INJURY LEAVE Sample Clauses
INJURY LEAVE. 22.01 When an employee is injured in the line of duty, he shall be eligible for a paid leave not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days per incident. In order to be eligible for injury leave, the employee shall file a Workers Compensation claim for lost wages, i.e., temporary total disability, and shall sign a waiver assigning to the City all sums received by the employee from Workers Compensation for lost wages to a maximum of ninety days or the amount of injury leave benefits advanced by the City. In the event Workers Compensation ultimately denies benefits to the employee, after the employee has exhausted all available appeals and administrative remedies provided under the Worker Compensation Act, then the employee shall reimburse the City one-half (1/2) of the injury leave received through reduction of all accrued leaves, current or future.
22.02 If at the end of this ninety (90) calendar day period the employee is still disabled, the leave may, at the Employers sole discretion, be extended for additional ninety (90) calendar day periods, or parts thereof.
22.03 The Employer shall have the right to require the employee to have a physical exam by a physician appointed and paid by the Employer resulting in the physician's certification that the employee is unable to work due to the injury as a condition precedent to the employee receiving any benefits under this article. The designated physician's opinion shall govern whether the employee is actually disabled or not, and for the period in which the employee is disabled, but shall not govern whether the Employer shall extend the period of leave or if the injury was duty related. If there is a conflict between the employee's and Employers physicians, a third physician shall be consulted whose opinion shall govern. This third physician shall be selected by a mutual agreement between the Employer and the employee, who shall share the costs equally.
22.04 If the attending physician(s) of an employee so certifies that the employee may return to temporary light or temporary restricted duty, the City, at its discretion, and if the City has suitable work for such employee, may assign the employee to light duty work.
22.05 All employees are subject to the City's Transitional Work Program Policy.
INJURY LEAVE. 17.01 When an employee is injured in the line of duty, while actually working for the Employer, necessitating his absence from work he shall be eligible for a paid leave from the date of injury not to exceed ninety (90) calendar days, providing he files for Workers Compensation and his injury is approved by the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation. Should a claim be disallowed by the Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation for an injury, any payment made by the City prior to such determination by the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation shall be deducted from the employee's leave credits commencing with sick leave first He must also agree to assign the Employer those sums of money he would ordinarily receive as his weekly compensation as determined by law for those number of weeks he receives benefits under this Article.
17.02 If at the end of this ninety (90) day period the employee is still disabled, the leave may, at the Employer's discretion, be extended for additional ninety (90) calendar day periods, or parts thereof.
17.03 The Employer shall have the right to require the employee to have a physical exam by a physician appointed by the Employer resulting in the physician's certification that the employee is unable to work due to the injury as a condition precedent to the employee receiving any benefits under this Article. The designated physician's opinion shall govern whether the employee is actually disabled or not, but shall not govern whether the injury was duty related.
17.04 Nothing in this article will prohibit the employer, at its discretion, from assigning transitional duties to an employee currently on an approved injury leave, provided those duties are such that the employee can perform in light of the employee’s injury. As approved by a physician, the employee will first be offered light duty on his or her regularly scheduled shift. If an employee is offered transitional duty and declines, the employee will forfeit receiving any further compensation from the City while on injury leave.
17.05 For an employee to be placed on paid leave, he/she must provide a doctor's note or certificate indicating that all time missed is due to the work-related injury.
17.06 Employees returning from injury leave must provide a doctor's note or certificate indicating that the employee is able to return to work.
17.07 Once an employee receives a doctor's approved return to work, no paid injury leave will be permitted for further time off unless the employee re-i...
INJURY LEAVE. In the event an unusual circumstance exists regarding the original six (6) months of injury leave, and the employee did not use injury leave hours due to the injury or did not lose work time, the Fire Chief with the approval of the Human Resources Director may extend such injury leave. However, under no circumstances shall the total time granted be greater than twelve (12) months of injury leave, or an actual six (6) months of lost work time because of the injury.
INJURY LEAVE. Section 1. Effective January 1, 2006, in the event of an uncontested duty related injury resulting in loss of work by an employee, the Employer shall pay injury leave pay for the time lost at work for a period not to exceed sixty (60) work days (eight (8) hour equivalent) in one (1) calendar year. Compensation shall begin after seven (7) calendar days on the sixth (6th) consecutive shift of absence as certified by a physician.
Section 2. A total of sixty (60) days of granted pay shall be on a one (1) time basis, per one (1) calendar year period. An employee initially using a portion of said leave, shall be entitled to use the remaining period of time available within the calendar year. In such cases, additional absences as certified by a physician, require the employee to be off for a period of five (5) consecutive work days, where they returned to work prior to exhausting such injury leave within the calendar year period.
