VACATION AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 Employees shall be entitled to vacations according to the following schedule: Period Worked Time Off Vacation Pay Less than 1 year 1 day per calendar month worked, to a maximum of 7 4% 1 year but less than 4 years 2 weeks 4% 4 years but less than 8 years 3 weeks 6% 8 years but less than 15 years 4 weeks 8% 15 years but less than 23 years 5 weeks 10% 23 years but less than 28 years 6 weeks 12% 28 years or more 7 weeks 14% 11.02 The date for determining the "period worked" shall be the employee's anniversary date or date of hire. a. On or by April 1 of each year the Employer shall post a blank vacation schedule sheet in each department. Between April 1 and May 1 each employee shall have the right to indicate on this sheet the time during which she/he prefers to take vacation. Employees may indicate vacation preference by seniority. b. Employees if entitled shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) weeks’ vacation during July and August, unless extra time is available. An employee who is entitled to more than three (3) weeks' vacation may request in writing to take all of her/his vacation at one time only for special circumstances. c. Employees who wish to take their vacation prior to April 1 or who were not able to post for their vacation between April 1 and May 1 shall make their request to the administrator one (1) month prior to their vacation. Such vacation request shall be granted if the request does not interfere with the posted vacation schedules. d. Employees who have vacation entitlement in excess of one (1) week may take one (1) of their additional weeks of entitlement in individual days. The employee must notify the Employer that she will exercise this option at the time she books her other weeks of vacation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee may take single day vacation for the period from June 15 to September 10. Single vacation days shall be treated like floating holidays as in section 12.01(b), except that only fourteen (14) days notice is required. The time must be mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee and will be subject to the Employer’s ability to fully staff the Home. For part-time employees this week of single days will be prorated. As per the historical understanding, a week’s vacation is defined as beginning on Monday and ending the following Sunday. 11.04 The completed vacation schedules shall be determined in discussions between the Employer and the Union stewards between May 1 and May 15. The guiding factors shall be seniority and family circumstances. Whenever a conflict arises that cannot be settled amicably, the dispute shall be resolved by the Employer. The parties agree to continue past practice in vacation scheduling. 11.05 Notwithstanding sections 11.03 and 11.04 of the collective agreement, the parties agree that the scheduling of vacations shall be done on the basis of seniority for each shift and for each floor in order to allow as many employees as is reasonably possible to be on vacation at any one time. 11.06 The Employer shall post the final schedules on or about May 15. These schedules shall not be changed except with the consent of the Employer, the xxxxxxx, and the employee(s) affected. a. The vacation year shall be from July 1 of one year to June 30th of the next year. Vacation for the previous year may not be taken consecutively with the vacation for the current year. b. Employees have the option to receive vacation pay on the pay day immediately prior to the commencement of her/his vacation. However, the default shall be that employees receive vacation payment as if they worked. Vacation pay shall be the income an employee would normally have received and she/he worked a normal schedule during the vacation period, provided there are sufficient funds in the employee’s vacation account. c. Vacation pay is calculated at the applicable percentage over the employee's gross earnings as defined by the Income Tax Act. 11.08 All employees who have completed one (1) year of service shall be required to take two (2) weeks of vacation unless the employee has been on partial extended disability, maternity leave, or Workers' Compensation for a period of two (2) months or more. 11.09 When an employee's employment is terminated for any reason, full payment for vacations earned but not taken shall form part of such employee's termination pay. 11.10 Vacations and personal leaves of absence will normally not be granted during the period of December 15 to January 5. However, the Home agrees to allow a total of four (4) employees from the nursing department and one (1) employee from each other department to take vacation during the Christmas period. The Home will look at the vacation requests of the most senior employees who have not taken vacation during this time frame in the last five (5) years. Vacation requests under this Article should be submitted as per Article 11.04. 11.11 Once the employee has fulfilled the requirements of Article 11.08 she/he may request one (1) additional payout during the year to cover vacation monies earned but not taken. The employee shall give the Employer three (3) weeks notice of desire to exercise this option. It is acknowledged that this article will be interpreted to mean that an employee, after fulfilling the requirements of 11.08, may request a full payment of all vacation monies earned but not taken and may then take the rest of her/his vacation at a later date pursuant to the agreement without pay.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
VACATION AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 18.01 Full-time Employees Full-time employees shall be entitled to vacations vacation according to the following schedule: Period Worked (Yrs) Time Off Vacation Pay Less than 1 year 1 day per calendar month worked, to a maximum of 7 week 4% 1 year but less than 4 years 3 2 weeks 4% 4 years 3 but less than 5 3 weeks 6% 5 but less than 8 years 3 4 weeks 6% 8 years but less than 15 years 4 weeks 8% 15 years but less than 23 years 5 weeks 10% 23 years but less than 28 6 weeks 12% 28 years or more 7 weeks 14% No time off will be given to an employee for vacation unless such employee has completed a minimum of six (6) calendar months of service. Such time off will not take away the employee’s right to vacation pay.
18.02 Part-Time Employees Part-time employees shall be entitled to vacation with eligibility determined on the basis of 1950 hours equalling one (1) year of service. Part-time employees shall be entitled to vacation according to the following schedule: Period Worked (Yrs) Time Off Vacation Pay Less than 1 1 week 4% 1 but less than 3 2 weeks 4% 3 but less than 5 3 weeks 6% 5 but less than 8 4 weeks 6% 8 but less than 15 4 weeks 8% 15 but less than 23 5 weeks 10% 23 but less than 28 6 weeks 12% 28 years or more 7 weeks 14%
11.02 18.03 The date for determining to determine the "“period worked" ” for full time employees is the employee’s last hiring date.
18.04 Vacation pay is calculated at the applicable percentage as indicated in Article 18.01 and the definition of “gross earnings” in the previous vacation year. The definition of “gross earnings” shall be interpreted to mean: Any monies paid directly to an employee by the Employer for hours worked and paid and not worked but paid for by the Employer to the employee's anniversary date or date of hire, within the vacation year.
a. 18.05 On or by April 1 January of each year the Employer shall post a blank vacation schedule sheet in each departmentsheet. Between April January 1 and May April 1 each employee shall have the right to indicate on this sheet the time during which she/he she prefers to take her vacation. Employees may indicate vacation preference by seniority.
b. Employees if entitled shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) weeks’ vacation during July and August, unless extra time is available. An employee who is entitled to more than three (3) weeks' vacation may request in writing to take all of her/his vacation at one time only for special circumstances.
c. Employees who wish to take their vacation prior to April 1 or who were not able to post for their vacation between April 1 and May 1 shall make their request to the administrator one (1) month prior to their vacation. Such vacation request shall be granted if the request does not interfere with the posted vacation schedules.
d. Employees who have vacation entitlement in excess of one (1) week may take one (1) of their additional weeks of entitlement in individual days. The employee must notify the Employer that she will exercise this option at the time she books her other weeks of vacation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee may take single day vacation for the period from June 15 to September 10. Single vacation days shall be treated like floating holidays as in section 12.01(b), except that only fourteen (14) days notice is required. The time must be mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee and will be subject to the Employer’s ability to fully staff the Home. For part-time employees this week of single days will be prorated. As per the historical understanding, a week’s vacation is defined as beginning on Monday and ending the following Sunday.
