Tenant’s Option to Expand Building Sample Clauses

Tenant’s Option to Expand Building. Pursuant to Section 2.1 of this Lease, Landlord has agreed to construct the Improvements (for purposes of this Article XXIII, the Improvements are sometimes hereinafter referred to as “Phase One Improvements”). Subject to the terms of this Article, Landlord hereby further agrees that, at the written request of Tenant, Landlord will erect upon the Land an expansion to the Phase One Improvements consisting of an expansion of the Building on the portion of the Land immediately to the South of the Building (the expansion of the Phase One Improvements is sometimes hereinafter referred to as the “Phase Two Improvements”. The Phase Two Improvements will consist of no more than 60,000 gross square feet of additional building. The Phase Two Improvements will be completed in accordance with the provisions of Sections 23.2 through 23.9 hereof, inclusive. Tenant shall make its election to exercise its right to expand the Building by written notice to Landlord (the “Expansion Notice”). Subject to the provisions hereof regarding a Term Extension, the Expansion Notice may be given at any time prior to the expiration of the Term. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Expansion Notice, Landlord and Tenant will meet a minimum of two (2) times to discuss and to attempt to agree upon schematic plans and specifications for the Phase Two Improvements (the “Schematics”). Landlord is not required to approve the Schematics to the extent that they will, in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, impair the structural or mechanical integrity or diminish the value of the Demised Premises. Within that same thirty day (30) period, Landlord will furnish Tenant with a site plan showing the proposed Phase Two Improvements (the “Site Plan”). The Schematics, the Phase Two Outline Plans and Specifications and the Site Plan will be prepared at the initial cost of the Tenant. Following written approval of the Schematics by Landlord and Tenant, Landlord will proceed with the preparation of the “Phase Two Outline Plans and Specifications” which will be developed from the Schematics. The Phase Two Outline Plans and Specifications will be submitted to Tenant for its approval within sixty (60) days of said approval of the Schematics and will contain similar detail as are contained in the Outline Plans and Specifications attached hereto as Exhibit “B”. Within twenty (20) days following receipt of the Phase Two Outline Plans and Specifications, Tenant will either approve the same or request such changes ...
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Related to Tenant’s Option to Expand Building

  • Landlord’s Option to Repair Notwithstanding the terms of Section 11.1 of this Lease, Landlord may elect not to rebuild and/or restore the Premises, Building and/or Project, in which event this Lease shall terminate, by notifying Tenant in writing of such termination within sixty (60) days after the date of discovery of the damage, such notice will include a termination date giving Tenant sixty (60) days to vacate the Premises, but this Lease may be so terminated Landlord may so elect only if the Building or Project shall be damaged by fire or other casualty or cause, whether or not the Premises are affected, and one or more of the following conditions is present: (i) in Landlord’s reasonable judgment, repairs cannot reasonably be completed within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of discovery of the damage (when such repairs are made without the payment of overtime or other premiums); (ii) the holder of any mortgage on the Building or Project or ground lessor with respect to the Building or Project shall require that the insurance proceeds or any portion thereof be used to retire the mortgage debt, or shall terminate the ground lease, as the case may be; (iii) the damage is not fully covered by Landlord’s insurance policies or that portion of the proceeds from Landlord’s insurance policies allocable to the Building or the Project, as the case may be; (iv) Landlord decides to rebuild the Building or Common Areas so that they will be substantially different structurally or architecturally; (v) the damage occurs during the last twelve (12) months of the Lease Term; or (vi) any owner of any other portion of the Project, other than Landlord, does not intend to repair the damage to such portion of the Project; provided, however, that if such fire or other casualty shall have damaged the Premises or a portion thereof or Common Areas necessary to Tenant’s occupancy and as a result of such damage the Premises are unfit for occupancy, and provided that Landlord does not elect to terminate this Lease pursuant to Landlord’s termination right as provided above, and either (a) the repairs cannot, in the reasonable opinion of Landlord’s contractor, be completed within two hundred seventy (270) days after being commenced, or (b) the damage occurs during the last twelve months of the Lease Term and will reasonably require in excess of ninety (90) days to repair, Tenant may elect, no earlier than sixty (60) days after the date of the damage and not later than ninety (90) days after the date of such damage, to terminate this Lease by written notice to Landlord effective as of the date specified in the notice, which date shall not be less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days after the date such notice is given by Tenant.

