Stumps. All hazardous/eligible stumps identified by the City will be pulled, loaded, transported, stored, reduced and disposed in accordance with the standards of this Contract. All stumps will be documented, invoiced and paid in accordance with Xxxxx Conversion Table – Diameter to Volume Capacity.
Stumps. Stumps and roots whether existing or remaining after tree felling shall where directed by the Engineer be grubbed out and disposed off the Site. The resulting hole shall be filled with approved material deposited in 225 mm layers and compacted to the same dry density as the adjoining soil. The contractor shall arrange to make trial pits at appropriate intervals to ascertain the underground services and to fix up Storm Water Drain alignments. During execution of works if contractor causes damages to the under ground services like Metro Water pipe lines, TNEB, Chennai Telephones, Corporation Street Light Cable, and other OFC cables etc., it should be restored to its original condition by he contractor with at his own cost. Further if any damage charges claimed by the service departments will also be borne by the contractor. Chennai Corporation will be liable for such payments.
Stumps. All hazardous/eligible stumps identified by the Municipality will be pulled, loaded, transported, stored, reduced and disposed in accordance with FEMA standards. All stumps with a diameter of 24 inches or smaller will be documented, invoiced and paid as cubic yard debris in accordance with FEMA Recovery Policy RP9523.
Stumps. The removal and disposal of all stumps, when eligible for removal, may be paid on a cubic yard basis, regardless of size or whether or not the stumps require extraction by the Contractor. Stumps 6” or larger hauled separate from other debris shall be individually measured and converted to cubic yards using the FEMA standard conversion TABLE by the City’s representative. Uprooted stumps with an exposed root ball on improved public property or ROW, 24” or larger that create an immediate threat of life, public health, and safety, which have to be extracted by mechanical means, may be due additional pay as per the values listed on the Price Proposal Form. These incidents may be addressed on a case by case basis by the City after FEMA approval. Removal shall be accomplished by the most economical means. The extracted xxxxx will then be measured and converted to cubic yards using the FEMA standard TABLE by the City’s representative.
Stumps. All eligible stumps authorized by the County shall be extracted, loaded, transported, stored, reduced and disposed in accordance with the standards and pricing templates of this Contract and in accordance with FEMA guidance documents DAP9523.11 or as amended. Small stumps placed within loose debris piles shall be collected as normal debris. Loose stumps, placed at the right-of-way by others shall be identified and converted to cubic yards prior to collection. The size of all eligible loose stumps shall be determined by measuring up 1 to 2 feet from the root system then measuring the circumference and dividing by (3.14) to determine the diameter; or in accordance with the most currently available FEMA guidelines. All stumps will be documented, invoiced and paid in accordance with FEMA guidance and details & conditions of this Contract. The Vendor shall backfill the hole left from xxxxx extractions.
Stumps. All stumps that are both hazardous and FEMA eligible debris and are identified by the Town of Nags Head will be pulled, loaded, transported, stored, reduced and disposed in accordance with FEMA standards. All such stumps with a diameter of 24 inches or smaller will be documented, invoiced and paid as cubic yard debris in accordance with FEMA Recovery Policy RP9523.
Stumps. PURCHASER must cut stumps at twelve (12) inches or less as measured on the uphill side, unless rocks or other objects require a taller xxxxx.
Stumps. The removal and disposal of all stumps will be paid on the cubic yard basis, regardless of size or whether or not the stumps require extraction by the contractor. Stumps 24" or larger hauled separate from other debris shall be individually measured by the City and converted to cubic yards using the attached Xxxxx Conversion Table. Partially uprooted stumps with an exposed root ball on improved public property or ROW 24" or larger that create an immediate threat to life, public health, and safety which have to be extracted by mechanical means may be addressed on a case by case basis by the City after FEMA approval. Stumps not approved in advance by FEMA shall be paid for on a cubic yard basis, on the location that the xxxxx was found. Stumps off private property are considered DEBRIS, and paid for using the national conversion chart.
Stumps. Tree stumps located within the ROW with are one-half or more of the root ball exposed will be removed. Tree stumps with base cut diameter measurements less than or equal to 24 inches (measured 24 inches up from where the tree originally exited the ground) will be considered to be burnable debris and removed of with the same methods used for other burnable debris. Tree stumps larger than 24 inches in diameter will be removed of as burnable and paid for in accordance to the MEASURMENT and PAYMENT paragraphs in this contract.