Liability, Warranty Musterklauseln

Liability, Warranty. 7.1. We reserve all rights and remedies for non- conformity provided by applicable law. We are especially entitled, upon our election, to claim remedy of defects, redelivery of con- forming goods, and damages. 7.2. In case of imminent danger we are entitled, after giving notice to the seller, to remedy the defects at the seller`s cost. 7.3. Warranty claims shall be time-barred after 36 month of the passage of risk.
Liability, Warranty. 5.1 We reserve all rights and remedies for non-conformity provided by applicable law. We are especially entitled, upon our election, to claim remedy of defects, re-delivery of conforming goods, and damages. 5.2 The Supplier shall bear all costs for transport, travel, labor, installation, disman- tling and material arising in the context of the subsequent performance. 5.3 We shall be required to check the Products so far as and as soon as this is pos- sible in the ordinary course of business for any substandard quality or shortfall in quan- tity. We shall inform the Supplier immedi- ately of any defects ascertained during this inspection. In the event of other defects that are not ascertained by us until the Products are used for their intended purpose, we shall inform the Supplier immediately upon ascer- taining the defects. 5.4 In case of imminent danger we are en- titled, after giving notice to the Supplier, to remedy the defects at the Supplier’s cost. 5.5 Warranty claims shall be time-barred af- ter 36 months of the passage of risk.
Liability, Warranty. Insofar as SERVICES constitute performance under a contract relating to a specific assignment or under the law of sale or exchange, the warranty period for such services performed by HEIDENHAIN shall amount to one year from the date of delivery or acceptance. This does not apply if longer periods are legally prescribed as per §§ 438 Xxxx. 0 Xx. 0, 000 Xxxx. 1 and 634a Para. 1 No. 2 of the BGB (German Civil Code) as well as in cases of personal injury, intent, fraudulent concealment of a defect, non-compliance with a guarantee of quality (Beschaffenheitsgarantie), or gross negligence on the part of HEIDENHAIN. The Customer shall notify HEIDENHAIN without delay in writing of any deficiencies in such SERVICES performed; if no deficiency is established, the Customer shall bear any expenses incurred by HEIDENHAIN. If XXXXXXXXXX is held liable by a third party for damage for which the Customer is responsible, HEIDENHAIN can demand that the Customer release HEIDENHAIN from all liability to the third party. XXXXXXXXXX may not accept or satisfy this claim by the third party without first giving the Customer the opportunity to express his views.
Liability, Warranty. 10.1 Claims for damages due to breach of duty and tort as well as claims for reimbursement of futile expenses are excluded, both against EXPATS IN WONDERLAND GmbH and its vicarious agents. 10.2 This limitation of liability shall not apply if the damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence, as well as in case of violation of essential contractual obligations, i.e. such contractual obligations whose fulfilment is essential for the proper execution of the contract and on whose compliance the contractual partner may regularly rely, and whose violation on the other hand endangers the achievement of the purpose of the contract. It does not apply to damages resulting from injury to life, body or health if EXPATS IN WONDERLAND GmbH is responsible for the breach of duty. Furthermore, the limitation does not apply to damages based on the absence of a warranted characteristic or for which liability is provided for under the Product Liability Act. 10.3 In the event of a claim for damages for the slightly negligent breach of essential contractual obligations and in cases of grossly negligent breach of secondary contractual obligations, liability shall be limited to the foreseeable damage typical for the contract. This shall not apply in cases of personal injury, of damage based on the absence of a einer zugesicherten Eigenschaft beruhen oder für die eine Haftung nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz vorgesehen ist.
Liability, Warranty. 5.1 Der Auftragnehmer haftet für Personenschäden des Auftraggebers unabhängig vom Grad der ihm zur Last gelegten Sorgfaltswidrigkeit. Ansonsten haftet der Auftrag- nehmer nur für direkte Schäden, die von ihm oder von einer sonstigen Person, für die er einzustehen hat, vorsätzlich oder grob fahrlässig verschuldet wurden. Ausgeschlossen ist jede Haftung für mittelbare Schäden, Folge- und sonstige Vermögensschäden sowie für entgangenen Gewinn, Schäden Dritter und erwartete, aber nicht eingetretene Ersparnisse. 5.1 The Contractor shall be liable for personal injury to the Client irrespective of the degree of negligence attributed to it. Otherwise, the Contractor shall be liable only for direct damage caused intentionally or by gross negligence by the Contractor or any other person, for whom the Contractor is responsible. Any and all liability for indirect damage, consequential damage and other pecuniary damage as well as for lost profits, damage to third parties and savings expected but not generated is excluded. 5.2 Die Haftung des Auftragnehmers ist überdies der Höhe nach für jeden einzelnen Schadensfall mit der Höhe der von der Haftpflichtversicherung des Auftragnehmers übernommenen Versicherungssumme (die Versicherungssumme beträgt derzeit jedenfalls EUR 10,000.000,00 (Euro zehn Millionen)) begrenzt. Über Wunsch und auf Kosten des Auftraggebers kann durch gesonderte, schriftliche Vereinbarung eine Erhöhung des Haftungshöchstbetrages erfolgen. 5.2 The Contractor’s liability shall further be limited for each individual event of damage to the sum insured by the Contractor’s liability insurance (such insured sum currently amounts to EUR 10,000,000 (Euro ten million) in any case). Upon request and at the expense of the Client, an increase of the maximum amount of liability may be effected by separate written agreement. 5.3 Als „einzelner Schadensfall“ gilt die Summe der Schadenersatzansprüche aller Geschädigten, die sich aus einer schädigenden Handlung ergeben. Als einzelner Schadensfall gilt auch die Summe aller Schadenersatz- ansprüche aufgrund mehrerer schädigender Handlungen, die beim Auftragnehmer im Rahmen desselben Auftrags oder bei einer sonstigen einheitlichen Tätigkeit von einer oder mehreren Personen ausgeführt worden sind. 5.3 An „individual event of damage“ is defined as the total sum of all claims for damages of all parties aggrieved arising from one detrimental act. The total sum of all claims for damages due to several detrimental acts performed...