11.04 a. The completed vacation schedules schedule shall be determined determined, if possible, in discussions between the Employer and the Union stewards Stewards between May April 1 and May 15April 30. The guiding factors shall be seniority and family circumstances. Whenever a conflict arises that cannot be settled amicably, the dispute shall be resolved by the Employer. The parties agree to continue past practice in vacation scheduling.
11.05 Notwithstanding sections 11.03 and 11.04 of the collective agreement, the parties agree that the scheduling of vacations shall be done on the basis of seniority for each shift and for each floor in order b. It is general practice not to allow as many employees as is reasonably possible to take vacation from December 15th through January 15th due to the three named holidays and increased family and resident expectations during that time period. Notwithstanding this position, requests on an individual basis will be on vacation at any one time.
11.06 The Employer shall post the final schedules on or about May 15. These schedules shall not considered, providing operational scheduling and holiday commitments can be changed except with the consent of the Employer, the xxxxxxx, and the employee(s) affectedmet.
a. The vacation year shall be from July 1 of one year to June 30th Consistent with the provisions of the next year. Vacation for the previous year may Employment Standards Act, employees shall take not be taken consecutively with the vacation for the current year.
b. Employees have the option to receive vacation pay on the pay day immediately prior to the commencement of her/his vacation. However, the default shall be that employees receive vacation payment as if they worked. Vacation pay shall be the income an employee would normally have received and she/he worked a normal schedule during the vacation period, provided there are sufficient funds in the employee’s vacation account.
c. Vacation pay is calculated at the applicable percentage over the employee's gross earnings as defined by the Income Tax Act.
11.08 All employees who have completed one (1) year of service shall be required to take two (2) weeks of vacation unless the employee has been on partial extended disability, maternity leave, or Workers' Compensation for a period of two (2) months or more.
11.09 When an employee's employment is terminated for any reason, full payment for vacations earned but not taken shall form part of such employee's termination pay.
11.10 Vacations and personal leaves of absence will normally not be granted during the period of December 15 to January 5. However, the Home agrees to allow a total of four (4) employees from the nursing department and one (1) employee from each other department to take vacation during the Christmas period. The Home will look at the vacation requests of the most senior employees who have not taken vacation during this time frame in the last five (5) years. Vacation requests under this Article should be submitted as per Article 11.04.
11.11 Once the employee has fulfilled the requirements of Article 11.08 she/he may request one (1) additional payout during the year to cover vacation monies earned but not taken. The employee shall give the Employer less than three (3) weeks notice of desire their vacation in segments which are at least one
(1) week in duration.
b. Nevertheless, if an employee is entitled to exercise this option. It is acknowledged that this article will be interpreted to mean that an employee, after fulfilling the requirements of 11.08, may request a full payment of all vacation monies earned but not taken and may then take the rest of her/his vacation at a later date pursuant to the agreement without pay.more than three
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement
VACATION AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 10.01 Employees shall be entitled to vacations according to the following schedule: Period Worked Time Off Vacation Pay Less Effective January 1, 2021 employees shall be entitled to vacations according to the following schedule. more than 1 six (6) months but less than one (1) year 1 day per calendar month worked, to a maximum of 7 week 4% 1 one (1) year but less than 4 three (3) years 2 weeks 4% 4 three (3) years but less than 8 eight (8) years 3 weeks 6% 8 eight (8) years but less than 15 fifteen (15) years 4 weeks 8% 15 fifteen (15) years but less than 23 twenty-two (22) years 5 weeks 10% 23 twenty-two (22) years but less than 28 twenty-eight (28) years 6 weeks 12% 28 twenty-eight (28) years or more 7 weeks 14%% * Employees with vacation entitlement of thirteen (13) years but less than fifteen (15) years may take an extra week of vacation time.
11.02 The date for determining the "period worked" 10.02 Effective January 1, 1991 vacation accrual shall be on the basis of eighteen hundred (1800) hours worked (and hours not worked and paid) equals one (1) year.
10.03 Vacation pay is calculated at the applicable percentage of the employee's anniversary date or date of hiregross earnings including last year's vacation.
a. On or by April January 1 of each year the Employer Home shall post a blank vacation schedule sheet in each departmentsheet. Between April January 1 and May April 1 each employee shall have the right to indicate on this sheet the time during which she/he she prefers to take her vacation. Employees may indicate vacation preference by seniority.
b. Employees if entitled shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) weeks’ vacation during July and August, unless extra time is available. An employee who is entitled to No more than three (3) weeks' consecutive weeks of vacation may request in writing to take all be taken during the months of her/his vacation at one time only for special circumstancesJuly and August.
c. Employees who wish to take their vacation prior to April 1 or who were Vacations will not able to post for their vacation between April 1 and May 1 shall make their request to the administrator one (1) month prior to their vacation. Such vacation request shall be granted if between December 15th and January 5th. Notwithstanding this restriction it is understood that three (3) persons in the bargaining unit (one [1] Registered, one [1] personal support worker and, one [1] from other departments) may request does (and be granted) vacation at Christmas time by seniority. It is understood that an employee who is granted such leave will not interfere with be eligible until all other employees have exercised their rights. The request must be indicated on the posted vacation schedulesschedule at the time of posting.
d. Employees Subject to the scheduling provision of Article 9, employees who have earned four (4) weeks or more vacation time entitlement in excess of one will be allowed to break up two (12) week may take one (1) of their additional weeks of entitlement in individual vacation into single days. The employee must notify It is understood that for those who regularly work less than five (5) days in a week that the Employer that she will exercise this option at the time she books her other weeks of vacation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee may take single day vacation for the period from June 15 to September 10. Single vacation days shall be treated like floating holidays as in section 12.01(b), except that only fourteen (14) days notice is required. The time must be mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee and will be subject equivalent to the Employer’s ability to fully staff the Home. For part-time employees this week number of single days will be prorated. As per the historical understanding, they regularly work in a week’s vacation is defined as beginning on Monday and ending the following Sunday.
11.04 10.05 The completed complete vacation schedules schedule shall be determined in discussions between the Employer Home and the Union stewards between May April 1 and May April 15. The guiding factors to select the employees vacation requests shall be seniority and family circumstances. Whenever a conflict arises between these factors that cannot be settled amicably, the dispute it shall be resolved by the Employer. The parties agree to continue past practice in vacation scheduling.
11.05 Notwithstanding sections 11.03 and 11.04 of the collective agreement, the parties agree that the scheduling of vacations shall be done on the basis of seniority seniority. Notwithstanding, final approval of the vacation schedule will be determined based on the operational requirements of the Home. Such requests will not be unreasonably denied. Employees who do not request for each shift and for each floor vacation time on the schedule, as described in order to allow as many employees as is reasonably possible to be on Article 10.04, may take their vacation at any one timetimes that do not conflict with other employees vacation requests and will be approved based on the operational requirements of the Home. The Home will be notified in writing of the requested time periods. Vacation requests made after the posting of the vacation schedule shall be determined by the Director of Administration or designate having due regard to the proper operation of the Home on a first come first serve basis, not on the basis of seniority.
