Association Communication Sample Clauses

Association Communication. The Association shall have the right to distribute Association material to employees as long as the distribution does not interfere with the operations of the Employer and the work being performed by the employees. This includes the right to place Association communications in designated employee mailboxes, to utilize District e-mail (subject to District use policy), and to post notices on bulletin boards in each of the buildings.
Association Communication. The Association may utilize the inter-school courier service and the Harford County Public Schools’ e-mail system for the distribution of its newsletter and for membership materials. Other materials which have been approved by the Superintendent may also be distributed.
Association Communication. 1. Each building administrator will meet with the WNEA building representative(s) to discuss building level concerns. Meetings, either formal or informal, will be held at least monthly to resolve concerns at the building level and may be held in conjunction with the building faculty advisory meeting, if mutually agreed upon by both parties. Unresolved concerns may be shared with the WNEA leadership, and possibly District administration. 2. The Superintendent and his/her designee(s) will meet the WNEA president and his/her designee(s) to discuss unresolved building level concerns or District level concerns. Meetings will be held quarterly, or at otherwise mutually agreed upon times. Each party will provide an agenda at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting so all parties have the opportunity to have information prepared in advance.
Association Communication. (7.1) The Association shall be entitled to hold a reasonable number of meetings on school property before or after school hours, provided such meetings in no way interfere with any aspect of the instructional program or a previously scheduled event. Each meeting will be scheduled with the appropriate administrator. (7.2) Elementary teachers serving on the Executive Board and/or the Representative Assembly of the Association will be able to leave their elementary buildings fifteen (15) minutes prior to the close of the official teaching day for the express purpose of attending such monthly meetings. Such early departure shall not exceed one (1) day per month for elementary teachers serving in one of the groups or two (2) days per month for elementary teachers serving in both groups. The Association will provide each principal, prior to the beginning of the school year, a list of the monthly scheduled meetings and a listing of members of the Executive Board and the Representative Assembly of the Association. Elementary teachers who have completed student supervision duties may depart their buildings fifteen (15) minutes prior to the close of the official teaching day for the purpose of attending three (3) regularly scheduled Association meetings, provided that the meetings do not fall on Mondays or days of scheduled elementary planning time. (7.3) The Association shall pay for the reasonable costs of all materials and supplies used by the Association. If overtime custodial services are required as a direct result of Association use of facilities, the Association will pay for the total cost of said services. (7.4) The Association shall be entitled to post appropriate materials on employee bulletin boards in teachers' lounges and workrooms. All Association materials posted shall be initialed by an Association official home-based in the building. (7.5) The District shall make available to the Association, upon its request, public records which are relevant to collective bargaining negotiations or necessary for the processing of a grievance, to the extent such material is reasonably obtainable. Copies of confidential and privileged memoranda, information and correspondence between the District and its attorneys or similar advisors shall not be furnished to the Association unless specifically authorized by the superintendent of schools.
Association Communication. The Association shall be able to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on a designated bulletin board in a place that is agreed upon between the union and administration. The Association may use employee mailboxes for communication to employees. The employees may also use technology, such as phones and Promethean Boards, to engage in simultaneous building meetings using such programs as Skype.
Association Communication. The District will provide the Association reasonable access to new employees of the bargaining unit for the purposes of presenting information about their exclusive bargaining representative to the new employee. The presentation may occur during a new employee orientation provided by the District, or at another time mutually agreed to by the District and Association. No employee may be mandated to attend the meetings or presentations by the Association. "Reasonable access" for the purposes of this section means: (a) The access to the new employee occurs within ninety days of the employee's start date within the bargaining unit; (
Association Communication. The Association President or his/her designee shall have the right to communicate with Employees covered by this Contract using available District resources (including but not limited to mailboxes and telephones, but not e-mail) about official Association business, provided the communications do not interfere with or interrupt school operations and occur outside Employee work hours.
Association Communication. The Association shall be provided with bulletin boards or sections thereof, for the purpose of posting Association materials at each work site. The Association shall also have the right to use the school mailboxes to distribute Association material. The Association also shall have the right to use district e-mail for general communication with members. E-mail shall not be used to promote a specific political candidate or political position.
Association Communication. Upon request, the Association will be granted ten (10) minutes to address Bargaining Unit employees at district wide Professional Development meetings regarding Association business.
Association Communication. The Association will be allowed use of a room in which to meet during a thirty (30) minute time slot during the Fall PIR Day as determined by the Curriculum Director. No other paraprofessional activities will be scheduled during that time, and employees who wish to attend the Association’s meeting during that time are free to so, or not, at their option.