VOLUNTARY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. It is agreed that should the Oregon Teamster Employer Trust allow additional contributions on behalf of employees under provisions of IRS 501.C9, the parties shall meet to negotiate a fair and equitable resolution to allow such contributions. It is understood that all contributions would come from payroll deductions from employees who would choose by majority vote to participate in this additional coverage.
VOLUNTARY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. (VEBA) Effective January 1, 2014, the City will contribute $50 per month to the VEBA specified by Local 2898 for employees covered by this Agreement who are not entitled to disability leave under State Statute RCW 41.26.
VOLUNTARY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. (If agreed to by MEA members) A monthly contribution will be deducted from each member’s salary by the District to be placed in a Voluntary Employee Benefit Association (VEBA) account. This is in addition to the optional VEBA conversion of sick days when an employee qualifies. The contribution rate will stay the same unless MEA members vote to change it. An annual vote by the MEA is required to renew these provisions.
VOLUNTARY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. Effective August 1, 2003, there shall be a program titled VEBA es- tablished as a part of the WTWT, for the purpose of providing the means for pre-funding, in part, the WTWT retiree’s self pay rates for Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits. The funding of the VEBA Benefit shall be derived from the diversion of $100.60 per month from each contribution paid on behalf of each active employee, Em- ployer contributions, earned income on reserve investments, and the transfer of present retiree reserves into the VEBA account. Contri- butions shall be credited to each individual employee on behalf of who such contributions are remitted for purposes of determining benefit eligibility. A detailed explanation of benefit amounts and eligibility requirements will be made available to all participants. The contribution level necessary to fund the Retirees Benefits shall be determined from time to time by the WTWT Trustees. It is ac- knowledged by the bargaining parties that the granting of credits under the VEBA program has been suspended by the Board of Trustees of the WTWT and that the $100.60 being contributed under this provision is currently being used to offset ongoing retiree costs.
VOLUNTARY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. (VEBA) "Eligible employees" for purposes of this section shall be defined as those members of the bargaining unit who have successfully completed their initial probationary period. The City has adopted a HRA-VEBA account with the HRA-VEBA Trust to receive contributions of eligible IAFF employees. For employees who elect to enroll in the PPO or Kaiser plan, the City will contribute $90 per month for each eligible employee to the IAFF VEBA. For those employees who elect to enroll in the HDHP, City contributions ($90/month) to the HRA-VEBA will be made instead to the City Deferred Compensation Plans (457) and the employee contributions to the HRA-VEBA will be suspended.
VOLUNTARY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. The Borough shall maintain and manage a Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) plan for the benefit of the Officers. On a voluntary basis, each Officer can enroll in this plan. In order to enroll, the Officer must pay $2,000 into the plan prior to retirement. The plan will pay $250.00 per month towards medical insurance coverage to any Officer who retires prior to the age of 65. The payment will be made until such time as the Officer becomes Medicare eligible or until the Officer reached the age of 65, whichever occurs first.
VOLUNTARY EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. The Board will establish and maintain the Xxxxxxxx County Schools 501(c)9 Voluntary Employee Benefit Association (“VEBA”) that has separate Retirement Restructuring, Retirement and Active at work (“Active”) accounts. The School Corporation will pay for any annual VEBA fee(s) for any teacher participating in the VEBA up to a maximum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) per year.