11.06 10.06 The Employer Home shall post the final schedules schedule on or about May 15. These schedules shall not be changed except with the consent of the Employer, the xxxxxxx, and the employee(s) affected.
a. The vacation year shall be from July 1 of one year to June 30th of the next year. Vacation for the previous year may not be taken consecutively with the vacation for the current year.
b. Employees have the option to receive vacation pay on the pay day immediately prior to the commencement of her/his vacation. However, the default shall be that employees receive vacation payment as if they worked. Vacation pay shall be the income an employee would normally have received and she/he worked a normal schedule during the vacation period, provided there are sufficient funds in the employee’s vacation account.
c. Vacation pay is calculated at the applicable percentage over the employee's gross earnings as defined by the Income Tax Act.
11.08 All employees who have completed one (1) year of service shall be required to take two (2) weeks of vacation unless the employee has been on partial extended disability, maternity leave, or Workers' Compensation for a period of two (2) months or more.
11.09 When an employee's employment is terminated for any reason, full payment for vacations earned but not taken shall form part of such employee's termination pay.
11.10 Vacations and personal leaves of absence will normally not be granted during the period of December 15 to January 5. However, the Home agrees to allow a total of four (4) employees from the nursing department and one (1) employee from each other department to take vacation during the Christmas period. The Home will look at the vacation requests of the most senior employees who have not taken vacation during this time frame in the last five (5) years. Vacation requests under this Article should be submitted as per Article 11.04.
11.11 Once the employee has fulfilled the requirements of Article 11.08 she/he may request one (1) additional payout during the year to cover vacation monies earned but not taken. The employee shall give the Employer three (3) weeks notice of desire to exercise this option. It is acknowledged that this article will be interpreted to mean that an employee, after fulfilling the requirements of 11.08, may request a full payment of all vacation monies earned but not taken and may then take the rest of her/his vacation at a later date pursuant to the agreement without pay.April
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
VACATION AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 Employees 14.01 Vacation time off for a particular calendar year shall be granted to an employee who has completed twelve (12) months of employment (i.e. seniority) with Heidehof and shall be entitled to vacations according two weeks of vacation time off regardless of service in keeping with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act. Enriched vacation time off for a particular calendar year shall be granted to an employee based on service with the following scheduleEmployer as of the end of payroll 26 of the previous calendar year as follows: Period Worked Time Off Vacation Pay Less than 1 year 1 day per calendar month worked, to a maximum of 7 4% 1 year 4 yrs but less than 8 yrs 7,488 hrs but less than 14,976 hrs 3 weeks 8 yrs but less than 15 yrs 14,976 hrs but less than 28,080 hrs 4 years 2 weeks 15 yrs but less than 23 yrs 28,080 hrs but less than 43,056 hrs 5 weeks 23 yrs but less than 28 yrs 43,056 hrs but less than 52,416 hrs 6 weeks 28 yrs or more 52,416 hours or more 7 weeks Time frames are expressed in calendar weeks that commence on a Monday and end on a Sunday. Employees who follow the requirements of Article 14.05 shall be allocated their vacation schedules in order of seniority; otherwise they are assigned in order received.
14.02 Vacation pay shall accrue to an employee based on service with the Employer with increases taking effect with the payroll first following the payroll in which the new threshold is reach as follows: Date of hire 4% 4 years but less than 8 years 3 weeks 7488 hours 6% 8 years but less than 15 years 4 weeks 14,976 hours 8% 15 years but less than 23 years 5 weeks 28,080 hours 10% 23 years but less than 28 years 6 weeks 43,056 hours 12% 28 years or more 7 weeks 52,416 hours 14%
11.02 The date 14.03 Earnings for determining vacation pay accrual purposes shall consist of the "period worked" shall be Employee’s T4 gross earnings reportable in Xxx 00 less the employee's anniversary date or date of hireamount in Box 40 (taxable benefits).
a. On or by April 1 14.04 Full-time and part-time employees will be paid vacation at the time vacation is taken. Casual staff will receive vacation pay every pay period. For all employees this amount will be equal to two percent (2%) of their gross earnings in the previous year for each week of vacation to which they are entitled in the upcoming year. Employees who leave the employ of Heidehof for any reason during a year the Employer shall post a blank vacation schedule sheet in each department. Between April 1 and May 1 each employee shall have the right to indicate on this sheet the their vacation time during which she/he prefers to take vacationprorated for that particular year. Employees may indicate vacation preference by seniority.
b. Employees who are off for leaves of absence (except pregnancy leave) or extended illness (except if entitled shall be allowed covered under a maximum of three (3WSIB claim) weeks’ vacation during July and August, unless extra time is available. An employee who is entitled to more than three (3) weeks' vacation may request in writing to take all of her/his vacation at one time only for special circumstances.
c. Employees who wish to take will have their vacation prior to April 1 or who were not able to post prorated for their the year in which they return from leave. At the end of the each year, a reconciliation of vacation between April 1 payouts and May 1 shall make their request to the administrator one (1) month prior to their vacationactual accruals will take place. Such vacation request shall be granted if the request does not interfere with the posted vacation schedules.
d. Employees who have positive balances at the end of the calendar year may elect to receive payment for the balance (payment to be made no later than January of the following year) or carry over the accrual.
14.05 An employee with an entitlement of four (4) weeks or more vacation entitlement shall be allowed, if so requested and scheduled in excess of accordance with Article 14.05, to take one (1) week may take one (1) of their additional weeks of entitlement vacation in individual days. The employee must notify the Employer that she will exercise this option at the time she books her other weeks One week of vacation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee may take single day vacation for the period from June 15 to September 10. Single vacation days shall be treated like floating holidays as in section 12.01(b), except that only fourteen (14) days notice is required. The time must be mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee and will be subject equate to the Employer’s ability to fully staff the Home. For part-time employees this week number of single days will be prorated. As per the historical understanding, worked in a week’s vacation is defined as beginning on Monday and ending the following Sunday.
11.04 The completed vacation schedules shall be determined in discussions between the Employer and the Union stewards between May 1 and May 15. The guiding factors shall be seniority and family circumstances. Whenever week (averaged over a conflict arises that cannot be settled amicably, the dispute shall be resolved by the Employer. The parties agree to continue past practice in vacation scheduling.
11.05 Notwithstanding sections 11.03 and 11.04 of the collective agreement, the parties agree that the scheduling of vacations shall be done on the basis of seniority for each shift and for each floor in order to allow as many employees as is reasonably possible to be on vacation at any one time.
11.06 The Employer shall post the final schedules on or about May 15. These schedules shall not be changed except with the consent of the Employer, the xxxxxxx, and the employee(s) affected.
a. The vacation year shall be from July 1 of one year to June 30th of the next year. Vacation for the previous year may not be taken consecutively with the vacation for the current year.
b. Employees have the option to receive vacation pay on the pay day immediately prior to the commencement of her/his vacation. However, the default shall be that employees receive vacation payment as if they worked. Vacation pay shall be the income an employee would normally have received and she/he worked a normal schedule during the vacation period, provided there are sufficient funds in the employee’s vacation account.
c. Vacation pay is calculated at the applicable percentage over the employee's gross earnings as defined by the Income Tax Act.
11.08 All employees who have completed one (1) year of service shall be required to take two (2) weeks of vacation unless the employee has been on partial extended disability, maternity leave, or Workers' Compensation for a period of two (2) months or more.
