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WP2 Sample Clauses

WP2. In Task 2.1 a review of the regulatory framework for the integration of electrolysers into electric power grids was conducted. It was identified, that prescribed technical requirements for grid connection are not expected to be critical. It could be shown, that end-user prices for electricity are highly dependent on regulatory frameworks thus impacting the economic efficiency of electrolysers. This task was mainly conducted by IAEW. The second task of WP2 focused on re-evaluating the technical targets for the final design of the electrolyser. Emphasis was given to parameters that have direct impact on the acceptance of the system in potential future markets for electrolyser. The main parameters identified of significant importance are related to response time and maximum and minimum capacitiy. This task was mainly conducted by FHA. Figure 1. Methodology overview, evaluation of business models
WP2. WP2 (Radio analog front end for antenna beam steering) will cover the development of all the D-band analog frontend transceiver functional blocks, such as IQ-mixers, low-noise amplifiers, frequency multipliers, and power amplifiers, required to provide cost-efficient, high data rate wireless back- and front haul radio links. The design rely on the advanced 55nm BiCMOS technology of ST to cope with the integration of the complete D-band frontend on a single chip set to ensure cost effectiveness, compactness and amenability to mass fabrication. The main challenges lay in the achievement of ICs that enable a D-band radio with the bandwidth and performance defined in WP1, in close cooperation with WP3 in IC die-to-antenna feeding line transition co-design. Designed, fabricated and tested chips will be delivered to WP4 for integration, towards the demonstrator implemented within the activity defined in WP5.
WP2. Setup and operation of GreenEcoNet Platform Task 2.1 - Assessment of the taxonomy adequacy to address information needs of potential users
WP2 and timing distribution. Accurate time and phase transfer is essential for the SKA, and this task will develop and refine cost-effective techniques to ensure picosecond accuracy across the Array. By building on the work already conducted in SKADS and the US, demonstration systems will be built and a clear implementation strategy, probably involving several technical solutions, expounded.
WP2 non-imaging processors. This task will design and verify new signal processing techniques required to make observations in observing domains little investigated by previous radio arrays. Some of the most exciting SKA science is expected to come from observations that do not result in images. These include the search for, and timing of, pulsars; searches for radio transient phenomena, a field which is largely unexplored; and the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence, SETI. The SKA (including Phase 1) will have a superb ability to observe and monitor large areas of the sky, and its non-imaging processors must maximize the returns from these capabilities. WP2.
WP2. Dynamical downscaling of ERA (SMHI) A current state-of-the art dynamical downscaling for an extended multi-year period will be made as part of EURO4M with a comparatively cheaper system computingwise, than developed in WP2.1. In this way, the first results of regional reanalysis can already be used within EURO4M for the products and services delivered in WP3. SMHI will complement the dynamical reanalysis by MO using the HIRLAM system. SMHI will perform HIRLAM 25 km dynamical reanalysis (HIRLAM-A programme). It will employ the HIRLAM 3D variational analysis and the HIRLAM grid point model for the assimilation (Xxxxxxxxxx et al., 2000 and Xxxxxxxx et al., 2001). Conventional observations (SYNOP, AIREP and AMDAR, buoys, TEMP) will be used as well as METEOSAT wind observations. The observed data will be analysed in 6 h windows and analyses will be produced every 6 h. The lateral boundary conditions will come from the global ERA-40 (1960-1988) or ERA-Interim (1989-2010) reanalysis. A large scale forcing may be applied every 12 or 24 h from those datasets, mainly in order to benefit from the use of satellite radiances in the ERA reanalyses which involved a lot of quality control and bias corrections. Those data are important for defining the large scale features present also inside the Limited Area chosen. This large scale forcing can be replaced by a large scale constraint, Jk that is being developed in HIRLAM. The HIRLAM reanalysis provides a downscaling from global resolution (125 km for ERA-40 and 80 km for ERA-Interim) to 25 km in the Limited Area. The increased resolution provides more detail and realism due to both the 3D-VAR analysis of observations but also to a great deal from the 25 km grid point model used in the forecast steps of the assimilation. WP2.3: 2D-mesoscale downscaling (MF) The 2D-mesoscale downscaling techniques used in this WP provide added value for surface and near-surface fields, because they are able to include additional observations and work in higher resolution than the regional reanalysis. SMHI will develop a 2D-downscaling system where features from the present SMHI system MESAN are utilized together with an improved description of predictors in combination with developments within the SAFRAN system at MF. In a pilot project in 2007, SMHI applied the present MESAN system to a 2D-downscaling for Europe (ERAMESAN) using ERA-40 as background (first guess) fields. In this WP the results from WP2.2 will be used as background fields f...
WP2. 2.4.1 Contractor shall undertake specific safety studies as part of WP2 for the scope defined in clause2.
WP2. WP2 has four phases (which are aligned to the project-wide phases), all of which are relevant here: • pre-planning. This comprises creating a general model, which involves contacting key stakeholders from among the three Advisory Boards and Project Team Members to gather process information, and also creating use case definitions during M1 - M6, which involves liaising with of the Best Practice Stakeholders to obtain input for the use cases. This model is continuously updated throughout the life of the project, based on feedback from stakeholders and others, so it is important to keep all stakeholders informed of such updates. • planning (including acquiring datasets, training of staff, arranging for implementation of ’wrappers’ to make existing on-site components compatible with the new SIP/DIPs being developed, M7 - M27). This involves liaising with data managers, staff trainers, archival system / IT staff from: ● Project Team Members ● All Archives with digital holdings ● Other organizations with digital archival holdings ● Other Archives without current digital holdings ● Other organizations with growing record bases which will require digital archiving ● Other organizations with growing record bases which will require submission to Archives ● Other current EC Research Projects (e.g. eSENS, APEx) ● Manufacturer, Suppliers and Maintainers of Digital Archiving Systems ● Manufacturer, Suppliers and Maintainers of ERMS and other CMS Building on the work in Year 2 to undertake detailed planning of the pilots, specific communications and engagement activities will be included in each individual pilot plan, which will be finalised at the beginning of year three (M24-27). It is vital to engage clearly with Stakeholders for all aspects of the pilots, so UML and plain language will be used to provide high-level documentation of the use cases and pilot scenarios. For clarification, use-cases present functional and non-functional requirements while pilot scenarios define the business and operational context against which the pilot can be evaluated. During the planning phase, end-user documentation will be produced in national language(s).  Deployment (introduction of the project’s pilot system alongside or integrated into the current system, M19 - M30)
WP2. SKA concept delineation. Building on the existing SKA Reference Design, and on prioritized science goals and technical updates to be available in early 2008, this task will outline an SKA concept which meets the majority of science requirements using technologies likely to be affordable over the next decade. The concept will outline stages in the capability development of the SKA and will include in-depth discussion of the SKA Phase 1 vision.