Single Collective Agreement a) Central terms and local terms shall together constitute a single collective agreement.
Single Collective Agreement. Central terms and local terms shall together constitute a single collective agreement. C2.00 DEFINITIONS
C2.1 Unless otherwise specified, the following definitions shall apply only with respect to their usage in standard central terms. Where the same word is used in Part B of this collective agreement, the definition in that part, or any existing local interpretation shall prevail.
C2.2 The “Central Parties” shall be defined as the employer bargaining agency, the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) and the employee bargaining agent, the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO).
C2.3 “Teacher” shall be defined as a permanent Teacher and specifically excludes Continuing Education Teachers, Long Term Occasional Teachers and Daily Occasional Teachers, unless otherwise specified.
Single Collective Agreement.
a) Central terms and local terms shall together constitute a single collective agreement.
a) The term of this collective agreement, including central terms and local terms, shall be for a period of three (3) years from September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2017, inclusive.
Single Collective Agreement. Central Terms and Local Terms shall together constitute a single collective agreement. C2.00 LENGTH OF TERM/NOTICE TO BARGAIN/RENEWAL (ALL JOB CLASSIFICATIONS)
Single Collective Agreement a) Central terms and local terms shall together constitute a single collective agreement. C2.00 LENGTH OF TERM/NOTICE TO BARGAIN/RENEWAL
Single Collective Agreement. Central terms and local terms shall together constitute a single collective agreement for all purposes. C2.00 DEFINITIONS
C2.1 Unless otherwise specified, the following definitions shall apply only with respect to their usage in standard central terms. Where the same word is used in Part B of this collective agreement, the definition in that part, or any existing local interpretation, shall prevail.
Single Collective Agreement. Central terms and local terms shall together constitute a single collective agreement for all purposes. C2.00 DEFINITIONS
C2.1 Unless otherwise specified, the following definitions shall apply only with respect to their usage in standard central terms. Where the same word is used in Part B of this collective agreement, the definition in that part, or any existing local interpretation, shall prevail.
C2.2 The “Central Parties” shall be defined as the employer bargaining agency, the Council of Trustees’ Associations/Conseil d’Associations des Employeurs (CTA/CAE) and the employee bargaining agency, the Canadian Union of Public Employees/Syndicat Canadien de la Fonction Publique (CUPE/SCFP).
1. ACEPO refers to l’Association des conseils scolaires des écoles publiques de l’Ontario as the designated bargaining agency for every French-language public district school board.
2. AFOCSC refers to l’Association franco-ontarienne des conseils scolaires catholiques as the designated bargaining agency for every French-language Catholic district school board.
3. OCSTA refers to the Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association as the designated bargaining agency for every English-language Catholic district school board.
4. OPSBA refers to the Ontario Public School Boards' Association as the designated bargaining agency for every English-language public district school board, including isolate boards.
Single Collective Agreement.
a) Central terms and local terms shall together constitute a single collective agreement. C2.00 DEFINITIONS EWAO-ATEO refers to the designated employee bargaining agency pursuant to subsection 20 (3) of the School Boards Collective Bargaining Act, 2014 for central bargaining with respect to employees in the bargaining units for which EWAO- ATEO is the designated employee bargaining agency. The EWAO-ATEO is composed of:
1. Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens.
2. Association of Professional Student Services Personnel.
3. Dufferin-Peel Education Resource Workers’ Association.
4. Educational Assistants Association.
5. Halton District Educational Assistants Association.
6. Service Employees’ International Union, Local 2.
Single Collective Agreement. 1 C3.1 Term of Agreement 2 C3.2 Term of Letters of Agreement/Understanding 2 C3.3 Amendment of Terms 2 C3.4 Notice to Bargain 2
Single Collective Agreement. Central terms and local terms shall together constitute a single collective agreement. C2.00 – DEFINITIONS
C2.1 Unless otherwise specified, the following definitions shall apply only with respect to their usage in standard central terms. Where the same word is used in Part B of this collective agreement, the definition in that part, or any existing local interpretation shall prevail.
C2.2 The “Central Parties” shall be defined as the employer bargaining agency, the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) and the employee bargaining agent, the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO).