Type of Personal. Data Name, contact details, and job-related Personal Data (such as work title and email address); Personal Data regarding calling and other communications activity and preferences and usages of the Ordered SaaS Services; IP addresses; web browsing and online searching activity and accessing of the Ordered SaaS Services (for 8x8 CCaaS); or access to videos, emails, written materials, product demonstrations, and other content; any Personal Data voluntarily disclosed to an end User or third party with whom an end User communicates. Categories of data subjects Users of the Ordered SaaS Services, and those with whom they communicate, record, or store information through the Ordered SaaS Services. Obligation s/rights of controller As set out in the Agreement.
Type of Personal. Data The Supplier will supply the client with the name and role title of each available Future Talent Consultant or Specialist Talent Consultant. Other personal information may be transferred such as: - contact information (home address, personal phone number/s as well as email address and emergency contact information), date of birth, age, government identification numbers, citizenship, residency, passport details, driving license, vehicle license plate number, visa information, marital status, dependents, gender, visual images, competencies, and other data collection permitted or required by local law. - Employment status: such as full-time, part-time, active, leave of absence and employment termination data, project allocation. - Compensation information: such as base salary and statutory or contractual benefits, annual salary, pay scale and range, type of employee, average hours worked, incentive information, equity and other compensation program participation and salary history, company car details, insurance/s, performance bands. - Background information: such as existence of a criminal record or history or unlawful or objectionable behavior (not the criminal record itself), previous residence/s, educational, training and employment background, and other background information commonly used for security screenings where applicable
Type of Personal. Data Examples here include: name, address, date of birth, National identification number, telephone number, pay, images, biometric data etc. Categories of Data Subjects Examples include: Staff (including volunteers, agents, and temporary workers), customers/ clients, suppliers, patients, students / pupils, members of the public, users of a particular website etc.
Type of Personal. Data The pointer will contain personal and special category data including NHS number, location of record and type of care plan, health information.
Type of Personal. Data The type of Personal data includes: name, address, date of birth, NI number, telephone number, pay, contact information (including home and work address, phone numbers, next of kin details), marital status, ethnicity, bank details, gender, disability information, employee identification number, probation period, visa information; passport information; military service information; religion information; education, language(s) and special competencies; certification information; probation period and employment duration information; job or position title; cost center work schedule/pattern(full-time or part-time, regular or temporary); compensation and related information (including pay type and information regarding raises and salary adjustments); payroll information; allowance, bonus, commission; leave of absence information; employment history; training and development information; award information; membership information.
Type of Personal. Data involved in the processing [Insert a list of the types of personal data that the Company will process including any sensitive personal data , e.g., customer names, customer bank account details, customer email addresses etc.] [For VRP: Bank Customer name, Bank Customer Account Number, Bank Customer Sort Code.]