Sick Leave Sharing. A. Bargaining unit members who have accumulated more than twenty-two (22) leave days may donate accumulated sick leave days to other employees in any twelve (12) month period. The employee donating the days shall specify the number of days to be donated. The District shall develop forms and procedures necessary to implement this. Transfers of sick leave under this provision are limited to transfers from employees who do not accrue annual vacation leave. No transfer of sick leave shall result in an employee's account going below twenty-two (22) days. B. The person receiving the donated days must suffer from or have a relative or household member suffering from an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition, which is of an extraordinary or severe nature, or be a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, or be temporarily disabled due to pregnancy disability or for the purpose of parental leave to bond with the employee’s newborn, adoptive, or xxxxxx child. An employee may maintain up to forty (40) hours of accumulated leave when applying for shared leave. C. An employee may use shared leave non-consecutively. No employee shall use more than the number of contracted workdays per contract year. The employee may only receive and use up to a maximum of five hundred twenty-two (522) days of shared leave during total District employment. D. In the event the employee receiving donated leave does not use all leave donated, the unused donated leave in such employee's leave account shall be returned to donors, pro-rated, within thirty (30) days after the employee’s request for shared leave ceases. E. An employee using donated leave days shall receive the same benefits and pay as if they had been working. F. Except for procedures in (D) immediately above, when leave is donated, the donor will be required to execute a waiver whereby the donor will be required to agree to not ask for return of the donated leave. G. The District and Association shall each designate one (1) person who shall serve jointly for the purpose of reviewing requests for such leave. H. Contributions of sick leave shall be on a voluntary basis and the names of donors and non-donors shall be kept confidential. I. This Agreement will conform to state laws and WAC's.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sick Leave Sharing. A. Bargaining unit members 1. Consistent with the provisions and requirements of state and federal statutes and this contract, employees may share accumlated annual leave or sick leave with another employee who:
a. Suffers from, or has a household member of relative who suffers from an extraordinary or severe illness, injury or impairment, or physical or mental condition; is a victim of domestice villence, sexual assualt, or stalking; needs time for parental leave; is sick or temporarily disabled becausse of a pregnancy; or ahs been call to service in the uniformed services.
b. Has a condition or circumstance with is of an extraordinary or severe nature and which has caused, or is likely to cause, the imployee to:
I. Apply for leave without pay, or;
II. Terminate employment;
1. Has depleted or will shortly deplete all applicable leave reserves. A staff member who is sick or temporarily disabled because of pregnancy or using parental leave does not have accumulated to deplete all annual and sick leave reserves; he or she can maintain up to forty (40) hourse of sick leave in reserve.
2. Has abided by District rules regarding use of leave.
3. The staff member has diligently pursued and been found to be ineligible to receive industrial insureance benefits.
2. A staff member who does not accrue annual leave but who has a n accrued sick leave balance of more than twenty-two (22) leave days may donate accumulated request that the Superintendent transfer a specified amount of sick leave to another staff member authoriezed to received such leave, as described above.
3. A staff member may request to transfer no more that six (6) days to other employees in of sick leave during any twelve (12) month period. The employee donating the days shall specify the number of days mongth period and may not request to be donated. The District shall develop forms and procedures necessary to implement this. Transfers of sick leave under this provision are limited to transfers from employees who do not accrue annual vacation leave. No transfer of sick leave shall that would result in an employee's account going below accrued sick leave balance of fewer that twenty-two (22) days.
B. The person receiving 4. A staff member who receives personal leave may request that the donated days must suffer from or have superintendent transfer a relative or household member suffering from an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition, which is specified amount of an extraordinary or severe nature, or be a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, or be temporarily disabled due to pregnancy disability or for the purpose of parental personal leave to bond with the employee’s newborn, adoptive, or xxxxxx child. An employee may maintain up another person authorized to forty (40) hours of accumulated leave when applying for teceive shared leave.
C. An employee . A staff member may use shared leave non-consecutively. No employee shall use request to transfer no more than the number accumulated amount of contracted workdays per contract year. The employee may only receive and use up to a maximum of five hundred twenty-two (522) days of shared personal leave during total District employmentavailable.