  • Tenant’s Signage Tenant shall be entitled to install the following signage in connection with Tenant's lease of the Premises (collectively, the "Tenant's Signage"):

  • Landlord’s General Conditions for Tenant’s Agents and Tenant Improvement Work Tenant’s and Tenant’s Agent’s construction of the Tenant Improvements shall comply with the following: (i) the Tenant Improvements shall be constructed in strict accordance with the Approved Working Drawings; (ii) Tenant’s Agents shall submit schedules of all work relating to the Tenant’s Improvements to Contractor and Contractor shall, within five (5) business days of receipt thereof, inform Tenant’s Agents of any changes which are necessary thereto, and Tenant’s Agents shall adhere to such corrected schedule; and (iii) Tenant shall abide by all rules made by Landlord’s Building manager with respect to the use of freight, loading dock and service elevators, storage of materials, coordination of work with the contractors of other tenants, and any other matter in connection with this Tenant Work Letter, including, without limitation, the construction of the Tenant Improvements.

  • Tenant’s Space Plans Tenant shall deliver to Landlord and the TI Architect schematic drawings and outline specifications (the “TI Design Drawings”) detailing Tenant’s requirements for the Tenant Improvements within 5 business days of the date hereof. Not more than 2 days thereafter, Landlord shall deliver to Tenant the written objections, questions or comments of Landlord and the TI Architect with regard to the TI Design Drawings. Tenant shall cause the TI Design Drawings to be revised to address such written comments and shall resubmit said drawings to Landlord for approval within 2 days thereafter. Such process shall continue until Landlord has approved the TI Design Drawings.

  • LANDLORD'S MAINTENANCE Subject to the provisions of Articles 4 and 14, Landlord shall, as an Operating Expense, maintain and make necessary repairs to the foundations, roofs, exterior walls, and the structural elements of the Building, the electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, mechanical, communication, security and the fire and life safety systems of the Building and those corridors, washrooms and lobbies which are Common Areas of the Building, except that: (a) Landlord shall not be responsible for the maintenance or repair of any floor or wall coverings in the Premises or any of such systems which are located within the Premises and are supplemental or special to the Building’s standard systems; and (b) the cost of performing any of said maintenance or repairs whether to the Premises or to the Building caused by the negligence of Tenant, its employees, agents, servants, licensees, subtenants, contractors or invitees, shall be paid by Tenant, subject to the waivers set forth in Section 16.4. Landlord shall not be liable to Tenant for any expense, injury, loss or damage resulting from work done in or upon, or in connection with the use of, any adjacent or nearby building, land, street or alley.

  • Tenant’s Risk Tenant agrees to use and occupy the Premises, and to use such other portions of the Building and the Project as Tenant is given the right to use by this Lease at Tenant’s own risk. The Landlord Parties shall not be liable to the Tenant Parties for any damage, injury, loss, compensation, or claim (including, but not limited to, claims for the interruption of or loss to a Tenant Party’s business) based on, arising out of or resulting from any cause whatsoever, including, but not limited to, repairs to any portion of the Premises or the Building or the Project, any fire, robbery, theft, mysterious disappearance, or any other crime or casualty, the actions of any other tenants of the Building or of any other person or persons, or any leakage in any part or portion of the Premises or the Building or the Project, or from water, rain or snow that may leak into, or flow from any part of the Premises or the Building or the Project, or from drains, pipes or plumbing fixtures in the Building or the Project. Any goods, property or personal effects stored or placed in or about the Premises shall be at the sole risk of the Tenant Party, and neither the Landlord Parties nor their insurers shall in any manner be held responsible therefor. The Landlord Parties shall not be responsible or liable to a Tenant Party, or to those claiming by, through or under a Tenant Party, for any loss or damage that may be occasioned by or through the acts or omissions of persons occupying adjoining premises or any part of the premises adjacent to or connecting with the Premises or any part of the Building or otherwise. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Landlord Parties shall not be released from liability for any injury, loss, damages or liability to the extent arising from any gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Landlord Parties on or about the Premises; provided, however, in no event shall the Landlord Parties have any liability to a Tenant Party based on any loss with respect to or interruption in the operation of Tenant’s business. The provisions of this Section shall be applicable until the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term, and during such further period as Tenant may use or be in occupancy of any part of the Premises or of the Building.

