Vacation Schedules (a) Completed vacation schedules will be posted by April 30th of each year. The schedule will be circulated commencing February 1st of the same year. (b) An employee who does not exercise her seniority rights within two (2) weeks of receiving the vacation schedule, shall not be entitled to exercise those rights in respect to any vacation time previously selected by an employee with less seniority. (c) An employee who relocates to another work location where the vacation schedule has already been completed will not be entitled to exercise her seniority rights for that year only. However, every effort shall be made to grant vacation at the time of the employee's choice.
Vacation Schedule 1. Vacation periods shall be fixed by the Employer to suit the requirements of his business, but as far as possible and practicable, vacations will be given during the summer months, and for employees with school-age children, during the school vacations. Vacation periods shall be unbroken unless by mutual consent between Employer and employee, or where it is impractical. Grievances relating to this Section shall be subject to the Adjustment and Arbitration Procedure in this Agreement. 2. Time off, based upon service in the Industry Vacation Plan, may be granted to an employee by mutual agreement between the Employer and the employee. The Employer shall not be required to give time off based upon service under the Industry Vacation Plan. However, if such additional industry vacation time off is granted to an employee, such time off shall be counted as time worked for the purpose of computing the employee's earned vacation benefits on his next anniversary date of employment.
Vacation Scheduling (a) Employees shall indicate their vacation preference by February 1st of each year, and the Employer shall post the final vacation schedule by April 1st of each year. Choice of vacation period shall be based on seniority but shall be determined by the Director of Resident Care or designate having due regard to the proper operation of the Home. Vacation requests made after the posting of the vacation schedule shall be determined by the Director of Care or designate having due regard to the proper operation of the Home on a first come first serve basis, not on seniority. (b) Vacations may be taken at any time of year, and the Employer will grant request where possible, provided that vacation quotas shall not be unduly restrictive, and vacation shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Employer will give consideration to an employee’s request for vacation between the period of December 15 and January 15, provided the employee will be fulfilling her or his commitment to work either Christmas or New Year’s. (c) Employees may request pursuant to Article 13.08 to have the weekend off prior to or following their vacation. The Employer will endeavour to schedule such request subject to the following: i) Where the weekend off is granted and the employee was otherwise scheduled to work on those days, such extra days will be deemed to be vacation days; ii) The employee must have such vacation entitlement available; and, iii) The weekend off being requested must be contiguous with (i.e. consecutive with) the employee’s original vacation. (d) Prior to leaving on vacation, an employee shall be notified of the date on which to report back for work following vacation if the posted work schedule does not cover the employees’ vacation period, if the information is known to the employer. (e) Full-time employees will be granted time off in single days or multiples thereof upon request, provided the employer agrees to that request. The maximum allotment of these days will be five (5) days.
Compensation Schedule Except as otherwise provided herein, employees shall be compensated within the pay range assigned to the classification of the position in which they are employed and in accordance with the pertinent conditions of employment enumerated in this Agreement. Sec. 503 REGULAR PAY DAY: Employees shall be paid on or about the Friday following the end of the biweekly payroll period.
Compensation for Holidays Falling Within Vacation Schedule If a paid holiday falls on or is observed during an Employee's vacation period, she shall be allowed an additional vacation day with pay at a time mutually agreed upon by the Employer and the Employee.
Flexible Work Schedules An employee may request a modification of their current work schedule to another schedule. The Employer, or its designees, may approve or deny flexible work schedules and retain the responsibility for determining exemptions from, or terminations of, flexible work schedules which adversely affect the operation of the Minnesota Judicial Branch or the level of service to the public.
Attachment C_ CONTRACT AFFIRMATIONS For purposes of these Contract Affirmations, HHS includes both the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) and the Department of State Health Services (DSHS). System Agency refers to HHSC, DSHS, or both, that will be a party to this Contract. These Contract Affirmations apply to all Contractors and Grantees (referred to as “Contractor”) regardless of their business form (e.g., individual, partnership, corporation). By entering into this Contract, Contractor affirms, without exception, understands, and agrees to comply with the following items through the life of the Contract:
ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONTRACT CONDITIONS Special Contract Conditions revisions: the corresponding subsections of the Special Contract Conditions referenced below are replaced in their entirety with the following:
Salary Schedules (a) The salary schedules shall be incorporated into this Agreement as Appendix V. (b) Salary schedules will contain Career Enhancement/Growth steps as described in Section 45.6.
CFR PART 200 Contract Provisions Explanation Required Federal contract provisions of Federal Regulations for Contracts for contracts with ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members: The following provisions are required to be in place and agreed if the procurement is funded in any part with federal funds. The ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members are the subgrantee or Subrecipient by definition. Most of the provisions are located in 2 CFR PART 200 - Appendix II to Part 200—Contract Provisions for Non-Federal Entity Contracts Under Federal Awards at 2 CFR PART 200. Others are included within 2 CFR part 200 et al. In addition to other provisions required by the Federal agency or non-Federal entity, all contracts made by the non- Federal entity under the Federal award must contain provisions covering the following, as applicable.