Documentation Musterklauseln

Documentation. OVHcloud must deploy a formal documented management system to : • provide a comprehensive framework for policy rules, guideline, operational documentation, records and indicators • ensure formalism and follow-up of activities implemented to reduce risks • demonstrate compliance with applicable legal, regulatory or contractual requirements • demonstrate compliance with the rules set out in the detailed security policies OVHcloud must deploy a formal approach for managing assets carrying security risks or in support for security management to ensure appropriate security controls over them: • Maintain accurate inventories of those assets • Define and maintain ownership for those assets • Classification of those assets based on appropriate criteria to support security decision • Definition of security rules adapted to their criticality OVHcloud must deploy a risk management approach to structure operational decisions affecting security. This risk management approach is based on the principles of ISO/IEC 31000 and ISO/IEC 27005 standards. It is based on: • In-depth knowledge of systems through asset cartography, asset classifications and valuations from a security perspective • Ongoing analysis of feared events, vulnerabilities, and the threat environment • uniform formalization of security risks to make them explicit to technical experts and decision- makers for reasonable and informed decision-making • follow-up of decisions and action plans following the identification of a risk The establishment of formal risk management enables the operational specificity of a project or product to be taken into account and the achievement of specific security objectives. Failure to comply with a ISSP rule results in an analysis of the risks resulting from the introduction of compensatory security measures to achieve at least an equivalent level of safety or acceptance of risk.
Documentation. If documentation is provided with the App, you may copy and use the documentation solely for your reference purposes.
Documentation. You may make and use an unlimited number of copies of any Documentation, provided that such copies shall be used only for personal purposes and are not to be republished or distributed (either in hard copy or electronic form) beyond your premises.
Documentation. In conjunction with the executable code, Aiio will provide the CLIENT with documentation in the form and language specified in the License Certificate. Basic information and installation instructions are provided as a hard copy or in a printable format. Additional documentation is provided on separate data carriers in a printable format.
Documentation. (1) The Seller shall make available the documents listed below and those specified in the shipping instructions in good time before the goods are shipped. Costs incurred in connection with procurement of the documents are deemed to be covered by the purchase price of the goods and will not be refunded separately. prejudice BEGECA's warranty claims. § 5 Main Forwarder Transportation by BEGECA (2) Two copies each of the necessary operating and assembly instructions in German or English
Documentation. 3.1 Die Maß- und Textangaben sowie die Abbildungen in Dokumenten jeder Art von SFS sind unverbindlich, es sei denn, dass SFS die Angaben bei Vertrags- abschluss ausdrücklich bestätigt. 3.1 Dimensional and text data as well as illustrations appearing in SFS documents of any kind are not binding, unless SFS explicitly confirms these data when concluding the contract.
Documentation. 3.1 Documents provided to or made available to the ordering party by the contractor prior to conclusion of the contract such as illustrations, drawings, indications of weight and dimension, calculations etc. shall not be an integral part of the contract unless they are expressly included in the contract in the contractor’s order confirmation. The contractor
Documentation. The Contractor must provide the Customer with two complete sets (including electronically) of all documents produced for the construction of the subject of the contract, in particular including the working drawings according to the status at the time of completion of construction, in accordance with the schedule, but no later than at the time of acceptance.
Documentation. 3.1 Die Maß- und Textangaben sowie die Abbildungen in Dokumenten jeder Art von SFS sind unverbindlich, es sei denn, dass SFS die Angaben bei Vertragsab- schluss ausdrücklich bestätigt.
Documentation. 6.1. Significance of documentation