Use of School Mail. 1. The Association and its members shall have the right to freely communicate on Association-related matters by means of the school mail system.
2. The privacy of covered or sealed communications shall be respected.
Use of School Mail. The Xxxxxx County Education Association shall have the right to use school mailboxes and the inter-school mail service for organizational material, provided that all such material is clearly identified and the Association accepts the responsibility for such material. Copies of all such material shall be given to the building principal.
Use of School Mail. A. The Association may use the districts inter office mail system for Association communication.
B. The privacy of covered or sealed communication shall be respected.
Use of School Mail. The use of school mail shall be restricted to official union business only. Additionally, all items distributed through school mail must have prior approval for distribution from both the Union President and the Superintendent.
Use of School Mail. The Association will have the right to use the inter-school mail system to distribute Association materials consistent with building and District procedures provided such mail is designated as Association mail.
Use of School Mail. The Association members will be allowed to use their school mail boxes and e-mail for the distribution of information regarding Association business, meetings, and programs. Should this article be deemed illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall become null and void.
Use of School Mail. The Organization shall have the right to place one (1) mailbox in each building or school and to place notices, circulars and other material in those boxes. Before being circulated all material must receive prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools.
Use of School Mail. The Union or any committee thereof shall be authorized to use the inter-school mail delivery service.
Use of School Mail. The Union or any committee thereof will be authorized to use the school mail. Any enclosures that OPASE # 619 wishes to be sent with payroll checks must be delivered to the Treasurer’s office by Tuesday prior to the pay date.
Use of School Mail. The Association shall have the right to distribute material through the intra-school mail system, provided that such material is limited to routine Association business and the distribution does not involve school employees during those employees' working hours. The lunch period is not considered to be part of the working hours.