TERMS AND COMPENSATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES. 3.1 Each Party shall be responsible for providing its owned or leased transport Facilities to route calls to and from the POI. Each Party may construct its own Facilities, it may purchase or lease these Facilities from a Third Party, or it may purchase or lease these Facilities from the other Party, if available, pursuant to access services tariff or separate contract. Optional Payment Plans (OPP), and High Cap Term Payment Plans (HCTPP) are not available for transport facilities pursuant to this agreement.
3.2 The Parties will connect their networks (i.e., to and from the AT&T-13STATE Central Office Switch where the Facility connection is established) using digital Facilities of at least DS–1 transmission rates ("DS-1 Facilities"), where available.
3.3 The following shall apply solely for Facilities connecting the Parties networks dedicated for transport of Authorized Services Interconnection traffic and for transport of Authorized Services Third Party Traffic. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as authorizing WSP to use such Facilities to deliver traffic that is destined for a facilities-based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC), Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC), Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) provider, or Out-of-Exchange Local Exchange Carrier (OELEC).
3.3.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, AT&T-13STATE shall not have dedicated transport obligations over, nor shall it have any obligation to share the cost of, Facilities between the Parties' networks that either cross a LATA boundary, or exceed a distance of 14 miles (or the State's defined local calling area, whichever is greater) from the AT&T-13STATE Central Office Switch where the Facility connection is established.
3.3.2 When a Party uses DS-1 Facilities provided by the other Party (either through self provisioning, or through the purchase of Facilities from the other Party or from Third Parties) to deliver traffic from its network that are (a) dedicated to the transmission of Authorized Services traffic between the Parties' networks, and (b) are shared by the Parties, such Party will reimburse the other Party for a proportionate share of the cost of Facilities. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if WSP obtains such Facilities from a Third Party, nothing herein shall obligate AT&T-13STATE to reimburse WSP for those Facilities.
TERMS AND COMPENSATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES. 2.3.1 Each Party shall be responsible for providing its own or leased transport Facilities to route calls to and from the POI. Each Party may construct its own Facilities, or it may purchase or lease the Facilities from a Third Party, or it may purchase or lease the Facilities from the other Party, if available, pursuant to applicable tariffs, General Exchange Price List or separate contract. Optional Payment Plans (“OPP”), High Cap Term Payment Plans (“HCTPP”), and Volume and Term discount plans are not available for transport Facilities pursuant to this Agreement.
2.3.2 The Parties will connect their networks, i.e., to and from the AT&T-22STATE Central Office Switch where the Facility connection is established, using the interfaces as described in Section 2.1.2 above.
2.3.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as authorizing WSP to use the Facilities to deliver land-to- mobile traffic that it receives from AT&T-22STATE to a facilities-based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (“CLEC”), or an Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (“ILEC”), or an Out-of-Exchange Local Exchange Carrier (“OELEC”) or another CMRS provider other than WSP, i.e., the final destination of land-to-mobile traffic delivered from AT&T-22STATE is WSP’s End-Users, and WSP may not forward any such traffic to any Third-Party.
2.3.4 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as authorizing WSP to use the Facilities to aggregate traffic from a facilities-based CLEC, or an ILEC, or another CMRS provider, or an OELEC, and use the Facilities to deliver such traffic to AT&T-22STATE, i.e., mobile-to-land traffic delivered from WSP to AT&T-22STATE must be from WSP’s End-Users and may not be from any other Third Party. For the avoidance of doubt, traffic from another Telecommunication Carrier’s end-users does not constitute Authorized Services traffic.
TERMS AND COMPENSATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES. 9.1 Each Party shall be responsible for providing its own or leased transport Facilities to route calls to and from the POI. Each Party may construct its own Facilities, it may purchase or lease these Facilities from a third party, or it may purchase or lease these Facilities from the other Party, if available, pursuant to tariff or separate contract. Facilities between the Parties' respective networks will not be provided pursuant to this Agreement.
9.2 Except when a Type 1 interface is employed, in which case analog Facilities may be used, the Parties will connect their networks using digital Facilities of at least DS–1 transmission rates.
9.3 The following shall apply solely for Facilities dedicated for transport of Interconnection traffic.
9.3.1 Each Party reserves the right to discontinue the use, for delivering Interconnection traffic from its network, of all, or a portion, of the Facilities provided by the other Party. This provision does not negate any obligations either Party may have regarding such Facilities, such as, but not limited to term and notice provisions. Nothing herein will obligate Telco to reimburse Carrier for Facilities obtained from a third party unless Carrier purchases Facilities from a third party and Telco utilizes such Facilities for the transport of traffic originating on the Telco network.
