Transportation and Delivery Sample Clauses

Transportation and Delivery. Prices shall include all charges for packing, handling, freight, distribution, and inside delivery. Transportation of goods shall be FOB Destination to any point within thirty (30) days after the Customer places an Order. A Contractor, within five (5) days after receiving a purchase order, shall notify the Customer of any potential delivery delays. Evidence of inability or intentional delays shall be cause for Contract cancellation and Contractor suspension.
Transportation and Delivery. Installation.
Transportation and Delivery. Transportation and Delivery shall be FOB Destination to any point statewide as follows: 1. Customers shall be notified within two Business Days when Commodities are not in stock or unavailable from the Manufacturer at the time of order. Commodities must be delivered within 180 Calendar Days after receipt of order, unless otherwise agreed to by the Customer. As soon as Commodities are back in stock, the Commodities must be delivered within 14 Calendar Days to the Customer. For any delivery not made within the 180 and 14 Calendar Days’ timeframes, the Department’s Contract Manager must be notified and given a copy of the Customer’s order. The Contractor must provide the Department’s Contract Manager any requested information and timeframe for completion of the order. 2. Commodities in stock must be delivered within 14 Calendar Days after receipt of order or the receipt of the Commodities from the Manufacturer, with one exception – Commodities requiring post-Manufacturer or Dealer installed OEM or Non-OEM Options, Parts, Accessories, and Implements shall be delivered within 30 Calendar Days after receipt of the Commodities from the Manufacturer(s). Delivery of the awarded Commodity is defined as receipt of the Commodity at the Customer’s place of business or designated location. Delivery does not constitute the Customer’s acceptance. The Contractor shall give the Customer a minimum of one Business Day notice prior to delivery. Commodities shall be delivered as stipulated by the Customer. The Contractor shall deliver Commodities by either private or common carrier transport. Where deliveries may be accomplished by driving the self-propelled, street-legal, Commodity three road miles or less, the self-propelled, street-legal Commodity may be driven to the delivery location at Contractor’s sole risk and expense. The Contractor shall comply with the Manufacturer’s break-in requirements and all applicable traffic laws. All self-propelled, operator-occupied Commodities delivered by the Contractor to the Customer shall contain no less than one-quarter (1/4) tank of fuel as indicated by the fuel gauge at the time of delivery. At the Customer’s option, Commodities with less than one- quarter (1/4) tank of fuel at delivery may be rejected or a $3.00 per gallon or gallon equivalent up to one-quarter of the Commodity’s fuel tank capacity may be deducted from the invoice and payment. The Contractor shall perform the standard Manufacturer’s pre-delivery inspection and is re...
Transportation and Delivery. In conjunction with the Ceiling Prices section listed in the Scope of Work, Representative Model and OEM Options net prices shall include all charges for packing, handling, freight, distribution, and delivery. Transportation and Delivery of goods shall be Free on Board (FOB) Destination to any location statewide as follows: 1. Equipment not in stock or unavailable from a Manufacturer at time of order must be delivered within 120 calendar days after receipt of order, unless otherwise agreed to by the Customer. For any delivery not made within the 120-calendar day timeframe, the Department’s Contract Manager must be notified immediately by the Contractor and given a copy of the purchase order. The Contractor must provide the Department’s Contract Manager any requested information and a timeframe for completion of the order. 2. Equipment in stock must be delivered within 14 calendar days after receipt of the order with one exception: Commodities requiring post-Manufacturer Dealer installed OEM Options or accessories shall be delivered within 30 calendar days after receipt of the Commodities from the Manufacturer(s). 1. Complete lubrication of operating chassis, engine, and mechanisms with Manufacturer’s recommended grades of lubricants; 2. Check and fill all fluid levels to ensure proper fill; 3. Adjust engine(s), motor(s), and drive(s) to proper operating condition(s); 4. Inflate tires (including any spares) to proper pressures; 5. Check to ensure proper operation of all accessories, gauges, lights, and mechanical and hydraulic features; 6. Clean equipment, if necessary, and remove all unnecessary tags, stickers, papers, etc.; and 7. Ensure that the Vehicle is completely assembled (unless otherwise noted in the specification) including but not limited to, the Representative Model, OEM Options (if applicable), Required Aftermarket Options (if applicable), Identified Aftermarket Options (if applicable) and thoroughly tested and ready for operation upon Delivery. 1. Copy of the Manufacturer’s Pre-Delivery Inspection (PDI) form, which meets or exceeds the requirements herein; 2. Copy of the ordering Customer’s purchase order; 3. Copy of the applicable Contract specification(s) and Contractor’s current Price Sheet(s) (C.1 – C.6) information; 4. Copy of the Manufacturer’s Invoice(s) for each awarded Commodity, including individual Representative Model, OEM Options, Required Aftermarket Options, Non- Identified Aftermarket Options and Identified Aftermarket Options...
Transportation and Delivery. 4.12 Installation. 4.13 Risk of Loss.
Transportation and Delivery. In conjunction with Section 4.8, Ceiling Prices, Base Equipment Net Prices; OEM Options, Accessories, & Implements Net Prices; and OEM & Replacement Parts Net Prices shall include all charges for packing, handling, freight, distribution, and delivery. Transportation and Delivery of goods shall be FOB Destination to any point statewide as follows: 1. Equipment not in stock or unavailable from manufacturer at time of order must be delivered within one hundred eighty (180) calendar days after receipt of order. 2. Equipment in stock must be delivered within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of order or the Commodities from the Manufacturer, with one exception – Commodities requiring post- Manufacturer Dealer installed OEM Options, Accessories, & Implements shall be delivered within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the Commodities from the Manufacturer(s). Delivery of the awarded Commodity is defined as receipt of the Commodity at the Eligible User’s place of business or designated location. Delivery does not constitute Acceptance, per Section
Transportation and Delivery. The Net Price for Base Equipment, OEM and Non-OEM Option(s), Part(s), Accessory(ies), and Implement(s); and their respective features, equipment, and components shall include all charges. Packing, handling, freight, distribution, and delivery shall be included at no additional charge to the Customer. The Contractor may include shipping charges for OEM and Non-OEM Options, Parts, Accessories, and Implements that the customer orders separately from the Base Equipment. Transportation and Delivery shall be FOB Destination to any point statewide as follows:
Transportation and Delivery. Customer must have an authorized agent available to sign a bill of lading upon delivery of the Equipment by the carrier. If no agent is provided at the time of delivery, Customer authorizes Company’s employee to execute the bill of lading as Customer’s agent and such execution shall be deemed an acceptance of the condition of Inspection. Before the Customer takes possesion of Equipment, Customer may require an inspection thereof by a qualified inspector. If Customer does not inspect the Equipment before it is loaded for transit, then Customer is conclusively deemed to have accepted that the Equipment is in good running order without broken or worn out parts and in a clean and unmarred condition. Company shall have the right at any time and from time to time to enter the premises occupied by the Equipment and shall be given free access thereto and afforded necessary facilities for the purpose of inspection, service, change, repair, replacement and/or removal. The Company shall have the right, but not the obligation, to at any time, without notice, during the rental period to enter upon the premises or place where the Equipment is located and shall be given free access and afforded all necessary facilities for the purpose of maintenance and inspecting, servicing, changing, repairing, replacing and/or removing the Equipment without any trespass being occasioned thereby.
Transportation and Delivery. 4.12. Installation. 4.13. Risk of Loss. 4.14. Transaction Fee. 4.15. Invoicing and Payment. 4.16. Taxes. 4.17. Governmental Restrictions. 4.18. Lobbying and Integrity. 4.19. Indemnification. 4.20. Limitation of Liability. 4.21. Suspension of Work.
Transportation and Delivery. 3.1 Transport and delivery, collection and return transport of the Show Car can either be provided by TMG or it can be organised by the Lessee. In case TMG organises the transport, the Lessee shall reimburse to TMG the respective costs. A pre-condition for transportation organised by the Lessee is the use of an enclosed vehicle transporter which shall be approved by TMG prior to the start of transportation. TMG retains the right to reject a vehicle transporter if the transporter is deemed to be unsuitable. 3.2 The Lessee must make sufficient space available to accommodate the particular dimensions of the Show Car. The Show Car must remain upright during delivery and installation. It is prohibited to lift the Show Car manually. 3.3 In case TMG organises the transportation, the Lessee must ensure that one person is at the location to provide assistance with loading/unloading of the Show Car and following the instructions of the transportation company, to confirm and to sign the loading checklist. The vehicle must not be moved without the responsible person attending the procedure. The Lessee shall bear all additional costs of the transportation company incurred due to problems on the Lessee’s site which hinder and/or prevent the safe delivery and/or collection of the Show Car. 3.4 The provision of adequate parking for the delivery vehicle must be provided by the Lessee in the case of a short lease and where TMG organises transportation. 3.5 The Show Car shall arrive at TMG the day that follows the expiry of the Agreement at the latest.