11.09 When an employee's employment is terminated for any reason, full payment for vacations earned but not taken shall form part of such employee's termination pay.
11.10 Vacations and personal leaves of absence will normally not be granted during the period of December 15 to January 5. However, the Home agrees to allow a total of four (4) employees from the nursing department and one (1) employee from each other department to take vacation during the Christmas period. The Home will look at the vacation requests of the most senior employees who have not taken vacation during this time frame in the last five (5) years. Vacation requests under this Article should be submitted as per Article 11.04.
11.11 Once the employee has fulfilled the requirements of Article 11.08 she/he may request one (1) additional payout during the year to cover vacation monies earned but not taken. The employee shall give the Employer three (3) weeks notice of desire to exercise this option. It is acknowledged that this article will be interpreted to mean that an employee, after fulfilling the requirements of 11.08, may request a full payment of all vacation monies earned but not taken and may then take the rest of her/his vacation at a later date pursuant to the agreement without pay.two
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
VACATION AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 Employees 14.01 Vacation time off for a particular calendar year shall be granted to an employee who has completed twelve (12) months of employment (i.e. seniority) with Heidehof and shall be entitled to vacations according two weeks of vacation time off regardless of service in keeping with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act. Enriched vacation time off for a particular calendar year shall be granted to an employee based on service with the following scheduleEmployer as of the end of payroll 26 of the previous calendar year as follows: Period Worked Time Off Vacation Pay Less than 1 year 1 day per calendar month worked, to a maximum of 7 4% 1 year 4 yrs but less than 8 yrs 7,488 hrs but less than 14,976 hrs 3 weeks 8 yrs but less than 15 yrs 14,976 hrs but less than 28,080 hrs 4 years 2 weeks 15 yrs but less than 23 yrs 28,080 hrs but less than 43,056 hrs 5 weeks 23 yrs but less than 28 yrs 43,056 hrs but less than 52,416 hrs 6 weeks 28 yrs or more 52,416 hours or more 7 weeks Time frames are expressed in calendar weeks that commence on a Monday and end on a Sunday. Employees who follow the requirements of Article 14.05 shall be allocated their vacation schedules in order of seniority; otherwise they are assigned in order received.
14.02 Vacation pay shall accrue to an employee based on service with the Employer with increases taking effect with the payroll first following the payroll in which the new threshold is reach as follows: Date of hire 4% 4 years but less than 8 years 3 weeks 7488 hours 6% 8 years but less than 15 years 4 weeks 14,976 hours 8% 15 years but less than 23 years 5 weeks 28,080 hours 10% 23 years but less than 28 years 6 weeks 43,056 hours 12% 28 years or more 7 weeks 52,416 hours 14%
11.02 The date 14.03 Earnings for determining vacation pay accrual purposes shall consist of the "period worked" Employee’s T4 gross earnings reportable in Xxx 00 less the amount in Box 40 (taxable benefits).
14.04 Full-time and part-time employees will be paid vacation at the time vacation is taken. Casual staff will receive vacation pay every pay period. For all employees this amount will be equal to two percent (2%) of their gross earnings in the previous year for each week of vacation to which they are entitled in the upcoming year. Employees who leave the employ of Heidehof for any reason during a year shall have their vacation time prorated for that particular year. Employees who are off for leaves of absence (except pregnancy leave) or extended illness (except if covered under a WSIB claim) will have their vacation prorated for the year in which they return from leave.
14.05 An employee with an entitlement of four (4) weeks or more vacation shall be the employee's anniversary date or date of hire.
a. On or by April 1 of each year the Employer shall post a blank vacation schedule sheet allowed, if so requested and scheduled in each department. Between April 1 and May 1 each employee shall have the right to indicate on this sheet the time during which she/he prefers accordance with Article 14.05, to take vacation. Employees may indicate vacation preference by seniority.
b. Employees if entitled shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) weeks’ vacation during July and August, unless extra time is available. An employee who is entitled to more than three (3) weeks' vacation may request in writing to take all of her/his vacation at one time only for special circumstances.
c. Employees who wish to take their vacation prior to April 1 or who were not able to post for their vacation between April 1 and May 1 shall make their request to the administrator one (1) month prior to their vacation. Such vacation request shall be granted if the request does not interfere with the posted vacation schedules.
d. Employees who have vacation entitlement in excess of one (1) week may take one (1) of their additional weeks of entitlement vacation in individual days. The employee must notify the Employer that she will exercise this option at the time she books her other weeks One week of vacation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee may take single day vacation for the period from June 15 to September 10. Single vacation days shall be treated like floating holidays as in section 12.01(b), except that only fourteen (14) days notice is required. The time must be mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee and will be subject equate to the Employer’s ability to fully staff the Home. For part-time employees this week number of single days will be prorated. As per the historical understanding, worked in a week’s vacation is defined as beginning on Monday and ending the following Sunday.
11.04 The completed vacation schedules shall be determined in discussions between the Employer and the Union stewards between May 1 and May 15. The guiding factors shall be seniority and family circumstances. Whenever week (averaged over a conflict arises that cannot be settled amicably, the dispute shall be resolved by the Employer. The parties agree to continue past practice in vacation scheduling.
11.05 Notwithstanding sections 11.03 and 11.04 of the collective agreement, the parties agree that the scheduling of vacations shall be done on the basis of seniority for each shift and for each floor in order to allow as many employees as is reasonably possible to be on vacation at any one time.
11.06 The Employer shall post the final schedules on or about May 15. These schedules shall not be changed except with the consent of the Employer, the xxxxxxx, and the employee(s) affected.
a. The vacation year shall be from July 1 of one year to June 30th of the next year. Vacation for the previous year may not be taken consecutively with the vacation for the current year.
b. Employees have the option to receive vacation pay on the pay day immediately prior to the commencement of her/his vacation. However, the default shall be that employees receive vacation payment as if they worked. Vacation pay shall be the income an employee would normally have received and she/he worked a normal schedule during the vacation period, provided there are sufficient funds in the employee’s vacation account.
c. Vacation pay is calculated at the applicable percentage over the employee's gross earnings as defined by the Income Tax Act.
11.08 All employees who have completed one (1) year of service shall be required to take two (2) weeks of vacation unless the employee has been on partial extended disability, maternity leave, or Workers' Compensation for a period of two (2) months or more.
11.09 When an employee's employment is terminated for any reason, full payment for vacations earned but not taken shall form part of such employee's termination pay.
11.10 Vacations and personal leaves of absence will normally not be granted during the period of December 15 to January 5. However, the Home agrees to allow a total of four (4) employees from the nursing department and one (1) employee from each other department to take vacation during the Christmas period. The Home will look at the vacation requests of the most senior employees who have not taken vacation during this time frame in the last five (5) years. Vacation requests under this Article should be submitted as per Article 11.04.
