XXXXXXX SCALE. It is agreed between the parties that the unlicensed xxxxxxx scale of all existing vessels covered by this Agreement shall be the xxxxxxx scale which is in effect on June Under no circumstances shall there be any reduction of these xxxxxxx scales during the life of this Agreement unless mutually agreed upon between the parties. The Union recognizes that automation may result in certain reductions in the engine room and these changes will be subject to the Canada Labour Code, Part I, Sections to ARTICLE CREW ACCOMMODATIONS The Company agrees to survey existing vessels with respect to the adequacy of insulation against engine room and other noises, insulation against heat and cold, and ventilation and heating in the unlicensed crew's accommodation. If any deficiency is found, giving consideration to the particular class of vessels the Company will make every effort to find a reasonable solution. If such a solution can be found, the necessary work will be carried out as soon as circumstances permit. The Company agrees that on all existing vessels where there are empty rooms available in the unlicensed quarters, these shall be made available to the unlicensed personnel, Cadets or Company Officials. The Company further agrees to provide single room accommodation on newly constructed vessels. The Company shall see that all quarters assigned for the use of the employees are kept clean, tidy, lighted and ventilated insofar as it is practicable to do so. The Company and the employees shall cooperate to the fullest in keeping living quarters clean and tidy at all times. The Company agrees to fumigate all quarters whenever such fumigation is necessary to free them of vermin. Crew's quarters to be painted when necessary. Any inspection of any crew member's cabin shall be done in the presence of the member or the ship's delegate if the member is not present.
XXXXXXX SCALE. It is agreed between the parties that the unlicensed xxxxxxx scale of all existing vessels covered by this Agreement shall be the xxxxxxx scalewhich is in effectat date of Under no circumstancesshall there be any reduction of these xxxxxxx scales during the life of this Agreement unless mutually agreed upon between the parties. The union recognizes that improvements to productivity as a result of innovation in equipment, materials or processes used by the Company may directly or indirectly result in a change to the agreed-upon xxxxxxx levels and these changes will be subjectto the Canada Labour Code, Part I, Sections to CREW ACCOMMODATIONS
XXXXXXX SCALE. The normal xxxxxxx scale for the shall be as follows: Spring and Fall Season Two Trip Schedule Able Bodied Seamen' Ordinary Seamen Electrician (Days) Mechanical Chief Xxxx Assistant Cooks Service Aides Through attrition, the Bosun's position will be eliminated. Temporary Bosun's vacancies will not be filled. Reliefs rate of pay will be paid until the rate of pay becomes equal to, or greater than the Bosun-in-Reliefs rate. (red circled) (Letter of Understanding April 1993). Under no circumstances shall there be any reduction of these xxxxxxx scales during the life of this agreement unless mutually agreed upon between the parties. ARTICLE
XXXXXXX SCALE. 12.01 Xxxxxxx is at the sole discretion of the Company. The Company will ensure that the vessel is manned appropriately for the safe reliable operation and to meet all government regulations. The xxxxxxx for the vessel under this Agreement is as follows:
XXXXXXX SCALE. It is the general intent of this clause to prevent unnecessary overmanning and crew-cutting. The Union that automation may result in certain reductions, and these changes will be subject to the Canada Labour Code, Part I, Sections to The Union also that the number of Unlicensed personnel required on equipment may vary depending on the location and nature of the work. The Company the need to maintain personnel sufficient to meet the efficiency and safety requirements of the projects. Modifications to xxxxxxx may be implemented where required and by mutual agreement.
XXXXXXX SCALE. A logarithmic scale for expressing the magnitude of a Seismic Event in terms of energy dissipated. Defined by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) as ML Local ("Xxxxxxx") Magnitude ML = log A - log Ao . Defined by Xxxxxxx (1935) where A is the maximum trace amplitude in millimeters recorded on a standard short-period seismometer and is a standard value as a function of distance where distance <= 600 kilometers.
XXXXXXX SCALE. It is agreed between the parties that the unlicensed xxxxxxx scale of all existing vessels covered by this Agreement shall be the xxxxxxx scale which is in effect on June Under no circumstances shall there be any reduction of these xxxxxxx scales during the life of this Agreement unless mutually agreed upon between the parties except in the case where the Company commissions additional vessels and exercises its option Article e. In this case, for each additional vessel, the Company will have the option t o not replace two of the transferred employees (one tunnelman and one day working ordinary xxxxxx). The Union recognizes that automation may result in certain reductions in the engine room and these changes will be subject to the Canada Labour Code, Part I, Sections to CREW ACCOMMODATIONS
XXXXXXX SCALE. It is agreed that for the life of this Agreement, there shah be a Xxxxxxx Scale for all vessels owned and/or operated by the Company in 1994 based on the crew complement in effect during 1994 on vessels operated under the Collective Agreement between the parties. Under no circumstances will there be any reduction of these xxxxxxx scales or classifications during the life of the Agreement.
XXXXXXX SCALE. It is agreed that the life of this Agreement there shall be a xxxxxxx scale for each of the two (2) vessels currently operated by the Company as follows: Deck Utility (3), Engine Utility (2), Cook Utility (1), it is understood and agreed that the third Deck Utility crew member may not be required in the event of an extended period of dedicated Coastal Trade (i.e more than 10 days). It is further understood that Xxxxxx will not perform any Deck Utility work when the third Deck Utility crew member is laid off. The Company shall discuss any change of this nature with the Union prior to its implementation. If Company is unable to schedule 3rd Mate on a consistent basis, a deck utility will be used. LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING #5 BETWEEN MCASPHALT MARINE TRANSPORTATION LTD. (MMTL) (Company) And Unifor and its Local 4401 (Union)
XXXXXXX SCALE. It is agreed the parties that the unlicensed xxxxxxx scale of the Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx shalt be the Same as is described in Schedule and forms an integral part of this agreement.