Section 3. No injury leave pay shall be paid at any time an employee is compensated by any other means by the Employer, including but not limited to, holidays, vacation, personal days, sick leave, bereavement, compensatory time, or compensation paid through Workers’ Compensation or other time off program funded by the Employer. Any paid time off, either pre-scheduled or naturally falling within the period an employee is off and being compensated injury leave pay, shall be charged to the appropriate designated account, such as vacation, holiday, sick leave, bereavement, etc. There shall be no break in seniority during the period an employee is receiving injury leave pay. No sick time will be accrued for days compensated as injury leave pay.
Section 4. The employee shall authorize the full release to the Employer of medical records and documents related to the incident or medical condition giving rise to the payment of injury leave pay. The employee may be required to submit to an examination by a physician designated by the Employer to determine work related eligibility issues or continued disability. If a claim is disallowed for any reason, the employee shall be required to reimburse the Employer for any compensation received. In the event a claim is contested by the Employer, and subsequently allowed, injury leave shall be paid or re-credited to sick, vacation, or other accounts where such deductions were originally made.
Section 5. An employee receiving injury leave pay or compensation through Workers’ Compensation, or similar program ...
INJURY LEAVE. Injury leave is paid leave granted to a biweekly employee while disabled and unable to perform his or her job duties because of a job-related injury, entitled to Workers' Compensation temporary total disability benefits, and is not ineligible under one or more conditions listed in Section 5.A herein. Injury leave compensation shall equal the difference between seventy-five (75%) of employee's wage rate and employee's Workers' Compensation temporary total disability indemnity. The appointing authority shall provide release time to allow an employee to attend follow-up medical appointments for accepted work related injuries.
INJURY LEAVE. A. Each employee shall be entitled to injury leave as a result of a service connected injury or illness which is covered under the Connecticut Workers' Compensation Act. Said employee shall be entitled to their normal pay for the number of days absent until the employee has recovered sufficiently to return to duty or has retired on a disability or regular pension. An injured employee will be entitled to this supplemental pay for up to eighteen (18) months; provided, however, that if the employee's treating physician certifies to the Town that it is likely the employee will be able to return to work within an additional six-month period, then the pay supplement shall be extended to the date of the employee's return, but not more than six (6) additional months. Upon completion of the period of supplemental pay, the injured employee shall be entitled to whatever benefits are mandated by the Workers' Compensation Act. By placing an employee on injury leave the Town does not waive any rights it may have under the Connecticut Workers' Compensation Act.
B. In the event that an employee is injured in the performance of their duty as a Police Officer and is capable of performing a light duty assignment as determined by the employee's physician, such light duty assignment shall be within the Department, should the work be available as determined by the Chief of Police. If no work is available within the Department, the Department of Human Resources shall find suitable work within Town Government.
C. The Town may assign an employee on injury leave to duties other than their regular duties during the period of any injury leave.
D. A complete report of each accident shall be made to the employee's immediate supervisor as soon as practical after it occurs.
E. The Town without further negotiations may implement a managed medical care plan network for employees’ work related medical treatments. In the event the Town changes its workers’ compensation administrator/carrier, any new medical care plan network shall be substantially equivalent to the prior medical care plan network.
INJURY LEAVE. All employees who are disabled as a result of a job-related injury or disease, which is deemed compensable by Worker’s Compensation, may be granted injury leave not to exceed five of the employee’s normal working shifts for any particular injury. A working shift is counted even if an employee is absent for any portion of their assigned shift. Disabled shall mean unable to perform the essential functions usually encountered in one’s employment due either to an injury/disease or to treatment for an injury/disease.
a. Any job related injury or disease shall be reported to the proper agency authority as soon as possible and the agency shall have the responsibility to supply all the necessary information to the Office of Risk Management.
b. No employee shall receive a salary (workers’ compensation plus regular pay) in excess of his or her normal wage.
c. Health insurance with the appropriate employer contribution will be paid during an absence under workers' compensation after all accrued leave and compensatory time has been depleted.
INJURY LEAVE. Any employee who is injured in the performance of his duties shall receive the difference between his regular pay and the Worker's Compensation payment for a period not to exceed ten (10) working days. Failure to immediately report an accident which may result in injury may cause forfeiture of the additional benefit.
INJURY LEAVE. In recognition of the hazardous and physical nature of firefighting and in recognition of the value of trained and experienced Firefighters, the following provisions are adopted for the term of this Agreement:
INJURY LEAVE. The Union and the City of Tulsa recognize the necessity of maintaining a uniform policy and procedure for administering injury leave within the City of Tulsa. The reporting of injuries is for the protection of the employee and the City. The City’s Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual (P.P.