11.11 Once the employee has fulfilled the requirements of Article 11.08 she/he may request one (1) additional payout during the year to cover vacation monies earned but not taken. The employee shall give the Employer three (3) weeks notice of desire to exercise this option. It is acknowledged that this article will be interpreted to mean that an employee, after fulfilling the requirements of 11.08, may request a full payment of all vacation monies earned but not taken and may then take the rest of her/his vacation at a later date pursuant to the agreement without pay.two
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
VACATION AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 Employees shall be entitled to vacations according to the following schedule: Period Worked Time Off Vacation Pay Less than 1 year yr 1 day per calendar month worked, day/mo. to a maximum max. of 7 10 working days 4% of gross earnings for period worked 1 year yr but less than 4 years 3 yrs 2 weeks 4% 4 years of gross earnings for period worked 3 yrs but less than 8 years yrs 3 weeks 6% of gross earnings for period worked 8 years yrs but less than 15 years yrs 4 weeks 8% of gross earnings for period worked 15 years yrs but less than 23 years 22 yrs 5 weeks 10% 23 years of gross earnings for period worked 22 yrs but less than 28 years 25 yrs 6 weeks 12% 28 years of gross earnings for period worked 25 yrs or more 7 weeks 14%% of gross earnings for period worked
11.02 The date for determining the "period worked" shall be since the employee's anniversary last hiring date or date is the 31st of hireMay.
a. 11.03 On or by April March 1 of each year the Employer shall post a blank vacation schedule sheet in each departmentsheet, which will cover the twelve (12) months of the vacation year. Between April March 1 and May April 1 each employee shall will have the right to indicate on this sheet the time during which shehe/he she prefers to take vacation. Employees may indicate A vacation preference by seniorityyear is considered to begin on June 1 of one (1) year and end of May 31 of the following year.
b. Employees if entitled 11.04 The Employer will decide the number of employees within a classification who may take vacation simultaneously. A week of vacation for full-time will consist of five (5) working days and two (2) days off within a seven (7) consecutive calendar day period. For part-time, a week of vacation will be seven (7) consecutive calendar days. Vacation shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) weeks’ vacation during July and Augusttaken in full weeks only, unless extra time is available. An employee who is entitled to except as follows: employees with more than three (3) weeks' weeks vacation entitlement may request in writing elect to take all of her/his vacation at one time only for special circumstances.
c. Employees who wish to take their vacation prior to April 1 or who were not able to post for their vacation between April 1 and May 1 shall make their request to the administrator one (1) month prior to their vacation. Such vacation request shall be granted if the request does not interfere with the posted vacation schedules.
d. Employees who have vacation entitlement in excess of one (1) week may take one five (15) of their additional weeks of entitlement in working days, as individual vacation days. The employee must notify , provided such days are requested outside the Employer that she will exercise this option at the prime vacation time she books her other weeks of vacation. Notwithstanding the foregoing(June, no employee may take single day vacation for the period from June 15 to September 10. Single vacation days shall be treated like floating holidays as in section 12.01(bJuly, August), except that only fourteen (14) days notice is required. The time must be mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee and will be subject to the Employer’s ability to fully staff the Home. For part-time employees this week of single days will be prorated. As per the historical understanding, a week’s vacation is defined as beginning on Monday and ending the following Sunday.
11.04 The completed vacation schedules shall be determined in discussions between the Employer and the Union stewards between May 1 and May 15. The guiding factors shall be seniority and family circumstances. Whenever a conflict arises that cannot be settled amicably, the dispute shall be resolved by the Employer. The parties agree to continue past practice in vacation scheduling.
11.05 Notwithstanding sections 11.03 and 11.04 of the collective agreement, the parties agree that the scheduling of vacations Vacation pay shall be done on the basis of seniority for paid to each shift and for each floor in order to allow as many employees as is reasonably possible to be on vacation at any one time.
11.06 The Employer shall post the final schedules on or about May 15. These schedules shall not be changed except with the consent of the Employer, the xxxxxxx, and the employee(s) affected.
a. The vacation year shall be from July 1 of one year to June 30th of the next year. Vacation for the previous year may not be taken consecutively with the vacation for the current year.
b. Employees have the option to receive vacation pay employee on the pay day immediately prior to or immediately following his or her vacation at the commencement employee option. An employee who has not received all her vacation monies by May 1 of her/his vacation. However, the default that year shall be paid vacation pay no later than May 31 of that employees receive vacation payment as if they worked. Vacation pay shall be the income an employee would normally have received and she/he worked a normal schedule during the vacation period, provided there are sufficient funds in the employee’s vacation accountyear.
c. Vacation pay is calculated at 11.06 Part-time employees will accrue vacation on the applicable percentage over the employee's gross earnings as defined basis of seniority by the Income Tax Act.
11.08 All employees who have completed hours worked, fifteen hundred (1500) hours equalling to one (1) year of service shall be required to take two (2) weeks of vacation unless the employee has been on partial extended disability, maternity leave, or Workers' Compensation for a period of two (2) months or morefull-time seniority.
11.09 When an employee's employment is terminated for any reason, full payment for vacations earned but 11.07 Vacations will not taken shall form part normally be scheduled between December 20 of such employee's termination pay.
11.10 Vacations and personal leaves of absence will normally not be granted during the period of December 15 to January 5. However, the Home agrees to allow a total of four (4) employees from the nursing department and one (1) employee from each year and January 10 of the next year.
11.08 A week’s vacation shall be seven (7) consecutive days beginning on Monday during July and August. During other department to take vacation during the Christmas period. The Home will look at months the vacation requests of the most senior employees who have not taken vacation during this time frame in the last five (5) years. Vacation requests under this Article should be submitted as per Article 11.04week may begin at another day.
11.11 Once the employee has fulfilled the requirements of Article 11.08 she/he may request one (1) additional payout during the year to cover 11.09 Part-time employees shall be paid their vacation monies earned but not taken. The employee shall give the Employer three (3) weeks notice of desire to exercise this option. It is acknowledged that this article will be interpreted to mean that an employee, after fulfilling the requirements of 11.08, may request a full payment of all vacation monies earned but not taken and may then take the rest of her/his vacation at a later date pursuant to the agreement without paypay on each bi-weekly pay cheque.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
VACATION AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 18.01 Full-time Employees Full-time employees shall be entitled to vacations vacation according to the following schedule: Period Worked (Yrs) Time Off Vacation Pay Less than 1 year 1 day per calendar month worked, to a maximum of 7 week 4% 1 year but less than 4 years 3 2 weeks 4% 4 years 3 but less than 5 3 weeks 6% 5 but less than 8 years 3 4 weeks 6% 8 years but less than 15 years 4 weeks 8% 15 years but less than 23 years 5 weeks 10% 23 years but less than 28 6 weeks 12% 28 years or more 7 weeks 14% No time off will be given to an employee for vacation unless such employee has completed a minimum of six (6) calendar months of service. Such time off will not take away the employee’s right to vacation pay.
18.02 Part-Time Employees Part-time employees shall be entitled to vacation with eligibility determined on the basis of 1950 hours equalling one (1) year of service. Part-time employees shall be entitled to vacation according to the following schedule: Less than 1 1 week 4% 1 but less than 3 2 weeks 4% 3 but less than 5 3 weeks 6% 5 but less than 8 4 weeks 6% 8 but less than 15 4 weeks 8% 15 but less than 23 5 weeks 10% 23 but less than 28 6 weeks 12% 28 years or more 7 weeks 14%
11.02 18.03 The date for determining to determine the "“period worked" ” is the employee’s last hiring date.
