listed above.
Authorized Use of Sick Leave. Employees may use sick leave, upon approval of the Chief, for absence due to personal illness, maternity leave, paternity leave, pregnancy, injury, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to other employees and to illness or injury in the employee's immediate family. For purposes of this Section, "immediate family" shall include the employee's spouse, children, parents, brothers and sisters, parents-in-law, son or daughter-in-law, grandparents, and parent of employee's children.
Authorized Use of Sick Leave. Xxxx leave with pay can only be granted upon the approval of the supervisor in the case of a bona fide illness of an employee or an employee’s immediate family defined as spouse, child or parent.
Authorized Use of Sick Leave. Sick Leave, with pay, may be used in the case of a bona fide illness of a MANAGER or a member of the MANAGER’s family within the third degree of consanguinity. Sick Leave may also be used for bereavement leave in the event of death of a relative to the third degree of consanguinity and affinity or domestic partner. Sick Leave used for bereavement leave shall be limited to forty (40) hours per incident or as otherwise approved by the Mayor.
Authorized Use of Sick Leave. Sick leave with pay, can be granted upon the approval of the Fire Chief or designee in the case of a bona fide illness or injury of an employee or illness, injury or death of any relative within the third (3rd) degree of consanguinity or affinity; to wit: spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent or grandchild, as outlined in Appendix B, or for the purpose of parental leave as limited in Section 9 of this Article. For leave not covered under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), a fifty-six (56) hour a week employee may use sick leave for the illness, injury or death of any of said relatives during any calendar year may be granted, but shall not exceed four (4) consecutive shifts of twenty-four (24) hours per shift per any such illness, injury or death; and per event it shall not exceed three (3) events per calendar year totaling twelve (12) shifts. For a forty (40) hour per week employee, they may use up to two (2) weeks or eighty (80) hours per event and shall not exceed three (3) events per calendar year. Subject to the approval of the Department Head or designee, an Employee, including an Employee who has not yet attained classified status, who has used all sick leave as authorized by this Article may use any other leave(s) in lieu of sick leave in the following order: compensatory time, emergency leave, annual leave.
Authorized Use of Sick Leave. Sick leave with pay can only be granted upon the approval of the Department Head in the case of a bona fide illness of an employee or a member of her/his immediate family defined as: spouse or her/his immediate children or parents. Sick leave with pay may also be granted and used in the case of death of a relative to the third degree of consanguinity and affinity or domestic partner (Table attached as Appendix C). Sick Leave used for bereavement leave shall be limited to forty (40) hours per incident, except as approved in advance by the City Manager or designee. Such use of bereavement leave is limited to the relatives listed in Appendix C or domestic partner.
Authorized Use of Sick Leave. Sick leave with pay can only be granted upon the approval of the supervisor in the case of a bona fide illness of an employee or a member of employee’s immediate family defined as employee’s spouse, child or parent. Subject to the approval of the Police Chief or designee, an Employee, including an Employee who has not yet attained classified status, who has used all sick leave as authorized by this Article may use any other leave(s) in lieu of sick leave in the following order: compensatory time, administrative/personal leave, annual leave.
Authorized Use of Sick Leave. Sick leave with pay can be granted upon the approval of the Fire Chief or designee in the case of a bona fide illness or injury of an employee or illness, injury or death of any relative within the third (3rd) degree of consanguinity or affinity; to wit: spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent or grandchild, as outlined in Appendix B. For leave not covered under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), use of sick leave for the illness, injury or death of any said relatives during any calendar year shall not exceed ten (10) days per any such illness, injury or death or an aggregate total of thirty (30) days during any calendar year for forty (40) hour employees. For fifty-six (56) hour employees, during any calendar year shall not exceed ninety-six (96) hours per any such illness, injury or death or an aggregate total of one-hundred, forty-four (144) hours during any calendar year. Due to unforeseen circumstances, with Fire Chief approval, more leave may be granted. If applicable, Family Medical Leave will apply concurrently.
Authorized Use of Sick Leave. Use of sick leave for the illness, injury or death of any said relatives during any calendar year shall not exceed ten (10) days per any such illness, injury or death or an aggregate total of thirty