Use of Student Data Sample Clauses

Use of Student Data. Student Data and/or Teacher or Principal Data which the Contractor comes into possession as part of its Agreement with the District shall be used for the following exclusive purpose(s): Pursuant to and as fully described in the Service Agreement, Provider has agreed to provide the digital educational services set forth below and any other products and services that Provider may provide now or in the future (the “Services”).
Use of Student Data. Google will use Student Data only to exercise rights and fulfill obligations under this Agreement.
Use of Student Data. Curriculum Associates only uses student data collected in connection with the use of i-Ready for the purpose of making i-Ready available to its customers and improving its content and effectiveness. Curriculum Associates only uses student-identifiable data to make i-Ready available to that particular student and to provide related reports and services to that student’s school and school district and its teachers and administrators. Curriculum Associates collects and uses aggregated, de- identified student data to make i-Ready a more effective, adaptive product and for other internal research and development purposes. Curriculum Associates does not attempt to re-identify de-identified customer data.
Use of Student Data. 1. Participating Institution shall ensure de-identification of all User Profile fields, which shall constitute "De-Identified Information" or “Anonymised Datafor purposes of this Agreement. 2. EU Participating Institutions: Directive 95/46/EC refers to anonymisation in Recital 26 to exclude anonymised data from the scope of data protection legislation: “Whereas the principles of protection must apply to any information concerning an identified or identifiable person; whereas, to determine whether a person is identifiable, account should be taken of all the means likely reasonably to be used either by the controller or by any other person to identify the said person; whereas the principles of protection shall not apply to data rendered anonymous in such a way that the data subject is no longer identifiable; whereas codes of conduct within the meaning of Article 27 may be a useful instrument for providing guidance as to the ways in which data may be rendered anonymous and retained in a form in which identification of the data subject is no longer possible;”
Use of Student Data. Amplify uses Student Data collected from, or on behalf of, a School Customer to support the learning experience, to provide the Products to the School Customer and to ensure secure and effective operation of our Products, including: a. to provide and improve our educational Products and to support School Customers’ and Authorized Users’ activities; b. for purposes requested or authorized by the School Customer or as otherwise permitted by Applicable Laws; c. for adaptive or personalized learning purposes, provided that Student Data is not d. for customer support purposes, to respond to the inquiries and fulfill the requests e. to enforce product access and security controls; and f. to conduct system audits and improve protections against the misuse of our Products, or to detect and prevent fraud and other harmful activities.
Use of Student Data. The Contractor shall not use Student Data for any purposes other than those authorized pursuant to the Contract or by law.
Use of Student Data. Apex Learning will only use Student Data to provide the Services.
Use of Student Data. Student Data to Be Provided. In order to perform the Services described above, LEA shall provide Student Data as identified in the Schedule of Data, attached hereto as Exhibit “B”.
Use of Student Data. In order to provide its Service, Khan Academy may obtain personal data, including student name, email address and date of birth, as described in its Privacy Policy. Student Data and/or Teacher or Principal Data which Provider comes into possession as part of its Agreement with the LEA shall be used for the following exclusive purpose(s): Pursuant to and as described in the Service Agreement, Khan Academy will use Student data in order to provide access to and use of Khan Academy's Services as set forth the LEA’s agreement with Khan Academy (the "Agreement"), including (i) to provide students with individual Website accounts; (ii) to provide adaptive and/or customized student learning features of the Service and educational programs offered through the Service; (iii) to allow School Personnel, and parents and coaches associated with students, to review and evaluate student educational achievement and progress on the Service; and (iv) to communicate with users regarding use of the Service and provide information regarding educational and enrichment programs. Certain programs may be offered only with the approval of the LEA or the Parent, in accordance with applicable laws. Khan Academy will not sell or disclose Student data to any third party for any Commercial or Marketing Purpose. Khan Academy will implement administrative and technical safeguards designed to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of personally identifiable Student Data in its custody.
Use of Student Data. Data provided from the CCSD and NSC collaboration will be for official and unofficial use within CCSD and NSC respectively, including evaluation of student performance and educational pathways (including course patterns, performance, and school systems).