Discipline Code Sample Clauses

Discipline Code. The Board and the Union agree that the adjustment of behavioral problems is the joint responsibility of teachers and administrators. Teachers shall have support from administrators who shall give the teacher effective and consistent support in each case. In an instance where the situation, in the opinion of the teacher, is of a serious nature and a child is sent from the class, the teacher shall confer with the principal or assistant principal to provide the necessary information concerning the problem. A child shall not be sent from the class except to the area designated by the principal. The teacher will readmit the child, assuming an appropriate adjustment has been made, following a conference with the teacher and/or one of the following parties: an administrator, a counselor, visiting teacher, school psychologist, home visitor, a parent or guardian of the child. The teacher shall be present at the conference at the discretion of the principal or administrator. Assuming the teacher is not present at the conference, the teacher shall be informed as to the proceedings and facts of the conference.
Discipline Code. The following behaviors at school, while on school vehicles or going to or from or attending school events will result in disciplinary action, which may include detention, corporal punishment, alternative in-school placement options or out-of-school suspension:
Discipline Code. At such times as the Board may adopt or significantly modify a discipline code for students, a committee, including teachers named by the Association, shall be selected to review and comment upon the same. Following adoption, a copy of such code shall be made available to each teacher. The administration shall make every effort to work with the teachers to promote an organized atmosphere of learning.
Discipline Code. A copy of the revised Discipline Code delineating the rights and duties of all administrators and teachers with respect to student discipline shall be provided to all teachers during the first week of school. 1. In order to provide a maximum amount of supervision and assistance in the event safety-related problems occur, meetings of school administrators shall, whenever possible, take place after regular school hours. 2. Except in an emergency, there will be an administrator on site at all high school sites during school hours. In case of an emergency, an administrator will immediately be identified to cover the site.
Discipline Code. A joint committee of administrators and an equal number of certified/licensed personnel, the latter appointed by the Alliance, shall be constituted to study, evaluate, and review the Discipline Code (including, but not limited to Pawtucket School Committee policies outlined in section J "Students” of the Policy Manual for the Pawtucket School Committee) so that upon its being redrafted, it differs in the primary grades from that applicable to the higher grades in the elementary schools and that the differentiation continue at both junior high and at the senior high school levels, following which recommendations are to be submitted to the Parties. The School Committee agrees to provide a safe and healthy environment conducive to learning. The Pawtucket School Committee’s Student Policies and Disciplinary Procedures shall be followed in the disposition of all disciplinary matters. The Code shall be consistently enforced by the Principal or his/her designee.
Discipline Code. A supplemental committee shall meet to establish a student discipline code for all educational assistants and bus drivers. The committee shall mutually agree to the new code. The code shall be implemented effective with the 1991-92 school year.
Discipline Code. 4-16.1. The Committee and the Alliance agree that the adjustment of behavioral problems is the joint responsibility of teachers and administrators. Teachers will have immediate support from administrators, who shall give the teacher effective and consistent support in each case. In an instance where a student is referred to the principal or the assistant principal, the teacher shall confer with the principal or assistant principal to provide the necessary information concerning the problems and shall provide a written statement at that time. The teacher will readmit the student after appropriate adjustment has been made by the administration. In no way is this section intended to infringe upon or deny the right of a student(s) to due process. 4-16.2. Following such a conference one of several courses of action shall be taken. The child will be returned to the class with the understanding that he/she will correct his/her behavior. Depending upon the seriousness of the infraction, the child may be returned to the class while his/her case is being referred to one of the special services available. 4-16.3. In the event that a majority of teachers who work with a child in regular classes recommend suspension on a day-to-day basis, and the principal disagrees, the teachers shall address a request to the Superintendent, who shall meet with the principal and the teachers to determine if the child shall be continually suspended by the principal on a day-to-day basis. 4-16.4. Examples of offenses for which teachers may recommend a student’s suspension from class or referral to the disciplinary officer are: profanity or obscenity, fighting, gambling, skipping class, deliberate and open defiance of authority, and inciting others to violence or disobedience, possession of pornographic literature, xxxxx theft, xxxxx vandalism and assault. 4-16.5. Conduct which may require principals or persons in charge to notify the police are: extortion, use or possession of alcoholic beverages, serious theft, vandalism, false bomb reports, possession of concealed weapons, possession of narcotics, arson, or attempted arson. 4-16.6. Suspension may result from persistent disobedience which interferes with the well-being of other students or which prevents the teacher from carrying out normal classroom activities. 4-16.7. A complete and current record of discipline cases as referred to in Section 4-16 shall be maintained for use as a basis for recommendations for administering penalties ...