  • TENANT MAINTENANCE Tenant shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep and maintain the Premises (including appurtenances) and every part thereof in a good standard of maintenance and repair, or replacement, and in good and sanitary condition and repair. Tenant’s maintenance, repair and replacement responsibilities herein referred to include, but are not limited to, janitorization, all windows (interior and exterior), window frames, plate glass and glazing (destroyed by accident or act of third parties), truck doors, plumbing systems (such as water and drain lines, sinks, toilets, faucets, drains, showers and water fountains), electrical systems (such as panels, conduits, outlets, lighting fixtures, lamps, bulbs, tubes and ballasts), heating and air conditioning systems (such as compressors, fans, air handlers, ducts, mixing boxes, thermostats, time clocks, boilers, heaters, supply and return grills), structural elements and exterior surfaces of the Building, store fronts, roofs, downspouts, all interior improvements within the Premises including but not limited to wall coverings, window coverings, carpet, floor coverings, partitioning, ceilings, doors (both interior and exterior), including closing mechanisms, latches and locks, skylights (if any), automatic fire extinguishing systems, and elevators and all other interior improvements of any nature whatsoever, and all exterior improvements including but not limited to landscaping, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots including striping and sealing, sprinkler systems, lighting, ponds, fountains, waterways, and drains. Tenant shall be required to have the HVAC system serviced by a licensed HVAC contractor (approved by Landlord) at the earlier frequency of (a) the periodic servicing recommended by the manufacturer of such equipment in its written maintenance specifications or (b) semiannually throughout the Term of the Lease, and shall submit to Landlord copies of all related service reports within thirty (30) days of receipt and any repairs reports if requested by Landlord. Furthermore, Tenant shall inform Landlord in writing of the periodic service recommendations by the respective manufacturer within thirty (30) days of Tenant’s receipt of such information. Areas of excessive wear shall be replaced at Tenant’s sole expense upon Lease termination. Tenant hereby waives all rights under, and benefits of, Subsection 1 of Section 1932 and Section 1941 and 1942 of the California Civil Code and under any similar law, statute or ordinance now or hereafter in effect. Tenant understands and acknowledges that this Lease shall be deemed and construed to be a “triple net lease” and during the Initial Term, and any Extended Term(s), of this Lease Tenant shall pay Landlord, the Rent and other payments due hereunder, free of any charges, assessments, impositions, expenses or deductions of any kind and without abatement, deduction or setoff unless otherwise expressly provided in this Lease, and Landlord shall not be expected or required as a result of the relationship between Landlord and Tenant created by this Lease, to be obligated to make any payment to or on behalf of Tenant or be under any other obligation to Tenant hereunder except to the extent specifically provided in this Lease, and Tenant agrees to pay all costs and expenses of every kind which may arise or become due from Tenant under the provisions of this Lease during the Initial Term and any Extended Term(s). Except as expressly provided in this Lease or the Construction Agreement, Landlord shall not be liable and/or responsible under the provisions of this Lease for contributing any money for any maintenance, repairs and/or replacement of the Premises or any part thereof and as to the maintenance, repairs or replacement obligations of Tenant under this Lease, Tenant waives any and all rights it might otherwise have to assert that such expenditure is more appropriately a Landlord expenditure which should be treated as a capital expenditure and/or to be amortized as an item of Additional Rent hereunder. For example, if during the Lease Term (including any Extended Term(s)), a portion or the entire roof membrane and/or HVAC system needs to be repaired or replaced, such expenditure shall not be treated as a capital expenditure to be borne by Landlord, but rather Tenant shall be responsible, upon such occurrence, for bearing the entire cost for such repair and/or replacement. By placing their initials below, both parties acknowledge their understanding and their agreement with the provisions of this Paragraph 8. Initials: DWD Initials: JA Tenant Landlord

  • Subleased Premises Sublandlord does hereby sublease to Subtenant, and Subtenant subleases and rents from Sublandlord, the Premises (the “Subleased Premises”).

  • Tenant’s Maintenance Subject to the provisions of Articles Fourteen and Fifteen, Tenant, at its expense, shall keep and maintain the Premises and all Tenant Additions thereto in good order, condition and repair and in accordance with all Laws and Environmental Laws. Tenant shall not permit waste and shall promptly and adequately repair all damages to the Premises and replace or repair all damaged or broken glass in the interior of the Premises, fixtures or appurtenances. Any repairs or maintenance shall be completed with materials of similar quality to the original materials, all such work to be completed under the supervision of Landlord. Any such repairs or maintenance shall be performed only by contractors or mechanics approved by Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and whose work will not cause or threaten to cause disharmony or interference with Landlord or other tenants in the Building and their respective agents and contractors performing work in or about the Building. If Tenant fails to perform any of its obligations set forth in this Section 8.02, Landlord may, in its sole discretion and upon 48 hours prior notice to Tenant (but without notice in the case of emergencies), perform the same, and Tenant shall pay to Landlord any costs or expenses incurred by Landlord upon demand.

  • LESSEE'S IMPROVEMENTS Since Lessor is the Insuring Party, Lessor shall not be required to insure Lessee-Owned Alterations and Utility Installations unless the item in question has become the property of Lessor under the terms of this Lease.

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