Information and Control Rights Musterklauseln

Information and Control Rights. 6.1 For each fiscal year of the Company until the full repayment of all loan claims to the Crowd-investor, the Crowd- investor shall receive the respective annual financial statements of the Company (including balance sheet and the profit and loss account) no later than one month after the approval of the annual financial statements by the shareholders of the Company together with the statement of the current Capital base of the Company (and an exemplary calculation of a participation share per EUR 100 loan claim). The necessary documents can also be provided to the Crowd- investor electronically on the Website or by e-mail (to the e- mail address notified by the Crowd-investor during his registration on the Website or another e-mail address provided by the Crowd-investor by updating his registration on the Website).
Information and Control Rights. 6.1 The Crowd-investor shall have the right to receive electronic copies of the respective annual financial statements of the Company until full satisfaction of all loan entitlements by the Company. The management of the Company shall prepare the respective previous annual financial statement of the Company within the first five months of a fiscal year. Annual financial statements, in their nature, extent and manner, shall be in accordance with the laws and regulations as defined by the competent authorities at the seat of the Company. Copies of the respective annual financial statements shall be demonstrably sent to the Crowd-investor no later than four weeks after their preparation. The documents shall be provided to the Crowd-investor electronically on the Website or by e-mail Darlehensvertrag/ Loan contract 01.07.2018 9 / 15 seiner Registrierung oder späteren Aktualisierung auf der Website bekanntgegebene Email-Adresse) zur Verfügung gestellt. (to the e-mail address notified by the Crowd-investor during his registration on the Website or updated version thereof).
Information and Control Rights. 6.1 The Crowd-investor shall have the right to receive electronic copies of the respective annual financial statements of the Company until full satisfaction of all loan entitlements by the Company. Annual financial statements, in their nature, extent and manner, shall be in accordance with the laws and regulations as defined by the competent authorities at the seat of the Company. Copies of the respective annual financial statements shall be demonstrably sent to the Crowd-investor no later than four weeks after their preparation. The documents shall be provided to the Crowd-investor electronically on the Website or by e-mail (to the e-mail address notified by the Crowd-investor during his registration on the Website or updated version thereof).
Information and Control Rights. 6.1 The Crowd-investor shall have the right to receive electronic copies of the respective annual financial statements of the Company until full satisfaction of all loan entitlements by the Company. The management of the Company shall prepare the respective previous annual financial statement of the Company within the first five months of a fiscal year. Darlehensvertrag/ Loan contract 14.07.2020 9 / 15 Der Umfang sowie Art und Form des Jahresabschlusses hat den Gesetzen und Vorschriften zu entsprechen, wie diese von den Behörden am Sitz der Gesellschaft definiert sind. Jedem Crowd-Investor ist nach Erstellung des Jahresabschlusses eine Abschrift innerhalb von vier Wochen nachweislich zu übermitteln. Diese Unterlagen werden dem Crowd-Investor elektronisch auf der Website oder per E-Mail (an die vom Crowd-Investor im Rahmen seiner Registrierung oder späteren Aktualisierung auf der Website bekanntgegebene Email-Adresse) zur Verfügung gestellt. Annual financial statements, in their nature, extent and manner, shall be in accordance with the laws and regulations as defined by the competent authorities at the seat of the Company. Copies of the respective annual financial statements shall be demonstrably sent to the Crowd-investor no later than four weeks after their preparation. The documents shall be provided to the Crowd-investor electronically on the Website or by e-mail (to the e-mail address notified by the Crowd-investor during his registration on the Website or updated version thereof).

Related to Information and Control Rights

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