D. 5. In the event the employee receiving donated leave does leavedoes not use all leave donated, the unused donated leave in such employee's ’s leave account shall be returned to donors, pro-ratedprorated, within thirty sixty (3060) days after the employeerecipient’s request for shared use of accumulated leave ceases.
E. An employee using donated leave days shall receive the same benefits and pay as if they had been working.
F. Except for procedures in (D) immediately above, when leave is donated, the donor will be required to execute a waiver whereby the donor will be required to agree to not ask for return of the donated leave.
G. The District and Association shall each designate one (1) person who shall serve jointly for the purpose of reviewing requests for such leave.
H. Contributions 6. Contrubutions of sick leave shall be on a voluntary basis and the basis. The names of donors and donors, non-donors and recipients shall be kept confidential.
I. 7. This Agreement will conform to state laws provision shall be in conformity with rules and WAC'sregulations as prescribed by RCW 41.04.650, 41.04.655 and 41.04.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement
Sick Leave Sharing. A. Bargaining unit members who have 1. Consistent with the provisions and requirements of state and federal statutes and this contract, employees may share accumulated more than twenty-two (22) annual leave days may donate accumulated or sick leave days to other employees in any twelve (12) month period. The with another employee donating the days shall specify the number of days to be donated. The District shall develop forms and procedures necessary to implement this. Transfers of sick leave under this provision are limited to transfers from employees who do not accrue annual vacation leave. No transfer of sick leave shall result in an employee's account going below twenty-two (22) days.who:
B. The person receiving the donated days must suffer from a. Suffers from, or have has a relative or household member suffering or relative who suffers from an extraordinary or severe illness, injuryinjury or impairment, impairment or physical or mental condition, which ; is of an extraordinary or severe nature, or be a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; needs time for parental leave; is sick or temporarily disabled because of a pregnancy; or has been called to service in the uniformed services.
b. Has a condition or circumstance which is of an extraordinary or severe nature and which has caused, or be is likely to cause, the employee to:
i. Apply for leave without pay, or;
ii. Terminate employment:
1) Has depleted or will shortly deplete all applicable leave reserves. A staff member who is sick or temporarily disabled due to because of pregnancy disability or for the purpose of using parental leave does not have to bond with the employee’s newborn, adoptive, deplete all annual and sick leave reserves; he or xxxxxx child. An employee may she can maintain up to forty (40) hours of accumulated sick leave when applying for shared leavein reserve.
C. An employee may use shared 2) The staff member has diligently pursued and been found to be ineligible to receive industrial insurance benefits.
2. A staff member who has an accrued sick leave non-consecutively. No employee shall use balance of more than the number of contracted workdays per contract year. The employee may only receive and use up to a maximum of five hundred twenty-two (52222) days may request that the Superintendent transfer a specified amount of sick leave to another staff member authorized to receive such leave, as described above.
3. A staff member may request to transfer no more than six (6) days of shared sick leave during total District employmentany twelve (12) month period and may not request a transfer that would result in an accrued sick leave balance of fewer than twenty- two (22) days.
D. 4. A staff member who receives personal leave may request that the superintendent transfer a specified amount of personal leave to another person authorized to receive shared leave. A staff member may request to transfer no more than the accumulated amount of personal leave available.
5. In the event the employee receiving donated leave does not use all leave donated, the unused donated leave in such employee's ’s leave account shall be returned to donors, pro-ratedprorated, within thirty sixty (3060) days after the employeerecipient’s request for shared use of accumulated leave ceases.
E. An employee using donated leave days shall receive the same benefits and pay as if they had been working.
F. Except for procedures in (D) immediately above, when leave is donated, the donor will be required to execute a waiver whereby the donor will be required to agree to not ask for return of the donated leave.
G. The District and Association shall each designate one (1) person who shall serve jointly for the purpose of reviewing requests for such leave.
H. 6. Contributions of sick leave shall be on a voluntary basis and the basis. The names of donors and donors, non-donors and recipients shall be kept confidential.