18.04 Vacation pay is calculated at the applicable percentage as indicated in Article 18.01 and the definition of “gross earnings” in the previous vacation year. The definition of “gross earnings” shall be interpreted to mean: Any monies paid directly to an employee by the Employer for hours worked and paid and not worked but paid for by the Employer to the employee's anniversary date or date of hire, within the vacation year.
a. 18.05 On or by April 1 January of each year the Employer shall post a blank vacation schedule sheet in each departmentsheet. Between April January 1 and May April 1 each employee shall have the right to indicate on this sheet the time during which she/he she prefers to take her vacation. Employees may indicate vacation preference by seniority.
b. Employees if entitled shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) weeks’ vacation during July and August, unless extra time is available. An employee who is entitled to more than three (3) weeks' vacation may request in writing to take all of her/his vacation at one time only for special circumstances.
c. Employees who wish to take their vacation prior to April 1 or who were not able to post for their vacation between April 1 and May 1 shall make their request to the administrator one (1) month prior to their vacation. Such vacation request shall be granted if the request does not interfere with the posted vacation schedules.
d. Employees who have vacation entitlement in excess of one (1) week may take one (1) of their additional weeks of entitlement in individual days. The employee must notify the Employer that she will exercise this option at the time she books her other weeks of vacation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee may take single day vacation for the period from June 15 to September 10. Single vacation days shall be treated like floating holidays as in section 12.01(b), except that only fourteen (14) days notice is required. The time must be mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee and will be subject to the Employer’s ability to fully staff the Home. For part-time employees this week of single days will be prorated. As per the historical understanding, a week’s vacation is defined as beginning on Monday and ending the following Sunday.
11.04 a. The completed vacation schedules schedule shall be determined determined, if possible, in discussions between the Employer and the Union stewards Stewards between May April 1 and May 15April 30. The guiding factors shall be seniority and family circumstances. Whenever a conflict arises that cannot be settled amicably, the dispute shall be resolved by the Employer. The parties agree to continue past practice in vacation scheduling.
11.05 b. It is general practice not to allow employees to take vacation from December 15th through January 15th due to the three named holidays and increased family and resident expectations during that time period. Notwithstanding sections 11.03 this position, requests on an individual basis will be considered, providing operational scheduling and 11.04 holiday commitments can be met.
a. Consistent with the provisions of the collective agreementEmployment Standards Act, the parties agree that the scheduling employees shall take not less than three (3) weeks of vacations shall be done on the basis of seniority for each shift and for each floor their vacation in order to allow as many employees as is reasonably possible to be on vacation segments which are at any least one time(1) week in duration.
11.06 b. Nevertheless, if an employee is entitled to more than three (3) weeks of vacation time in a given year, she may carry the additional time over into the following calendar year and be entitled to take the time prior to April 30th. It is understood that references to weeks of vacation refer to seven (7) consecutive calendar days.
18.08 The Employer shall post the final schedules schedule on or about May 15April 30. These schedules This schedule shall not be changed except with the consent of the Employer, the xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx and the employee(s) affected.
a. The vacation year shall Vacation pay is to be from July 1 of one year paid to June 30th of the next year. Vacation for the previous year may not be taken consecutively with the vacation for the current yearan employee by a separate cheque.
b. Employees have An employee may, on the option to receive form provided, request and be paid her vacation pay on the several times a year provided adequate notice is given.
c. Changes in vacation time and vacation pay day immediately prior to the commencement of her/his vacation. However, the default percentage for an employee shall be that employees receive vacation payment as if they worked. Vacation pay shall be the income an employee would normally have received and she/he worked a normal schedule during the vacation period, provided there are sufficient funds in effective on the employee’s vacation account.
c. Vacation pay is calculated at anniversary date, in the applicable percentage over the employee's gross earnings as defined by the Income Tax Act.
11.08 All employees who have completed one (1) year case of service shall be required to take two (2) weeks of vacation unless the employee has been on partial extended disability, maternity leavefull- time employees, or Workers' Compensation for a period of two (2) months or more.
11.09 When an employee's employment is terminated for any reasonon the calculated date, full payment for vacations earned but not taken shall form part of such employee's termination pay.
11.10 Vacations and personal leaves of absence will normally not be granted during the period of December 15 to January 5. However, the Home agrees to allow a total of four (4) employees from the nursing department and one (1) employee from each other department to take vacation during the Christmas period. The Home will look at the vacation requests of the most senior employees who have not taken vacation during this time frame in the last five (5) years. Vacation requests under this Article should be submitted as per Article 11.04case of part-time employees.
11.11 Once the employee has fulfilled the requirements of Article 11.08 she/he may request one (1) additional payout during the year to cover vacation monies earned but not taken. The employee shall give the Employer three (3) weeks notice of desire to exercise this option. It is acknowledged that this article will be interpreted to mean that an employee, after fulfilling the requirements of 11.08, may request a full payment of all vacation monies earned but not taken and may then take the rest of her/his vacation at a later date pursuant to the agreement without pay.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
VACATION AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 Employees 14.01 Vacation time off for a particular calendar year shall be granted to an employee who has completed twelve (12) months of employment (i.e. seniority) with Heidehof and shall be entitled to vacations according two weeks of vacation time off regardless of service in keeping with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act. Enriched vacation time off for a particular calendar year shall be granted to an employee based on service with the following scheduleEmployer as of the end of payroll 26 of the previous calendar year as follows: Period Worked Time Off Vacation Pay Less than 1 year 1 day per calendar month worked, to a maximum of 7 4% 1 year but less than 4 years 2 weeks 4% 4 years but less than 8 years 3 weeks 6% 8 years but less than 15 years 4 weeks 8% 15 years but less than 23 24 years 5 weeks 10% 23 24 years but less than 28 years or more 6 weeks 12% Effective January 1, 2010: 28 years or more 7 Time frames are expressed in calendar weeks 14%
11.02 The date for determining that commence on a Monday and end on a Sunday. Employees who follow the "period worked" requirements of Article 14.05 shall be allocated their vacation schedules in order of seniority; otherwise they are assigned in order received.
14.02 Vacation pay shall accrue to an employee based on service with the Employer with increases taking effect with the payroll first following the payroll in which the new threshold is reach as follows: Date of hire 4% 4 years 6% 8 years 8% 15 years 10% 24 years 12% Effective January 1, 2010: 28 years
14.03 Earnings for vacation pay accrual purposes shall consist of the Employee’s T4 gross earnings reportable in Xxx 00 less the amount in Box 40 (taxable benefits).
