SUPERVISOR WORKING. The Employer agrees that the function of a supervisor is the supervision of employees and not the work of the employees they supervise. The Employer shall maintain a sufficient workforce to staff its operations with bargaining unit employees. Supervisors will not perform bargaining unit work until all reasonable efforts are exhausted to use bargaining unit employees. If it is determined at any step of the grievance procedure that this Section has been violated, the aggrieved employee filing the grievance will be paid at the applicable rate of pay for all time worked by the supervisor.
SUPERVISOR WORKING. =It is understood that supervisors will not perform any work that is assigned to employees covered by this Agreement except for the purposes of training, demonstration, safety education or emergen- cies. In the event a supervisor does perform bargaining unit work the shop xxxxxxx will be notified.
SUPERVISOR WORKING. (a) Non bargaining unit employees shall not perform work normally done by employees in the bargaining unit except for the purpose of instruction, experimentation, inspection and in an emergency when employees are not available.
(b) Before any non-bargaining unit employees perform instruction, experimental, inspection or emergency work, the Plant Chairperson or Committee person or Xxxxxxx on shift will be notified and have the opportunity to evaluate such work before it begins.
(c) In the event that 15.01 (b) is perceived to be violated, the Company and the Union will partake in a joint investigation to determine if an infraction has occurred. Once complete, should it be determined that the Company completed bargaining unit work contrary to clause 15.01 (b) the Company will pay the employee with the lowest hours in the classification affected up to 3 hours regular pay.
15.02 In instances where outside contractors are utilized due to a customer or supplier issue, the Company will advise the Union in advance and provide confirmation of the customer or supplier issue.
SUPERVISOR WORKING. It is acknowledged that Company supervisors can and do perform work that is common to the bargaining unit, and such work is performed on a continuing basis as an integral part of the grain terminal operations. Supervisors will not be added to the workforce for the purpose of eroding the bargaining unit. Supervisors may be added to the workforce if operating needs warrant it. The act of supervisors working per se does not constitute an erosion of the bargaining unit.
SUPERVISOR WORKING. The Employer agrees that the function of a supervisor is the supervision of employees and not the work of the employees they supervise. The Employer shall maintain a sufficient workforce to staff its operations with bargaining unit employees. Supervisors will not perform bargaining unit work until all reasonable efforts are exhausted to use bargaining unit employees.
SUPERVISOR WORKING. Supervisors are not permitted to perform carrier duties, except as provided for in Article 1 section 6.A of the National agreement.
SUPERVISOR WORKING. Full time supervisors above the rank of Working Foreperson will not customarily perform the same work which is performed by the employee whom they supervise, provided, however, that supervisors may perform such work for the purpose of instruction, training, and in cases of emergency. Emergencies, for the purpose of this section, shall be defined as including the following two descriptions: (1) customer outages or (2) an unexpected occurrence or set of circumstances demanding immediate action which threatens life, limb, property or the continuity of service.
SUPERVISOR WORKING. Non bargaining unit employees shall not perform work normally done by employees in the bargaining unit except for the purpose of experimentation, inspection and in an emergency when employees are not available.
SUPERVISOR WORKING. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to prohibit the Employer from using supervisory and other non-bargaining unit employees for the performance of work performed by bargaining unit employees in the same manner, under the same or similar circumstances and to the same extent such work was performed by such people prior to the execution of this Agreement.