Social Security (check one)
Benefit to Citizens of Xxxxxxx County The safety of the citizens of Xxxxxxx County is enhanced through this Agreement, which promotes safe boating conditions and reduces costs associated with patrols of recreational waterways.
Customs Cooperation 1. The Parties shall enhance their cooperation in customs and customs-related matters. 2. The Parties affirm their commitment to the facilitation of the legitimate movement of goods and shall exchange expertise on measures to improve customs techniques and procedures and on computerized systems in accordance with this Agreement. 3. The Parties shall assist each other, in the areas within their competence, in the manner and under the conditions set out in this Chapter to ensure that the customs legislation is correctly applied, in particular by preventing, detecting, and investigating operations in breach of that legislation. 4. The Parties shall commit to: (a) pursuing the harmonization of documentation used in trade and data elements in accordance with international standards, for purposes of facilitating the flow of trade between them, in customs-related matters regarding the importation, exportation, and transit of goods; (b) intensifying cooperation between their customs laboratories and scientific departments and working towards the harmonization of customs laboratories methods ; (c) exchanging customs' experts of the Parties; (d) jointly organizing training programs on customs-related issues for the officials who participate directly in customs procedures; (e) developing effective mechanisms for communicating with the trade and business communities; (f) assisting each other, to the extent possible, in tariff classification, valuation, and determination of origin, for the preferential tariff treatment of imported goods, and other customs matters including non- preferential origin; (g) promoting strong and efficient intellectual property rights enforcement by customs authorities, regarding imports, exports, re-exports, transit, transshipments, and other customs procedures, and in particular regarding counterfeit goods; and (h) improving the security, while facilitating trade, of sea-container and other shipments from all locations that are imported into, trans-shipped through, or transiting Korea or Peru. The Parties agree that the objectives of the intensified and broadened cooperation include, but are not limited to: (i) working together to reinforce the customs- related aspects for securing the logistics chain of international trade; and (ii) coordinating positions, to the extent possible, in any multilateral fora where issues related to container security may be appropriately raised and discussed.
Unemployment Insurance Unemployment Insurance coverage will be provided during the life of this Agreement for regular and auxiliary employees who would, if employed by a private employer, be eligible for such coverage under the provisions of the Unemployment Insurance Act.
Signature on Returns; Tax Matters Partner (a) The Owner Trustee shall sign, on behalf of the Trust, the tax returns of the Trust. (b) The Depositor, as a Certificateholder, shall be designated the “tax matters partner” of the Trust pursuant to Section 6231(a)(7)(A) of the Code and applicable Treasury Regulations.
Payroll Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the Company’s right to modify its payroll practices, as it deems necessary.
Income Tax Withholding You must indicate on distribution requests whether or not federal tax should be withheld. Distribution requests without a federal withholding statement require the Custodian to withhold federal tax in accordance with IRS regulations. State withholding may also apply for distribution requests received without a withholding statement.
Customs Clearance 1. The Parties shall apply their respective customsprocedures in a predictable, consistent, and transparentmanner. 2. For prompt customs clearance of goods traded between theParties, each Party shall: (a) endeavor to make use of information and communications technology; (b) simplify its customs procedures; (c) harmonize its customs procedures, as far as possible,with relevant international standards and recommended practices such as those made under the auspices of theCustoms Co-operation Council; and (d) promote cooperation, wherever appropriate, betweenits customs authority and: (i) other national authorities of the Party; (ii) the trading communities of the Party; and (iii) the customs authorities of non- Parties. 3. Each Party shall provide affected parties with easilyaccessible processes of administrative and judicial review ofits administrative actions relating to customs matters.
Payroll Errors Any payroll error resulting in insufficient payment for an employee in the bargaining unit shall be corrected, and a supplemental check issued, not later than five (5) working days after the employee provides notice to the payroll department.
Unemployment If an employee or former employee is wholly or partially unemployed, he may claim benefits pursuant to the WW and also claim an enhanced benefit pursuant to the BWRHBO if he complies with the provisions laid down in these regulations.