14.04 Vacation pay shall be paid to an employee at the time vacation is taken. For full-time employees this amount will be an estimate equal to two percent (2%) of their gross earnings in the previous year for each week of vacation to which they are entitled. For all other employees vacation pay will not exceed the actual balance in their vacation accrual. Employees who leave the employ of Heidehof for any reason during a year shall have their vacation time prorated for that particular year. Any paid but unearned vacation will be deducted from the employee's anniversary date ’s final pay cheque. Employees who are off for leaves of absence (except pregnancy leave) or date extended illness (except if covered under a WSIB claim) will have their vacation prorated for that particular year. At the end of hirethe each year, a reconciliation of vacation payouts and actual accruals will take place. Employees who have positive balances at the end of the calendar year may elect to receive payment for the balance (payment to be made no later than January of the following year) or carry over the accrual. Employees who have negative balances will be required to pay back the amounts by the end of January of the following year, in a manner agreed to by the employee and the Home. In the event the employee and the Home are not able to agree on an appropriate mechanism, the employee’s vacation bank in the following year will be deducted accordingly.
a. On or by 14.05 Employees will be requested to record their vacation schedule preference on a sheet to be posted from March 1st to April 1 1st of each year the year. The Employer shall post a blank arrange vacation schedule sheet in each departmentdates, taking into account the seniority of employees, provided the employees make such request on or before April 1st. Between April 1 and May 1 each employee shall have the right These requests will not be unreasonably denied. The Employer may limit vacation time to indicate on this sheet the time during which she/he prefers to take vacation. Employees may indicate vacation preference by seniority.
b. Employees if entitled shall be allowed a maximum of no more than three (3) weeks’ weeks at any one time. The final posting of such requests is to be made by April 30th of the same year. The Employer will indicate how many employees from each department and classification will be able to take vacation during July and August, unless extra time is available. prior to posting the vacation sheet on March 1st.
14.06 An employee who is entitled with an entitlement to more than three (3) weeks' weeks vacation may request shall be allowed, if so requested and scheduled in writing accordance with Article 14.05, to take all of her/his vacation at one time only for special circumstances.
c. Employees who wish to take their vacation prior to April 1 or who were not able to post for their vacation between April 1 and May 1 shall make their request to the administrator one (1) month prior to their vacation. Such vacation request shall be granted if the request does not interfere with the posted vacation schedules.
d. Employees who have vacation entitlement in excess of one (1) week may take one (1) of their additional weeks of entitlement vacation in individual days.
14.07 Prior to leaving on vacation, an employee shall be notified of the date and time on which to report to work following vacation.
14.08 Where a full-time employee’s scheduled vacation is interrupted due to a serious illness requiring the employee to be an in-patient in a hospital, the period of such hospitalization shall be considered sick leave. The employee must notify the Employer that she will exercise this option at the time she books her other weeks of vacation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee may take single day vacation requirement for the period from June 15 hospitalization referred to September 10. Single vacation days shall be treated like floating holidays as in section 12.01(b), except that only fourteen (14) days notice paragraph one above is required. The time must be mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee and will be subject to the Employerwaived when an employee’s ability to fully staff the Home. For part-time employees this week of single days will be prorated. As per the historical understanding, a week’s scheduled vacation is defined as beginning on Monday interrupted due to serious illness which commenced prior to and ending continues into the following Sunday.
11.04 The completed scheduled vacation schedules shall be determined in discussions between the Employer and the Union stewards between May 1 and May 15. The guiding factors shall be seniority and family circumstances. Whenever a conflict arises that cannot be settled amicably, the dispute shall be resolved by the Employer. The parties agree to continue past practice in vacation scheduling.
11.05 Notwithstanding sections 11.03 and 11.04 of the collective agreement, the parties agree that the scheduling of vacations shall be done on the basis of seniority for each shift and for each floor in order to allow as many employees as is reasonably possible to be on vacation at any one time.
11.06 The Employer shall post the final schedules on or about May 15. These schedules shall not be changed except with the consent of the Employer, the xxxxxxxperiod, and the employee(s) affected.
a. The vacation year period of such illness shall be from July 1 considered sick leave. The portion of one year to June 30th of the next year. Vacation for the previous year may not be taken consecutively with the vacation for the current year.
b. Employees have the option to receive vacation pay on the pay day immediately prior to the commencement of her/his vacation. However, the default shall be that employees receive vacation payment as if they worked. Vacation pay shall be the income an employee would normally have received and she/he worked a normal schedule during the vacation period, provided there are sufficient funds in the employee’s vacation accountwhich is deemed to be sick leave under the above provision will not be counted against the employee’s vacation credits.
c. Vacation pay is calculated at the applicable percentage over the employee's gross earnings as defined by the Income Tax Act.
11.08 All employees who have completed one (1) year of service shall be required to take two (2) weeks of vacation unless the employee has been on partial extended disability, maternity leave, or Workers' Compensation for a period of two (2) months or more.
11.09 14.09 When an employee's ’s employment is terminated for any reason, full payment for vacations earned but not taken shall unpaid vacation pay will form part a portion of such employee's ’s termination pay.
11.10 Vacations and personal leaves of absence will normally not be granted 14.10 Employees who fulfil their notice requirement per Article 14.05 may select a vacation time during the period of Christmas Season (defined as December 15 15th to January 56th) provided the number of staff that can be off at one time is one-half that allowed for during the normal summer season rounded down to the nearest whole number. HoweverScheduled vacation time will take precedence over scheduled substitute days that are allowed for in Article 15.05. Additional vacation may be considered in some departments at the sole discretion of the Supervisor, subject to the Home agrees following conditions:
a. There are replacement staff who are available to allow a total fill in during the period.
b. Notice, if not given under Article 14.05, must be given by October 15th to the Employer of four (4) employees from the nursing department and one (1) employee from each other department an employee’s intention to take exercise vacation time during the Christmas period. The Home Response to this request will look at be given by November 1st when the draft scheduled is posted.
c. Employee’s requests to have vacation requests during the Christmas period shall be finally determined by the Employer given due consideration for the safe and efficient operation of the most senior employees who have not taken vacation during this time frame in the last five (5) years. Vacation requests under this Article should be submitted as per Article 11.04Home.
11.11 Once the d. No employee has fulfilled the requirements of Article 11.08 she/he may request one (1) additional payout during the year to cover vacation monies earned but not taken. The employee shall give the Employer three (3) weeks notice of desire to exercise this option. It is acknowledged that this article will be interpreted to mean that an employee, after fulfilling the requirements of 11.08, may request a full payment of all vacation monies earned but not taken and may then take the rest of her/his denied vacation at Christmas as a later date pursuant to the agreement without payresult of another employee being granted vacation at Christmas two (2) years in a row.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
VACATION AND VACATION PAY. 11.01 Employees 14.01 Vacation time off for a particular calendar year shall be granted to an employee who has completed twelve (12) months of employment (i.e. seniority) with Heidehof and shall be entitled to vacations according two weeks of vacation time off regardless of service in keeping with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act. Enriched vacation time off for a particular calendar year shall be granted to an employee based on service with the following scheduleEmployer as of the end of payroll 26 of the previous calendar year as follows: Period Worked Time Off Vacation Pay Less than 1 year 1 day per calendar month worked, to a maximum of 7 4% 1 year 4 yrs but less than 8 yrs 7,488 hrs but less than 14,976 hrs 3 weeks 8 yrs but less than 15 yrs 14,976 hrs but less than 28,080 hrs 4 years 2 weeks 15 yrs but less than 23 yrs 28,080 hrs but less than 43,056 hrs 5 weeks 23 yrs but less than 28 yrs 43,056 hrs but less than 52,416 hrs 6 weeks 28 yrs or more 52,416 hours or more 7 weeks Time frames are expressed in calendar weeks that commence on a Monday and end on a Sunday. Employees who follow the requirements of Article 14.05 shall be allocated their vacation schedules in order of seniority; otherwise they are assigned in order received.