9.3.2 Absent agreement of the Parties to the contrary, the cost of shared Facilities and Trunks, when Facilities of DS1 or smaller are dedicated to provide traffic under this Agreement, will be split between the Parties either on relative actual traffic volumes (if the Parties can measure actual traffic volumes in both directions) or, in the absence of actual traffic measurement capabilities, according to the 70/30 algorithm described in Section 7.5.2.
TERMS AND COMPENSATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES. 8.1 Each Party shall be responsible for providing its own or leased transport Facilities to route calls to and from the POI. Each Party may construct its own Facilities, it may purchase or lease these Facilities from a third party, or it may purchase or lease these Facilities from the other Party, if available, pursuant to tariff or separate contract. Facilities between the Parties' respective networks will not be provided pursuant to this Agreement.
8.2 The Parties will connect their networks using digital Facilities of at least DS–1 transmission rates, where available.
8.3 The following shall apply solely for Facilities dedicated for transport of one-way Telco-to-Carrier Paging Authorized Services Interconnection traffic.
8.3.1 Telco may use its own Facilities or may, at its sole discretion, use Facilities provided by Carrier, subject to the following: Telco shall be responsible for applicable Facility charges to the extent Facilities are used to deliver Local Calls. Xxxxxxx shall be responsible for applicable Facility charges to the extent Facilities are used to deliver non-Local Calls, i.e., the sum of the Transiting Factor and the InterMTA Traffic Factor as referenced in sections 9 and 10. Carrier provision of Facilities obtained from Telco will be in accordance with Telco’s applicable Access Services tariff or separate contract. Carrier provision of Facilities not obtained from Telco will be provided upon terms and conditions that similar Facilities are provided by Telco, and at rates equivalent to the rates Carrier pays for such Facilities (but no greater than the rates that similar Facilities are available from Telco).
TERMS AND COMPENSATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES. 4.1 Each Party shall be responsible for providing its own or leased transport Facilities to route calls to and from the POI. Each Party may construct its own Facilities, it may purchase or lease these Facilities from a third party, or it may purchase or lease these Facilities from the other Party, if available, pursuant to tariff or separate contract. Facilities between the Parties' respective networks will not be provided pursuant to this Agreement.
4.2 The following shall apply solely for Facilities dedicated for transport of Interconnection traffic.
4.2.1 Each Party reserves the right to discontinue the use, for delivering Interconnection traffic from its network, of all, or a portion, of the Facilities provided by the other Party. This provision does not negate any obligations either Party may have regarding such Facilities, such as, but not limited to term and notice provisions. Nothing herein will obligate SBC-13STATE to utilize Facilities obtained from a Third party Provider. However, should SBC-13STATE agree to share in the cost of Third Party Provider Facilities within SBC-13STATE Territory based on percentage of traffic, the reimbursement rate to Carrier will not exceed SBC-13STATE tariffed rates.
4.2.2 SPCS and SBC-13STATE may share Interconnection Facilities (e.g. T1) and those Facilities shall be charged at rates equal to that specified in the applicable interstate or intrastate Special Access Tariffs. Charges will be shared by the Parties based on their proportional (percentage) use of such Facilities as specified in Appendix PRICING.
TERMS AND COMPENSATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES. 9.1 Each Party shall be responsible for providing its own or leased transport Facilities to route calls to and from the POI. Each Party may construct its own Facilities, it may purchase or lease these Facilities from a third party, or it may purchase or lease these Facilities from the other Party, if available, pursuant to tariff or separate contract. Facilities between the Parties' respective networks will not be provided pursuant to this Agreement.
9.2 Except when a Type 1 interface is employed, in which case analog Facilities may used, the Parties will connect their networks using digital Facilities of at least DS- 1 transmission rates.
9.3 The following shall apply solely for Facilities dedicated for transport of Interconnection traffic.
9.3.1 Provision of Facilities obtained from Telco will be in accordance with Telco's applicable Access Services tariff or separate contract.
9.3.2 Each Party reserves the right to discontinue the use, for delivering Interconnection traffic from its network, of all, or a portion, of the Facilities provided by the other Party. This provision does not negate any obligations either Party may have regarding such Facilities, such as, but not limited to term and notice provisions. Nothing herein will obligate Telco to reimburse Carrier for Facilities obtained from a third party.
