Maintenance Training 16.8.1 The Seller will provide maintenance training for the Buyer’s ground personnel as further set forth in Appendix A to this Clause 16. The available courses will be as listed in the Seller’s Customer Services Catalog current at the time of the course. The practical training provided in the frame of maintenance training will be performed on the training devices in use in the Seller’s Training Centers.
Classroom Visitation To provide patrons of the District the opportunity to visit classrooms with the least interruption to the teaching process, the following guidelines are set forth: A. All visitors to a school and/or classroom shall obtain the approval of the principal, and if the visit is to a classroom, the time will be arranged after the principal or his designee has conferred with the employee, if possible. B. Whenever possible, the employee shall be afforded the opportunity to confer with the classroom visitor before and/or after the visitation. C. This provision does not apply to administrators and Board of Directors members.
Staff Training The CONTRACTOR shall provide regular and ongoing comprehensive training for CONTRACTOR staff to ensure that they understand the goals of Centennial Care 2.0, including the integration of physical, Long-Term Care and Behavioral Health, the provisions and limitations of the ABP and the requirements of this Agreement. As issues are identified by the CONTRACTOR and/or HSD, the CONTRACTOR shall provide timely and targeted training to staff. The CONTRACTOR shall provide an initial orientation and training as well as ongoing training, including training targeted to different types of staff, to ensure compliance with this Agreement. Including targeted training regarding: Care Coordination; Nursing Facility Level of Care Determinations; Setting of Care Submissions; Community Benefit Services and Supplemental Questionnaire; and
First Aid Training In the interests of the occupational safety and health of employees, the Employer will undertake an in-service program of first aid training aimed at providing a first aid officer for each department.
Training Costs All costs and expenses incurred by the Contractor in the training of its employees engaged in Petroleum Operations, and such other training as is required by this Agreement.
Time Off in Lieu of Overtime Employees who work overtime will not be required to take time off in regular hours to make up for overtime worked. Time off in lieu may be taken on a mutually agreed upon basis between the employee and the Hospital, such time off will be the equivalent of the premium rate the employee has earned for working overtime. The Hospital shall revert to payment of premium rate if time off is not taken within sixty (60) calendar days."
Additional Training Should the introduction of new methods of operation create a need for the perfection or acquisition of skills requiring a training period longer than one (1) year, the additional training time shall be a subject for discussion between the Board and the Union.
Classrooms The Board shall be responsible for maintaining a standard of cleanliness in each teacher’s classroom.
Temporary Living Expenses An employee shall be entitled to reimbursement for meals and lodging for up to twenty (20) working days, as provided by procedures of the Department of Administrative Services, following a transfer initiated by the Employer.
Job Training The Employer and the Union shall establish a Joint Committee on Training and Skill Upgrading for the following purposes: (1) for planning training programs for those employees affected by technological change; (2) for planning training programs to enable employees to qualify for new positions being planned through future expansion or renovation; (3) for planning training programs for those employees affected by new methods of operation; (4) for planning training programs in the area of general skill upgrading. Whenever necessary, this Committee shall seek the assistance of external training resources such as the Federal Human Resources Development Canada and Provincial Ministry of Labour, or other recognized training institutions.