TERM OFCOLLECTIVE AGREEMENT. 1.01 Except where otherwise stated in this Collective Agreement, this Collective Agreement, unless altered by mutual consent of both parties hereto, shall be in full force and effect from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020 and from year to year thereafter unless amended or terminated. Notification of desire to amend or terminate may be given in writing by either party during the period of sixty (60)to one hundred twenty (120)days prior to its expiration date. 1.02 Where notice to amend this Agreement is given,this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until a new Agreement has been executed,the right of the bargaining agent to represent the Employees is terminated, or a strike or lockout commences under the provisions of the Alberta Labour Relations Code. There shall be no strike or lockout during the term of this agreement. 1.03 CUPE shall supply each Employee within the bargaining unit with a copy of this Agreement within thirty ( 30)days of it coming into effect. All new Employees within the unit shall be supplied with a copy of this Agreement by the Union during orientation. 1.04 When either party serves notice of desire to amend the Collective Agreement under Article 1.01 above,the negotiating committees shall exchange any proposed amendments at commencement of negotiations. 1.05 Changes in this Collective Agreement may be made by the parties, provided that such changes are reduced to writing and are executed by the signing officers of the parties to the Agreement. Such changes shall become part of the Collective Agreement.


  • Collective Agreement All provisions of the Collective Agreement shall be applicable to Apprentices in this Program.

  • TERM OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT 2.01 This Collective Agreement shall become effective April 1, 2021, and shall remain in full force and effect until March 31, 2024, and from year to year thereafter unless written notice of an intention to terminate or amend this Collective Agreement is given by either party to the other not more than ninety (90) calendar days before its expiry date.

  • Collective Agreements There are no collective agreements affecting your terms and conditions of employment.

  • of the Collective Agreement All letters of reference solicited in relation to promotion shall become part of the candidate's official dossier for the purposes of the promotion proceedings only. All such letters shall be available to the Peer Evaluation Committee. (viii) The Peer Evaluation Committee shall make a written recommendation and submit the dossier for each candidate going forward to the Library Rank Promotion Committee by March 15 of each year. If the Peer Evaluation Committee proposes to recommend against promotion, it shall, before making a formal recommendation, notify the candidate of its tentative decision and invite the candidate to comment on the proposed recommendation. Upon request, the Peer Evaluation Committee shall furnish the candidate with a written statement of the reasons for the proposed negative recommendation. Such written communication shall indicate to the candidate at least in which area or areas of performance the Peer Evaluation Committee would expect evidence of further development before recommending in favour of promotion. The candidate shall have the right to meet with the Peer Evaluation Committee to discuss these reasons and/or to submit a response in writing before the recommendation is formally made. If the final recommendation is negative, the candidate shall be informed in writing. Any written statement provided by the candidate shall be added to his/her dossier. (ix) In every instance where the Committee is unable to reach a unanimous recommendation, a statement of the recommendation signed by each committee member, which shall include a description of any disagreement within the committee concerning its recommendation, shall be forwarded to the Library Rank Promotion Committee.

  • Single Collective Agreement a) Central terms and local terms shall together constitute a single collective agreement.

  • Effective Agreement The submission of this Agreement for examination is not intended to nor shall constitute an offer to sell, or a reservation of, or option or proposal of any kind for the purchase of the Property. In no event shall any draft of this Agreement create any obligation or liability, it being understood that this Agreement shall be effective and binding only when a counterpart of this Agreement has been executed and delivered by each party hereto.

  • Printing of Collective Agreement The Hospital and Union agree that the cost of printing the collective agreements will be shared equally between the parties. The Union will be responsible for having the collective agreements printed in booklet format within sixty (60) days of its signing by both parties.

  • COPIES OF THE COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT The Union and the Employer agree that every employee should be familiar with the provisions of this Agreement and her rights and obligations under it. For this reason, the Employer shall make available copies of the Collective Agreement in booklet form to all of its employees. The cost of printing shall be shared equally between the Union and the Employer. The Agreement shall be printed in a Union shop and bear a recognized Union label. The Union and the Employer shall agree on the size, print and color of the Agreement and all other particulars prior to it being printed. Printing shall be completed as soon as possible after the signing of the Collective Agreement.

  • COPIES OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT 31.01 Following the signing of the Collective Agreement, each Employee affected shall be provided with a copy by the Employer within seven (7) days of receipt of the copies by the Employer. The Collective Agreement shall be printed in booklet form by the United Nurses of Alberta. The costs of printing shall be shared equally between the parties. 31.02 The Employer shall provide a copy of the Collective Agreement to each new Employee upon hiring.

  • Exclusive Agreement This is the entire Agreement between Contractor and Client.