9.3.3 The Parties agree that they will not impose, pursuant to this Agreement, dedicated transport obligations on the other Party over Facilities between the Parties' networks that exceed the shorter of the distance to the LATA boundary or 30 miles.
9.3.4 Absent agreement of the Parties to the contrary, the cost of shared Facilities and Trunks, when Facilities of DS1 or smaller are dedicated to provide traffic under this Agreement, will be split between the Parties either on relative actual traffic volumes (if the Parties can measure actual traffic volumes in both directions) or, in the absence of actual traffic measurement capabilities, according to the Shared Facility Factors and procedures listed in Appendix - Pricing (Wireless). Should the Parties desire to share the cost of Facilities and Trunks, when Facilities larger than DS1 are dedicated to provide traffic under this Agreement, they will separately negotiate terms for such sharing.
TERMS AND COMPENSATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES. 9.1 For Type 2A Interconnection, Carrier shall be responsible for providing its own or leased transport Facilities to route calls from AT&T-22STATE’s Tandem Switch to the POI. For Type 2B and Type 1 Interconnection, Carrier shall be responsible for providing its own or leased transport Facilities to route calls from AT&T-22STATE’s End Office Switch to the POI. Carrier may construct its own Facilities, or it may purchase or lease Facilities from a Third Party, or it may purchase or lease Facilities from AT&T-22STATE, if available, pursuant to tariff or separate contract.
9.2 The following shall apply solely for DS1or smaller Facilities dedicated for transport of one-way AT&T-22STATE-to- Carrier Authorized Services traffic to the POI. If Facilities are not so dedicated, or if Carrier elects to use Facilities greater than a DS1, then Carrier shall be solely responsible for the cost of such Facilities.
TERMS AND COMPENSATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES. Each Party shall be responsible for providing its own or leased transport Facilities to route calls to and from the POI. Each Party may construct its own Facilities, or it may purchase or lease the Facilities from a Third Party, or it may purchase or lease the Facilities from the other Party, if available, pursuant to applicable tariffs, General Exchange Price List or separate contract. Optional Payment Plans (“OPP”), High Cap Term Payment Plans (“HCTPP”), and Volume and Term discount plans are not available for transport Facilities pursuant to this Agreement.
TERMS AND COMPENSATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES. 4.1 Each Party shall be responsible for providing its own or leased transport Facilities to route calls to and from the POI. Each Party may construct its own Facilities, it may purchase or lease these Facilities from a third party, or it may purchase or lease these Facilities from the other Party, if available, pursuant to tariff or separate contract. Facilities between the Parties' respective networks will not be provided pursuant to this Agreement.
4.2 The following shall apply solely for Facilities dedicated for transport of Interconnection traffic.
TERMS AND COMPENSATION FOR USE OF FACILITIES. 9.1 Each Party shall be responsible for providing its own or leased transport Facilities to route calls to and from the POI. Each Party may construct its own Facilities, it may purchase or lease these Facilities from a third party, or it may purchase or lease these Facilities from the other Party, if available, pursuant to tariff or separate contract. Facilities between the Parties' respective networks will not be provided pursuant to this Agreement. Carrier shall be responsible for transport facilities for (a) Type 2B traffic for mobile to land traffic (b) ancillary services such as 911, choke, OS/DA, long distance access, and (c) any service requiring use of Type 1 trunking.
9.2 Except when a Type 1 interface is employed, in which case analog Facilities may be used, the Parties will connect their networks using digital Facilities of at least DS–1 transmission rates.
9.3 The following shall apply solely for Facilities dedicated for transport of Interconnection traffic.
9.3.1 Each Party reserves the right to discontinue the use, for delivering Interconnection traffic from its network, of all, or a portion, of the Facilities provided by the other Party. This provision does not negate any obligations either Party may have regarding such Facilities, such as, but not limited to term and notice provisions. Nothing herein will obligate Telco to reimburse Carrier for Facilities obtained from a third party unless Carrier purchases Facilities from a third party and Telco utilizes such Facilities for the transport of traffic originating on the Telco network.
9.3.2 Absent agreement of the Parties to the contrary, the cost of shared Facilities and Trunks, when Facilities of DS1 or smaller are dedicated to provide traffic under this Agreement, will be split between the Parties either on relative actual traffic volumes (if the Parties can measure actual traffic volumes in both directions) or, in the absence of actual traffic measurement capabilities, according to the 70/30 algorithm described in Section 7.5.2.