Technical Feasibility Sample Clauses
Technical Feasibility. Subject to applicable and effective FCC rules and orders, if the Parties are unable to reach agreement, pursuant to voluntary negotiations, as to whether it is technically feasible, or whether sufficient space is available, to unbundle the subloop at the point where a carrier requests, BellSouth shall have the burden of demonstrating to the Commission, pursuant to state arbitration proceedings under section 252 of the Act, that there is not sufficient space available, or that it is not technically feasible, to unbundle the subloop at the point requested.
Technical Feasibility. The Parties acknowledge for purposes of this requirement that the locations listed in Appendix B constitute the technically feasible points of Direct Interconnection which include any meet point location at the service boundary of the Telephone Company, any other location within the service area boundary at which the Telephone Company has provisioned services to its end users, any location at which a Telecommunications Carrier has obtained special access services from Telephone Company, or any point mutually agreed to the Parties. Appendix B contains the existing POIs established between the Parties if applicable. The CMRS Provider and Telephone Company may establish additional POIs, from time to time, in accordance with this Agreement. Appendix B also contains information on the other locations where Direct Interconnection with the Telephone Company’s network may be requested. Both Parties recognize the Telephone Company may make modifications to its network architecture, NPA-NXX utilization, or Local Calling Area that impact the “Direct Interconnection POI Locations and Telephone Company Local Calling Area” data contained in Appendix B. In the event the Telephone Company intends to make modifications that impact Appendix B, the Telephone Company will provide 90 days advance notice of any such modifications to CMRS Provider where such modifications will impact Traffic routed over Direct Interconnection facilities.
Technical Feasibility. Technical fea- sibility reports shall be prepared by in- dividuals who have previous experience in the design and analysis of similar fa- cilities and/or processes as are proposed in the application. The technical feasi- bility reports shall address the suit- ability of the selected site for the in- tended use, including an environmental impact analysis. The report shall be based upon verifiable data and contain sufficient information and analysis so that a determination may be made on the technical feasibility of achieving the levels of income and/or production that are projected in the financial statements. The report shall also iden- tify any constraints or limitations in these financial projections and any other facility or design related factors which might affect the success of the enterprise. The report shall also iden- tify and estimate project operating and development costs and specify the level of accuracy of these estimates and the assumptions on which these estimates have been based. For the purpose of the technical feasibility reports, the project engineer or architect may be considered an independent party pro- vided the principals of the firm or any individual of the firm who participates in the technical feasibility report does not have a financial interest in the project, and provided further that no other individual or firm with the exper- tise necessary to make such a deter- mination is reasonably available to perform the function.
Technical Feasibility. In the event of a technological or business reason that makes delivering a service to the Customer no longer economically or technologically feasible, IdeaTek may cancel that particular service without penalty to either party and upon notice to the Customer.
Technical Feasibility. If ABT, in its reasonable discretion, determines that a requested Localization is not technically feasible, ABT will not be obligated to commit resources to perform such Localization. ATTACHMENT H DRT END USER LICENSE DRT DEALER REAL TIME ACCESS AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO THIS _____, DAY OF _____ BETWEEN AUTO-BY-TEL MARKETING CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION WITH ITS PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS LOCATED AT 18870 XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX, XXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX 00000-0000 ("XICENSOR"), AND __________ A(N) ____________ LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION, WITH ITS PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS LOCATED AT ___________________ ("LICENSEE").
Technical Feasibility. All applications submitted will be addressed to the designated operators of the sites, laboratories and facilities who will check and validate the technical feasibility of the investigations proposed. In the event of an application being considered not to be feasible, it will not be assessed further and the applicant will be informed of the outcome of the validation process and why his/her application has failed. Proposals deemed not feasible will not undergo scientific assessment.
Technical Feasibility. If Verizon and ***CLEC Acronym TXT*** are unable to reach agreement through voluntary negotiations as to whether it is technically feasible, or whether sufficient space is available, to unbundled a copper subloop or subloop for access to multiunit premises wiring at the point where ***CLEC Acronym TXT*** requests, Verizon shall have the burden of demonstrating to the state commission, in state proceedings under Section 252 of the Act, that there is not sufficient space available, or that it is not technically feasible to unbundled the subloop at the point requested by ***CLEC Acronym TXT***.
Technical Feasibility a. Compilations of the primary data regarding the availability of the resources at field level
b. Preparation of initial working paper and surveying results
c. Assisting client to prepare strategies and developing an integrated management of plan for process
d. Carryout the initial environment examination (IEE) of the project considering all aspects of environment
e. Prepare the Master Plan for Sindh Emergency Rescue Service 1122 project (Phase- I).
f. Detailed Design of the project facility
g. Identify and propose the kind of and list of the emergency equipment which shall be required and be used by the rescue teams
Technical Feasibility. Subdomains for technical feasibility included water source and availability, local access to replacement parts, current infrastructure, and water quality and testing (Figure 19). For this subdomain, only one hospital (Axim) exceeded the cut off for sustainability 3.2. Technical feasibility average scores ranged from 0.6 to 3.2. Axim had the highest score of 3.2, Kete-Kratchi scored 1.4, and Mampong followed closely at 1.2. Apam and Bole had the lowest scores of 0.
Technical Feasibility. (Sub-project 1)