TERMINATION OF BENEFIT. This benefit will end on the earliest of:
TERMINATION OF BENEFITAll insurance terminates automatically upon termination of employment, or attaining age 60 or date of retirement on pension if earlier.
TERMINATION OF BENEFIT. This insurance contribution will in no event continue beyond the retired teacher’s qualification for Medicare or upon the teacher’s death, whichever occurs first.
TERMINATION OF BENEFITAll insurance terminates automatically upon termination of employment, or attaining age 60 or date of retirement on pension if earlier, provided that for any member who does not have thirty (30) years of service upon attaining the age of sixty (60) years, the member can retain LTD coverage to the earlier of thirty (30) years of service or age sixty-five (65) years on the condition that the member reimburses the Board for the premium cost.
TERMINATION OF BENEFIT. The Disability Benefit will terminate at the end of the twenty-four (24) month period. Disability payments will terminate prior to the end of the twenty-four (24) month benefit period. a) If the employee does not provide the Carrier with proof of disability. b) When they are no longer disabled. c) When they reach the termination age. d) In the event of the employee's death.
TERMINATION OF BENEFITWe agree that the benefit _________________________, will end as of _______________________. Then all references in this contract to that benefit will no longer apply. The monthly charges for that benefit will not be deductible on or after that date.
TERMINATION OF BENEFIT. Employees hired on or after January 1, 2005 shall not be eligible for the College Incentive Benefit.
TERMINATION OF BENEFITIf an employee is laid off and has been with the company less than one year his benefits terminate immediately. If an employee is laid off and has been with the company over one year the employee keeps his benefits (excluding RRSP, vision care and LTD) for exactly eight weeks from lay off date. Note: The foregoing outlines basic provision only of benefits provided and does not attempt to list all of the terms and conditions that would apply to individual claims. Please note booklet and policy provisions take precedence. Management reserves the right to transfer in-house benefits to an outside insurance carrier. An employee who is on Long Term Disability will have their extended health care, prescriptions and dental benefits covered based on their years of service. An employee will get one month of benefits for every 2 years of service to a maximum of 6 months.
TERMINATION OF BENEFITWe agree that the benefit PLY 20-
TERMINATION OF BENEFIT. Library employees hired on or after January 1, 2014 are not entitled to any terminal leave benefits.