14.02 Vacation pay shall accrue to an employee based on service with the Employer with increases taking effect with the payroll first following the payroll in which the new threshold is reach as follows: Date of hire 4% 4 years but less than 8 years 3 weeks 7488 hours 6% 8 years but less than 15 years 4 weeks 14,976 hours 8% 15 years but less than 23 years 5 weeks 28,080 hours 10% 23 years but less than 28 years 6 weeks 43,056 hours 12% 28 years or more 7 weeks 52,416 hours 14%
11.02 The date 14.03 Earnings for determining vacation pay accrual purposes shall consist of the "period worked" Employee’s T4 gross earnings reportable in Xxx 00 less the amount in Box 40 (taxable benefits).
14.04 Vacation pay shall be paid to an employee at the employee's anniversary date time vacation is taken. For all employees this amount will be equal to two percent (2%) of their gross earnings in the previous year for each week of vacation to which they are entitled in the upcoming year. Employees who leave the employ of Heidehof for any reason during a year shall have their vacation time prorated for that particular year. Employees who are off for leaves of absence (except pregnancy leave) or date extended illness (except if covered under a WSIB claim) will have their vacation prorated for that particular year. At the end of hirethe each year, a reconciliation of vacation payouts and actual accruals will take place. Employees who have positive balances at the end of the calendar year may elect to receive payment for the balance (payment to be made no later than January of the following year) or carry over the accrual.
a. On or by April 1 of each year the Employer shall post a blank vacation schedule sheet in each department. Between April 1 and May 1 each employee shall have the right to indicate on this sheet the time during which she/he prefers to take vacation. Employees may indicate vacation preference by seniority.
b. Employees if entitled shall be allowed a maximum of three (3) weeks’ vacation during July and August, unless extra time is available. 14.05 An employee who is entitled with an entitlement to more than three (3) weeks' ’ vacation may request shall be allowed, if so requested and scheduled in writing accordance with Article 14.05, to take all of her/his vacation at one time only for special circumstances.
c. Employees who wish to take their vacation prior to April 1 or who were not able to post for their vacation between April 1 and May 1 shall make their request to the administrator one (1) month prior to their vacation. Such vacation request shall be granted if the request does not interfere with the posted vacation schedules.
d. Employees who have vacation entitlement in excess of one (1) week vacation in individual days. One week of vacation shall equate to the number of single days worked in a week (averaged over a two (2) week period), as evidenced by the master schedule rounded up to the next full day. Employees will be requested to record their vacation schedule preference on a sheet to be posted from March 1st to April 1st of each year. The Employer shall arrange vacation dates, taking into account the seniority of employees, provided the employees make such request on or before April 1st. These requests will not be unreasonably denied. The Employer may limit vacation time to no more than three (3) weeks at any one time. The final posting of such requests is to be made by April 30th of the same year. The Employer will indicate how many employees from each department and classification will be able to take vacation prior to posting the vacation sheet on March 1st.
14.06 An employee with an entitlement to more than three (3) weeks’ vacation shall be allowed, if so requested and scheduled in accordance with Article 14.05, to take one (1) of their additional weeks of entitlement week vacation in individual days.
14.07 Prior to leaving on vacation, an employee shall be notified of the date and time on which to report to work following vacation.
14.08 Where a full-time employee’s scheduled vacation is interrupted due to a serious illness requiring the employee to be an in-patient in a hospital, the period of such hospitalization shall be considered sick leave. The employee must notify the Employer that she will exercise this option at the time she books her other weeks of vacation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no employee may take single day vacation requirement for the period from June 15 hospitalization referred to September 10. Single vacation days shall be treated like floating holidays as in section 12.01(b), except that only fourteen (14) days notice paragraph one above is required. The time must be mutually agreed upon between the Employer and the employee and will be subject to the Employerwaived when an employee’s ability to fully staff the Home. For part-time employees this week of single days will be prorated. As per the historical understanding, a week’s scheduled vacation is defined as beginning on Monday interrupted due to serious illness which commenced prior to and ending continues into the following Sunday.
11.04 The completed scheduled vacation schedules shall be determined in discussions between the Employer and the Union stewards between May 1 and May 15. The guiding factors shall be seniority and family circumstances. Whenever a conflict arises that cannot be settled amicably, the dispute shall be resolved by the Employer. The parties agree to continue past practice in vacation scheduling.
11.05 Notwithstanding sections 11.03 and 11.04 of the collective agreement, the parties agree that the scheduling of vacations shall be done on the basis of seniority for each shift and for each floor in order to allow as many employees as is reasonably possible to be on vacation at any one time.
11.06 The Employer shall post the final schedules on or about May 15. These schedules shall not be changed except with the consent of the Employer, the xxxxxxxperiod, and the employee(s) affected.
a. The vacation year period of such illness shall be from July 1 considered sick leave. The portion of one year to June 30th of the next year. Vacation for the previous year may not be taken consecutively with the vacation for the current year.
b. Employees have the option to receive vacation pay on the pay day immediately prior to the commencement of her/his vacation. However, the default shall be that employees receive vacation payment as if they worked. Vacation pay shall be the income an employee would normally have received and she/he worked a normal schedule during the vacation period, provided there are sufficient funds in the employee’s vacation accountwhich is deemed to be sick leave under the above provision will not be counted against the employee’s vacation credits.
c. Vacation pay is calculated at the applicable percentage over the employee's gross earnings as defined by the Income Tax Act.
11.08 All employees who have completed one (1) year of service shall be required to take two (2) weeks of vacation unless the employee has been on partial extended disability, maternity leave, or Workers' Compensation for a period of two (2) months or more.
11.09 14.09 When an employee's ’s employment is terminated for any reason, full payment for vacations earned but not taken shall unpaid vacation pay will form part a portion of such employee's ’s termination pay.
11.10 Vacations and personal leaves of absence will normally not be granted 14.10 Employees who fulfil their notice requirement per Article 14.05 may select a vacation time during the period of Christmas Season (defined as December 15 15th to January 56th) provided the number of staff that can be off at one time is one-half that allowed for during the normal summer season rounded down to the nearest whole number. HoweverScheduled vacation time will take precedence over scheduled substitute days that are allowed for in Article 15.05. Additional vacation may be considered in some departments at the sole discretion of the Supervisor, subject to the Home agrees following conditions:
a. There are replacement staff who are available to allow a total fill in during the period.
b. Notice, if not given under Article 14.05, must be given by October 15th to the Employer of four (4) employees from the nursing department and one (1) employee from each other department an employee’s intention to take exercise vacation time during the Christmas period. The Home Response to this request will look at be given by November 1st when the draft scheduled is posted.
c. Employee’s requests to have vacation requests during the Christmas period shall be finally determined by the Employer given due consideration for the safe and efficient operation of the most senior employees who have not taken vacation during this time frame in the last five (5) years. Vacation requests under this Article should be submitted as per Article 11.04Home.
11.11 Once the d. No employee has fulfilled the requirements of Article 11.08 she/he may request one (1) additional payout during the year to cover vacation monies earned but not taken. The employee shall give the Employer three (3) weeks notice of desire to exercise this option. It is acknowledged that this article will be interpreted to mean that an employee, after fulfilling the requirements of 11.08, may request a full payment of all vacation monies earned but not taken and may then take the rest of her/his denied vacation at Christmas as a later date pursuant to the agreement without payresult of another employee being granted vacation at Christmas two (2) years in a row.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement