TUITION FREE Sample Clauses

TUITION FREEAll children of certified/licensed employees may attend the Tallmadge City Schools tuition free with the following restrictions: 1. A written request for admission must be made to the Superintendent. 2. Acceptance will be based upon space available considerations. The Superintendent in consultation with the Building Administrator will determine space available.
TUITION FREEAll children of REA bargaining unit members may attend the Revere Local Schools in grades K-12, tuition free, entering in any of the school years that this Agreement is in effect, with the following restrictions: A. A written request for admission must be made to the Superintendent. B. Acceptance will be based upon space available considerations. Space available will be determined by the Superintendent in consultation with the Building Administrator. This program will be limited to no more than twenty-five (25) students at any time during this Agreement. C. Excess costs that are generated to educate said students shall be the responsibility of the Home District. No special needs student shall be admitted and/or retained unless the Revere School District has program and space available and until the Home District has agreed in writing prior to August 1 to reimburse the Revere Schools for all present and future excess costs. D. In order to be considered, a written request must be submitted between October 1 and December 15 of the school year preceding the school year for which admission is requested. A decision will be returned no later than June 15 preceding the school year of admission. E. The “District of Residence” shall be the residence of the employee. F. Enrollment of the student will be continuous based upon building configuration. Continued enrollment at each building transition will require reapplication to the Superintendent in order to continue on to the next building. G. The Superintendent's decision is final regarding all free tuition requests within the base line figures in Section 6.03, above. H. Current REA Grievance #11-12-1 (Tuition Free) will be placed in abeyance with an accelerated arbitration resolution, if needed.


  • Tuition The Charter School shall not charge tuition or fees to its students except as may be authorized for local boards pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 20-2-133.

  • Tuition Reimbursement A. The Employer will reimburse a full-time employee for the cost of tuition in accordance with Regulation 10.12.060 and for the cost of books as long as the subject matter of the specific course or course of study is job-related and the tuition costs do not exceed those found at a state university. The employee must receive approval from the Chief prior to taking the course. Tuition reimbursement shall be approved for all job-related undergraduate and graduate work. A request for tuition shall not be unreasonably denied. B. If an employee receives a scholarship, the total amount of the reimbursement from the Employer, combined with the scholarship, shall not exceed one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of tuition and books. C. A satisfactory grade of C or higher or equivalent is required for reimbursement, and a copy of the course transcript showing satisfactory completion, along with a copy of the approved reimbursement application, a copy of the registration or receipt showing the amount paid, and a taxability of tuition reimbursement Interoffice Communication shall be submitted with the reimbursement request within sixty (60) calendar days of receiving final grades. D. In the event the Employer directs an employee to attend any formal training course, the costs of all books and incidental fees will be paid by the Employer. “Life experience” credits will be reimbursed on a per-credit basis, not to exceed the University of Washington tuition rates. E. Once a request for tuition reimbursement has been approved, the Employer will reimburse the cost of tuition as provided above. Approved tuition reimbursements shall be paid to the employee within sixty (60) calendar days of timely submission to the Employer. An employee shall not receive federal or state educational reimbursement funds that exceed the total tuition for any course. F. If an employee receiving tuition reimbursement misses two (2) consecutive terms of school, the Employer shall send a letter requesting the employee notify the Employer of whether the employee intends to continue to attend school. If the employee does not attend school during the following two (2) terms then the employee must reapply for tuition reimbursement when attendance resumes. G. When an employee completes an educational program, the employee shall notify the Employer so the Employer can remove the employee’s name from the tuition reimbursement list. If the employee pursues an additional degree then the employee must reapply for tuition reimbursement. H. No more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the bargaining unit members shall receive tuition reimbursement at any given time. If at any time the maximum twenty-five percent (25%) limit is reached, then all subsequent requests for tuition reimbursement shall be placed on a waiting list in order of the date of application.

  • Educational Benefits The Employer agrees to provide educational benefits to employees that are in permanent status as of the first day of the quarter they are registering in accordance with the Employer’s space-available tuition waiver policy and employee 50% operating fee tuition waiver policy, to include:

  • Education Reimbursement The County will provide education reimbursement for education costs incurred by regular employees who apply for such reimbursement in accordance with the policies and procedures governing the education reimbursement program. The maximum reimbursement shall be $1,500 per year.

  • Educational Reimbursement 9.11.1. The Employer is desirous of having employees participate in courses and training opportunities to enhance their skills and enable them to advance to other positions. Accordingly, it shall be the Employer's goal to assist full-time, regular employees in the furtherance of this policy by offering a tuition reimbursement program for courses or training at accredited colleges and universities. 9.11.2. To qualify for reimbursement, the employee must make application to, and receive prior approval from, the Sheriff such approval shall be at the sole discretion of the Sheriff. 9.11.3. An employee requesting tuition reimbursement must submit a written application showing: a) The course curriculum description; b) dates and times of classes; c) duration of the course; d) narrative statement of how the course will benefit the Employer as well as the employee. 9.11.4. If an employee's application is approved, the reimbursement will be for tuition only if and when: a) The course is completed within six (6) months of approval; b) completed with a "pass" in a pass/fail grading system or a grade of "C" or better. The maximum reimbursement per credit will be the cost of a credit charged by Centralia College. 9.11.5. An employee who receives tuition reimbursement agrees to continue to work for the Employer for twelve (12) months following the completion of the course; if not, the reimbursement is pro-rated and the employee authorizes reimbursement to the Employer from the last paycheck issued. An employee who is unable to remain in the Employer's employment, due to circumstances beyond the employee's control, shall not be required to reimburse the Employer if the twelve (12) month period is not met. 9.11.6. Reimbursement shall be for actual tuition, or the cost of the course. All other expenses, such as travel and books, shall be borne by the employee.

  • Tuition Fees The Employer agrees to pay tuition fees for continuing education courses as follows: a) Employer initiated – 100% of course fees upon successful completion of course. b) Employee initiated – 50% of course fees upon successful completion. Courses must be employment-related and approved, in writing, by the Employer in advance.

  • Educational Allowance Special Preparation Bonuses Per Month Per Shift (Full-time) (Part-time) (1) A.C.L.S. Course (2) Special Courses or Introduction to Nursing Management or 6 months post-graduate O.R. $10.00 0.06 course $15.00 0.09 (3) One year University Diploma $40.00 0.25 (4) Bachelor's Degree $80.00 0.49 (5) Master's Degree $120.00 0.74 These bonuses shall be paid only when, in the judgement of the Hospital, the position of the nurse requires the educational qualifications set out above.

  • Reimbursement Payments The Department shall, to the extent funds are available, reimburse the Grantee for eligible claims presented for payment if the Department determines the requirements for reimbursement have been met. Claims under this Contract can only be made for the period this Contract is in effect. Reimbursement programs include the following: 4.3.1. Title IV-E Federal Xxxxxx Care Program (Grant “E”). In accordance with the requirements detailed in the specific grant requirements, the Department shall reimburse the Grantee under Xxxxx E the maximum federal dollar share for the following: xxxxxx care maintenance claims for eligible juvenile probation children, dir ect administrative claims, and enhanced administrative claims. Upon review and approval of supporting documentation, the Department shall reimburse the Grantee as requests for reimbursement are presented for payment provided there is sufficient Title IV-E grant award authority against which to process presented claims and providing said funds are being reimbursed to the Department by Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (TDFPS) via the interagency agreement. To be eligible for reimbursement, all costs must be reasonable, allowable, and properly allocated for support of the xxxxxx care program. A direct or enhanced administrative claim is not eligible for reimbursement if the basis of the claim has funding from any other federal source. 4.3.2. JJAEP Program (Grant "P"). Grantees eligible for reimbursements under Xxxxx X shall receive a share of the initial $1,500,000 distribution based on each Grantee's share of the total juvenile population for each school year for the current contract period. Additional funds will be distributed at a rate not to exceed $96 per eligible student attendance day for students who are required to be expelled pursuant to Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code and who meet the Targeted Grant requirements. The Grantee will not be able to receive the additional funds until the initial amount allocated is earned at the rate of $86 per eligible student attendance day. Payments to the Grantee by the Department shall be limited to no more than 180 days of operation during each regular school year for the current contract period.

  • Fares and Travel Allowance All Employees shall be entitled to receive the fares and travel allowance as follows:

  • Reimbursement of VAT Where under this contract one party is to reimburse or indemnify the other in respect of any payment made or cost incurred by the other, the first party shall also reimburse any VAT paid by the other which forms part of its payment made or cost incurred to the extent such VAT is not available for credit for the other party (or for any person with whom the indemnified party is treated as a member of a group for VAT purposes) under sections 25 and 26 of the Value Added Tax Xxx 0000.