Discipline Code. 9-1 Discipline Code The Board and the Union agree that the adjustment of behavioral problems is the joint responsibility of teachers and administrators. Teachers shall have support from administrators who shall give the teacher effective and consistent support in each case. In an instance where the situation, in the opinion of the teacher, is of a serious nature and a child is sent from the class, the teacher shall confer with the principal or assistant principal to provide the necessary information concerning the problem. A child shall not be sent from the class except to the area designated by the principal. The teacher will readmit the child, assuming an appropriate adjustment has been made, following a conference with the teacher and/or one of the following parties: an administrator, a counselor, visiting teacher, school psychologist, home visitor, a parent or guardian of the child. The teacher shall be present at the conference at the discretion of the principal or administrator. Assuming the teacher is not present at the conference, the teacher shall be informed as to the proceedings and facts of the conference. 9-2 Assault and/or Battery Cases Principals or persons in charge shall report to the Superintendent and to the Health Administrator all cases of assault and/or battery suffered by teachers on school property or in connection with their employment. In the absence of the principal, the assistant principal or the teacher-in-charge shall have the responsibility to call an ambulance or other rescue facility which may be required. Whenever an alleged assault and/or battery incident occurs involving a faculty member, the teacher shall cooperate with the principal and the Superintendent in the investigation of the incident. In any reported assault and/or batter case, the school department will immediately request the City Solicitor's office to inform the teacher of his/her rights under the law in connection with assault and/or batter and assist the teacher by acting as liaison between the teacher, the police and the courts. The teacher shall be obligated to report all circumstances as soon as possible after the occurrence of the alleged incident.
Discipline Code. Where XXXX believes that an Employee may have committed misconduct relevant to his or her employment, action may be taken under this Discipline Code. Without limiting the definition of misconduct, a breach of these terms and conditions or of the wider organisational codes of conduct eg SLSA Doping Policy, SLSA Code of Conduct or SLSA Official Conduct Guidelines will be considered as misconduct. If an Employee is believed to have committed misconduct warranting action under the Discipline Code, they will be informed in writing of particulars by the CEO or his nominee and given an opportunity to respond. The response may be oral or written or both, but must be made within a reasonable time which is set by the CEO or his/her nominee. If, after considering all the information reasonably available on the matter, the CEO or his or her nominee determines that misconduct has occurred, he or she may, having regard to the degree of misconduct: • take no further action; • issue a written reprimand and/or warning; • dismiss the Employee without notice. If an Employee is charged with a criminal offence which might reasonably be held to be relevant (eg impact negatively) to their employment, they will immediately inform the CEO of this fact. If the CEO considers that the circumstances constitute misconduct, he may take action in accordance with this clause. If an Employee is believed to have committed misconduct, or been charged with a relevant criminal offence, sufficiently serious to warrant such action, the CEO may suspend the Employee from duty with pay or without pay if not prohibited by law for such period as is reasonably necessary to finalise action under this code. Any dispute arising from the application of this Discipline Code shall be dealt with under the grievance procedure of this Agreement.
Discipline Code. A joint committee of administrators and an equal number of certified/licensed personnel, the latter appointed by the Alliance, shall be constituted to study, evaluate, and review the Discipline Code so that upon its being redrafted, it differs in the primary grades from that applicable to the higher grades in the elementary schools and that the differentiation continue at both junior high and at the senior high school levels, following which recommendations are to be submitted to the Parties. The School Committee agrees to provide a safe and healthy environment conducive to learning. The Pawtucket School Committee’s Student Policies and Disciplinary Procedures shall be followed in the disposition of all disciplinary matters. The Code shall be consistently enforced by the Principal or his/her designee.