WORK PROCEDURE. 40. THE LESSEE shall ensure that no structural damage takes place.
41. Every day, on completion of work, THE LESSEE shall ensure that the site is cleaned all combustible & non-combustible scrap including any wood/paper/lose paint /any other material/scrap is remove from the premises.
42. THE LESSEE shall ensure that the malba/scrap is disposed out of site every day.
43. THE LESSEE shall ensure that the stair cases are not blocked with interior fitout material.
44. No material shall be stocked in the lift lobby area.
45. THE LESSEE shall not store paint and other combustible material at Demised Premises. The material may be brought onto the floor for interior finishing as and when it is required.
46. No storage of any material / records in basement is allowed as it obstructs free movement. However, for a limited period of 10 days during interior works THE LESSEE with the permission of the facility manager can use this earmarked car/two xxxxxxx parking space as temporary storage for fixture/furniture which is in the process of being installed. The same must be barricaded by THE LESSEE and THE LESSEE must depute a security guard for the same. THE LESSEE must install a Fire Fighting system such as extinguishers, sand buckets & water buckets to the satisfaction of the facility manager for this temporary storage area. This furniture/fixture will be allowed to be brought only 7 days in advance of installation. The storage area must be cleared by THE LESSEE immediately after shifting the material in their premises. In case the interiors are getting delayed beyond the targeted date, THE LESSEE will clear the temporary store immediately and shift all material in their premises. When the material is shifted on the floor the packing / covering to be removed the same day and all packing / covering material to be shifted out of the premises and the building on the same day.
47. During normal office hours, no noisy interior works such as drilling, hammering, cutting, chisilling etc is to be carried out by THE LESSEE. The same can be done after normal office hours. However, works other than the above can be carried on which cause no disturbance to the occupied floors.
WORK PROCEDURE. Set-up all types of inspection tools and equipment, including environmental test equipment, to detect both mechanical and electrical defects.
WORK PROCEDURE. Operate CNC machine shop equipment and other automatic chuckers, lathes and millx xx fabricate parts to close tolerance.
WORK PROCEDURE. Sets up and operates wave solder machine and water wash system.
WORK PROCEDURE. The Contractor shall provide its services to the Agency in accordance with the following protocol:
1. Routine (Non-Emergency) Part “A” and Part “B” Work Orders:
a. The CM will provide the Contractor with a Work Order, identifying the location, scope and nature of the services to be provided.
b. The Contractor is required to acknowledge receipt of the Work Order within forty-eight (48) hours of notification and provide a cost proposal based upon the Bid Sheets within forty-eight (48) hours from the acknowledged receipt of the Work Order, with exception of an emergency as described within Section 1.8 (B) (2). The Contractor shall not start a project without an approved proposal, with the exception of an emergency, as described within Section 1.8 (B) (2).
c. A designated Agency representative will approve the Contractor’s estimate and coordinate Agency personnel and the Contractor to establish a schedule for the work.
d. The Contractor’s employees must sign in and out at the work site daily on the Contractor Attendance Sheets (provided by the Agency). An HRA representative on-site must sign these sheets at the end of each day. Any problems or discrepancies with the sign-in sheets must be resolved with HRA’s Construction Project Manager immediately; failure to do so may result in disputed labor charges.
e. The Contractor shall not disconnect and/or remove any equipment or device from a location until they have received authorization to do so from the respective CM.
f. The Contractor shall notify the CM immediately when work on a job site is stopped or unable to start due to circumstances beyond the Contractor’s control.
2. Emergency Work Orders for Part “A” and Part “B” Work:
a. The CM will provide the Contractor with a verbal request for emergency service, identifying the location, scope and nature of the service, followed by a Work Order.
b. Only emergencies, as identified by the CM or his/her designee, may be performed without prior written approval.
c. Upon completion of the emergency service, the Contractor shall submit a detailed cost proposal to the CM. This proposal will result in a work authorization confirming the work already performed.
d. In the event of an emergency the Contractor shall be required to mobilize manpower to any borough, within four (4) hours of notification. If the Contractor fails to respond within four (4) hours of assignment of the work, the Agency will not be required to pay the four hours minimum labor charge as stated in Secti...
WORK PROCEDURE. Client and Gensler will work with the City based on a scope of work described below. All work will commence upon mutual agreement of this proposal by signature (Gensler and Client).
WORK PROCEDURE. Receive work assignments, either verbal or written, from supervision, together with drawings, method sheet, sketches or other information as required.
WORK PROCEDURE. Check, inspect and/or perform routine tests on electronic components, printed circuit boards, chassis or subassemblies for defects, workmanship, correct component or proper installation.
WORK PROCEDURE. When, according to Sulfatos Chile Administrator and/or the Contractor's discretion, there are highly hazardous activities for the people, equipment, materials or the environment, the Contractor shall prepare work procedures for these activities (OHA: Operative Hazard Analysis), which shall be approved by both parties prior to the performance of those activities. Both the Sulfatos Chile Administrator and the Contractor shall rely on the Risk Prevention Experts and the specialists they deem convenient and necessary to the make and review said procedures.
WORK PROCEDURE. Prepare material, mix paints/inks, and select silk screen frame to be used.