Liability, Warranty Musterklauseln

Liability, Warranty. 5.1 We reserve all rights and remedies for non-conformity provided by applicable law. We are especially entitled, upon our election, to claim remedy of defects, re-delivery of conforming goods, and damages.
Liability, Warranty. Insofar as SERVICES constitute performance under a contract relating to a specific assignment or under the law of sale or exchange, the warranty period for such services performed by HEIDENHAIN shall amount to one year from the date of delivery or acceptance. This does not apply if longer periods are legally prescribed as per §§ 438 Xxxx. 0 Xx. 0, 000 Xxxx. 1 and 634a Para. 1 No. 2 of the BGB (German Civil Code) as well as in cases of personal injury, intent, fraudulent concealment of a defect, non-compliance with a guarantee of quality (Beschaffenheitsgarantie), or gross negligence on the part of HEIDENHAIN. The Customer shall notify HEIDENHAIN without delay in writing of any deficiencies in such SERVICES performed; if no deficiency is established, the Customer shall bear any expenses incurred by HEIDENHAIN. If XXXXXXXXXX is held liable by a third party for damage for which the Customer is responsible, HEIDENHAIN can demand that the Customer release HEIDENHAIN from all liability to the third party. XXXXXXXXXX may not accept or satisfy this claim by the third party without first giving the Customer the opportunity to express his views.
Liability, Warranty. 10.1 Claims for damages due to breach of duty and tort as well as claims for reimbursement of futile expenses are excluded, both against EXPATS IN WONDERLAND GmbH and its vicarious agents.
Liability, Warranty. 5.1 Der Auftragnehmer haftet für Personenschäden des Auftraggebers unabhängig vom Grad der ihm zur Last gelegten Sorgfaltswidrigkeit. Ansonsten haftet der Auftrag- nehmer nur für direkte Schäden, die von ihm oder von einer sonstigen Person, für die er einzustehen hat, vorsätzlich oder grob fahrlässig verschuldet wurden. Ausgeschlossen ist jede Haftung für mittelbare Schäden, Folge- und sonstige Vermögensschäden sowie für entgangenen Gewinn, Schäden Dritter und erwartete, aber nicht eingetretene Ersparnisse. 5.1 The Contractor shall be liable for personal injury to the Client irrespective of the degree of negligence attributed to it. Otherwise, the Contractor shall be liable only for direct damage caused intentionally or by gross negligence by the Contractor or any other person, for whom the Contractor is responsible. Any and all liability for indirect damage, consequential damage and other pecuniary damage as well as for lost profits, damage to third parties and savings expected but not generated is excluded.

Related to Liability, Warranty

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