SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT. (1) The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any part of this CONTRACT without prior written approval of the DEPARTMENT. (2) When the CONSULTANT is authorized to sublet or assign a portion of the services, the CONSULTANT shall perform services amounting to at least one-half of the original CONTRACT amount. (3) Consent to assign, sublet, or otherwise dispose of any portion of the CONTRACT shall not be construed to relieve the CONSULTANT of any responsibility for the fulfillment of the CONTRACT. (4) When the CONSULTANT subcontracts a portion of the services, the subcontract shall provide for the performance of the services to the full scope as contemplated in this CONTRACT and to the same standards and concept as if performed by the CONSULTANT. (5) No subcontracting and assignment of any services under this CONTRACT shall state, imply, intend, or be construed to limit the legal liability of the CONSULTANT or the subconsultant.
SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT. 1. The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any part of this MASTER CONTRACT or its WORK ORDERS without the prior written approval of the DEPARTMENT. 2. When the CONSULTANT is authorized to sublet or assign a portion of the Services covered by WORK ORDERS issued under this MASTER CONTRACT, the CONSULTANT shall perform, with its own organization, Services amounting to at least one-half of the original WORK ORDER amount.‌ 3. Consent to assign, sublet or otherwise dispose of any portion of the MASTER CONTRACT or its WORK ORDERS shall not be construed to relieve the CONSULTANT of any responsibility for the fulfillment of the Services. 4. When the CONSULTANT subcontracts for the performance of a portion or any phase of the Services covered by a WORK ORDER under this MASTER CONTRACT, the subcontract shall provide for the performance of such Services to the full scope as contemplated in the WORK ORDER and this MASTER CONTRACT and to the same standards and concept as if performed by the prime CONSULTANT. 5. No subletting, subcontracting or assignment of any portion of the Services shall state, imply, intend or be construed to limit the legal liability of either the prime CONSULTANT or the Subcontractor.
SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT. The vendor(s) shall give their personal attention to the faithful prosecution of the work; shall keep the same under his personal control and shall not assign by power of attorney or otherwise sublet the work or any part thereof without the previous written consent of the Department. The vendor shall not either legally or equitably assign any of the monies payable under this agreement or his claim thereto unless by and with the written consent of said Department.
SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT. A. The Contractor shall perform, with Contractor’s own organization, work amounting to not less than seventy (70) percent of the total contract cost.
SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTContractor shall not sublet, sell, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the Contract or any portion thereof, or of the Work, or of Contractor’s right, title or interest therein, to any person, firm or corporation without the written consent of the City and Contractor's Surety, and such consent shall not relieve Contractor in any way of full responsibility for the performance of this Contract. Contractor shall include a list of subcontractors with the Proposal. The City reserves the right to reject any or all of the subcontractors.
SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT. (1) The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign all or any part of the work under this CONTRACT without the prior written approval of the DEPARTMENT. Consent to assign, sublet or otherwise dispose of any portion of the CONTRACT shall not be construed to relieve the CONSULTANT of any responsibility for the fulfillment of the CONTRACT. (2) The CONSULTANT shall submit to the DEPARTMENT a list of all work to be sublet under this CONTRACT for its approval. This list shall contain the name of the subconsultants, the work items they will perform, and a resume of their previous relevant experience.
SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT. (1) The City shall not sublet or assign, outside of the City's departments, all or any part of the work under the Agreement. (2) All the applicable terms of the Agreement remain in force and are a condition to any work approved to be sublet or assigned. Specific reference is made to Attachment No. 3 - Civil Rights Act of 1964 & Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - , as applicable to the subcontract.
SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACT. (1) The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any part of this CONTRACT without prior written approval of the MUNICIPALITY. (2) Consent to assign, sublet, or otherwise dispose of any portion of the CONTRACT shall not be construed to relieve the CONSULTANT of any responsibility for the fulfillment of the CONTRACT. (3) No subcontracting or assignment of any services under this CONTRACT shall state, imply, intend, or be constructed to limit the legal liability of the CONSULTANT or the sub-consultant.
SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTThe Contractor shall keep the work under his personal control and shall not assign by power of attorney or otherwise or sublet the work or any part thereof.
SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTThe Contractor agrees not to assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of the contract or his right, title, or interest, therein either in whole or in part, or his power to execute such contract to any other person, firm, or corporation, or to subcontract any part of the work without the previous consent in writing of the Owner. It is understood and agreed that if any part of the work to be done under the contract is subcontracted, the subcontracting shall be done in accordance with, and the Contractor shall be bound by, the following provisions. All subcontracts shall be in writing and shall provide that all work to be performed thereunder shall be conducted and performed in accordance with the terms of the prime contract. Upon request, certified copies of any or all subcontracts shall be furnished to the Engineer. In case the work being done or to be done under any subcontract is not conducted in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer, Contractor shall upon written notice to this effect cause such subcontractor to be terminated and the subcontractor and his employees to be removed from the work. Any loss or damage that may be suffered on account of such action shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor agrees that he is as fully responsible to Owner for the acts and omissions of his subcontractors and of persons either directly or indirectly employed by them as he is for acts and omissions of his own employees. Nothing contained in the contract documents shall create any contractual relation between any subcontractor and the Owner. Insofar as is practical, the Contractor shall make payment for subcontract work in the same units and on the same basis of measurement as apply under the prime contract. The Owner will not be responsible for loss resulting from Contractor's failure to do so. In making payments to subcontractor, Contractor shall protect himself against possibility of overpayment, and he shall assume such losses as may result from overpayment. The subcontracting of any or all of the work to be done will in no way relieve Contractor of any part of his responsibility under the contract. The Contractor shall have on the work at all times a qualified and capable superintendent whose duty shall be to direct and coordinate the operations of the subcontractors and to make certain orders of the Engineer are compiled with. Failure of Contractor to control the work of the subcontractors to the satisfaction of the Engineer will result in the issua...