I. 7. This Agreement will conform to state laws provision shall be in conformity with rules and WAC'sregulations as prescribed by RCW 41.04.650, 41.04.655, and 41.04.665.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sick Leave Sharing. The District and Association agree that in the event of an extended illness/injury sick leave sharing is a worthwhile benefit to benefit unit members. Therefore the parties agree as follows:
A. Bargaining unit members who have accumulated more than twenty-two sixty (2260) leave days may donate up to six (6) accumulated sick leave days to other employees in any twelve (12) month period. The employee donating the days shall specify the number of days to be donated. The District shall develop forms and procedures necessary to implement this. Transfers of sick leave under this provision are limited to transfers from employees who do not accrue annual vacation leave. No transfer of sick leave shall result in an employee's account going below twenty-two sixty (2260) days.
B. The person receiving the donated days must have exhausted all accumulated leave before using the donated days and must suffer from or have a relative or household member suffering from an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition, condition which is of an extraordinary or severe naturenature and which has caused, or be a victim of domestic violenceis likely to cause, sexual assault, or stalking, or be temporarily disabled due to pregnancy disability or for the purpose of parental leave to bond with the employee’s newborn:
1) to take an unpaid leave of absence, adoptive, or xxxxxx child. An employee may maintain up or
2) to forty (40) hours of accumulated leave when applying for shared leaveterminate employment.
C. An employee may use shared leave non-consecutively. No employee shall use receive more than the number of contracted workdays per contract year. The employee may only receive and use up to a maximum of five one hundred twenty-two eighty (522180) days of shared leave during total District employmentdonated leave.
D. In the event the employee receiving donated leave does not use all leave donated, the unused donated leave in such employee's leave account shall be returned to donors, pro-ratedprorata, within thirty (30) days after the employee’s request for shared donee's use of accumulated leave ceases.
E. An employee using donated leave days shall receive the same benefits and pay as if they had been working.
F. Except for procedures in (D) immediately above, when leave is donated, the donor will be required to execute a waiver whereby the donor will be required to agree to that he/she will not ask for return of the donated leave.
G. The District and Association shall each designate one (1) person who shall serve jointly for the purpose of reviewing requests for such leave. Requests for leave sharing must conform to the above criteria.
H. Contributions of sick leave shall be on a voluntary basis and the names of donors and non-donors shall be kept confidential.
I. This Agreement will conform to state laws and WAC's.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Sick Leave Sharing. A. Bargaining unit members who have 1. Consistent with the provisions and requirements of state and federal statutes and this contract, employees may share accumulated more than twenty-two (22) annual leave days may donate accumulated or sick leave days to other employees in any twelve (12) month period. The with another employee donating the days shall specify the number of days to be donated. The District shall develop forms and procedures necessary to implement this. Transfers of sick leave under this provision are limited to transfers from employees who do not accrue annual vacation leave. No transfer of sick leave shall result in an employee's account going below twenty-two (22) days.who:
B. The person receiving the donated days must suffer from a. Suffers from, or have has a relative or household member suffering or relative who suffers from an extraordinary or severe illness, injuryinjury or impairment, impairment or physical or mental condition, which ; is of an extraordinary or severe nature, or be a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; needs time for parental leave; is sick or temporarily disabled because of a pregnancy; or has been called to service in the uniformed services.
b. Has a condition or circumstance which is of an extraordinary or severe nature and which has caused, or be is likely to cause, the employee to:
i. Apply for leave without pay, or;
ii. Terminate employment:
1) Has depleted or will shortly deplete all applicable leave reserves. A staff member who is sick or temporarily disabled due to because of pregnancy disability or for the purpose of using parental leave does not have to bond with the employee’s newborn, adoptive, deplete all annual and sick leave reserves; he or xxxxxx child. An employee may she can maintain up to forty (40) hours of accumulated sick leave when applying for shared leavein reserve.
C. An employee may use shared 2) The staff member has diligently pursued and been found to be ineligible to receive industrial insurance benefits.
2. A staff member who has an accrued sick leave non-consecutively. No employee shall use balance of more than the number of contracted workdays per contract year. The employee may only receive and use up to a maximum of five hundred twenty-two (52222) days may request that the Superintendent transfer a specified amount of sick leave to another staff member authorized to receive such leave, as described above.
3. A staff member may request to transfer no more than six (6) days of shared sick leave during total District employmentany twelve (12) month period and may not request a transfer that would result in an accrued sick leave balance of fewer than twenty-two (22) days.
D. 4. A staff member who receives personal leave may request that the superintendent transfer a specified amount of personal leave to another person authorized to receive shared leave. A staff member may request to transfer no more than the accumulated amount of personal leave available.
