Voluntary Layoff Appointing authorities will allow an employee in the same job classification and department where layoffs will occur to volunteer to be laid off provided that the employee is in a position requiring the same skills and abilities, as a position subject to layoff. Any volunteer for layoff shall have no formal layoff option. If the appointing authority accepts the employee’s voluntary request for layoff, the employee will submit a non-revocable letter stating they are accepting a voluntary layoff from the University. The employee will be placed on all applicable rehire lists.
Voluntary Redundancy a) With the exception of areas where there is only one position under review, the employer will call for expressions of interest from kaimahi within the area of review who wish to volunteer for redundancy to cover the surplus/es positions that have been identified. b) Should the number of volunteers exceed the number of surpluses, the employer will apply selection criteria as defined in clause 12.7 to determine whose application for redundancy will be accepted. c) Should the number of volunteers not exceed the number of identified surpluses, the employer will accept all expressions of interest from those who have volunteered subject to the operational requirements of the employer. d) Should there be no volunteers or insufficient volunteers to discharge the surplus, the employer shall then apply the criteria set out in clause 11.7 to identify the kaimahi to be declared surplus.