5. In the event the employee receiving donated leave does not use all leave donated, the unused donated leave in such employee's ’s leave account shall be returned to donors, pro-ratedprorated, within thirty sixty (3060) days after the employeerecipient’s request for shared use of accumulated leave ceases.
E. An employee using donated leave days shall receive the same benefits and pay as if they had been working.
F. Except for procedures in (D) immediately above, when leave is donated, the donor will be required to execute a waiver whereby the donor will be required to agree to not ask for return of the donated leave.
G. The District and Association shall each designate one (1) person who shall serve jointly for the purpose of reviewing requests for such leave.
H. 6. Contributions of sick leave shall be on a voluntary basis and the basis. The names of donors and donors, non-donors and recipients shall be kept confidential.
I. 7. This Agreement will conform to state laws provision shall be in conformity with rules and WAC'sregulations as prescribed by RCW 41.04.650, 41.04.655, and 41.04.665.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Negotiated Agreement
Sick Leave Sharing. A. Bargaining unit members who have Consistent with the provisions and requirements of state and federal statutes and this contract, employees may share accumulated more than twenty-two (22) annual leave days may donate accumulated or sick leave days to other employees in any twelve (12) month period. The with another employee donating the days shall specify the number of days to be donated. The District shall develop forms and procedures necessary to implement this. Transfers of sick leave under this provision are limited to transfers from employees who do not accrue annual vacation leave. No transfer of sick leave shall result in an employee's account going below twenty-two (22) days.
B. The person receiving the donated days must suffer from who: Suffers from, or have has a relative or household member suffering or relative who suffers from an extraordinary or severe illness, injuryinjury or impairment, impairment or physical or mental condition, which ; is of an extraordinary or severe nature, or be a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; needs time for parental leave; is sick or temporarily disabled because of a pregnancy; or has been called to service in the uniformed services. Has a condition or circumstance which is of an extraordinary or severe nature and which has caused, or be is likely to cause, the employee to: Apply for leave without pay, or; Terminate employment: Has depleted or will shortly deplete all applicable leave reserves. A staff member who is sick or temporarily disabled due to because of pregnancy disability or for the purpose of using parental leave does not have to bond with the employee’s newborn, adoptive, deplete all annual and sick leave reserves; he or xxxxxx child. An employee may she can maintain up to forty (40) hours of accumulated sick leave when applying for shared in reserve. Has abided by District rules regarding use of leave.
C. An employee . The staff member has diligently pursued and been found to be ineligible to receive industrial insurance benefits. A staff member may use only request shared leave non-consecutivelyfrom, or donate shared leave to, members of this unit. No employee shall use A staff member who does not accrue annual leave but who has an accrued sick leave balance of more than the number of contracted workdays per contract year. The employee may only receive and use up to a maximum of five hundred twenty-two (52222) days may request that the Superintendent transfer a specified amount of sick leave to another staff member authorized to receive such leave, as described above. A staff member may request to transfer no more than six (6) days of shared sick leave during total District employment.
D. any twelve (12) month period and may not request a transfer that would result in an accrued sick leave balance of fewer than twenty-two (22) days. A staff member who receives personal leave may request that the superintendent transfer a specified amount of personal leave to another person authorized to receive shared leave. A staff member may request to transfer no more than the accumulated amount of personal leave available. In the event the employee receiving donated leave does not use all leave donated, the unused donated leave in such employee's ’s leave account shall be returned to donors, pro-ratedprorated, within thirty sixty (3060) days after the employeerecipient’s request for shared use of accumulated leave ceases.
E. An employee using donated leave days shall receive the same benefits and pay as if they had been working.
F. Except for procedures in (D) immediately above, when leave is donated, the donor will be required to execute a waiver whereby the donor will be required to agree to not ask for return of the donated leave.
G. The District and Association shall each designate one (1) person who shall serve jointly for the purpose of reviewing requests for such leave.
H. . Contributions of sick leave shall be on a voluntary basis and the basis. The names of donors and donors, non-donors and recipients shall be kept confidential. This provision shall be in conformity with rules and regulations as prescribed by RCW 41.04.650, 41.04.655, and 41.04.665.
I. This Agreement will conform to state laws and WAC's.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Master Agreement