Related to Liability, Warranty

  • Warranty The buyer’s statutory rights with regard to defects shall apply if the appliance is defective. The buyer may exercise any of these rights free of charge. You shall assert these rights against your contract partner, i.e. the dealer from whom you purchased the appliance. The contractual arrangements between you and the dealer shall be observed. Your statutory rights with regard to defects are in no way restricted or affected by this warranty. We as the manufacturer have voluntarily and additionally taken on the warranty service.

  • Liability Unless liability is regulated differently elsewhere in these conditions, the supplier shall be liable for compensation for damage suffered by the buyer either directly or indirectly as a consequence of an incorrect delivery, or violation of official safety regulations or for any other legal reason attributable to the supplier, only as set out in the following. 1. In general the liability for compensation for damage exists only if the damage was caused by fault of the supplier. 2. If a claim is brought against the buyer based on no-fault liability under mandatory law, the supplier shall assume liability on the buyer’s behalf to the extent to which it would be directly liable. The principles of section 254 BGB shall apply mutatis mutandis to settlement of damages payments between buyer and supplier. The same shall apply in the event of a direct claim against the supplier. 3. The obligation to compensate for damages is excluded if the buyer, for its part, has effectively limited liability to its customer. The buyer shall endeavor to agree liability limitations to the extent permissible by law also in favor of the supplier. 4. Claims brought by the buyer are excluded if the damage was caused by violations attributable to the buyer of operating, maintenance or installation regulations, unsuitable or improper use, incorrect or negligent handling, natural wear and tear, or faulty repair. 5. To the extent provided by law, the supplier shall be liable for measures taken by the buyer to avert damage (e.g. product recalls). 6. If the buyer wishes to assert a claim against the supplier in accordance with the foregoing regulations, the buyer shall fully inform and consult with the supplier without delay. It shall give the supplier the opportunity to investigate the damage. The contractual partners shall consult with each other on the measures to be taken, in particular regarding settlement negotiations. 7. The principles set out in section VII subsection 1 shall apply mutatis mutandis if the supplier is not insured or is insufficiently insured.

  • Liability of the Hotel 7.1 The hotel is liable for harm inflicted on life, limb and physical health. Further it is liable for other damage caused with full intent or gross negligence or due to inten- tional or grossly negligent violation of obligations typical for the contract. A breach of obligation of the hotel is deemed to be the equivalent to a breach of a statutory rep- resentative or vicarious agent. All other claims for damages are excluded, if not de- termined differently in this No. 7. Should disruptions or defects in the performance of the hotel occur, the hotel shall act to remedy such upon knowledge thereof or upon objection by the customer made without undue delay. The customer shall be obliged to undertake actions reasonable for him to eliminate the disruption and to keep any possible damage to a minimum. 7.2 The hotel is liable to the customer for property brought into the hotel in accordance with the statutory provisions. It recommends the use of the hotel or room safe. If the guest wishes to bring with him money, securities, stocks, bonds or valuables with a value of more than 800 EUR or other things with a value of more than 3500 EUR, a separate safekeeping agreement is necessary. 7.3 Insofar as a parking space is provided to the customer in the hotel garage or a hotel parking lot, this does not constitute a safekeeping agreement, even if a fee is ex- changed. The hotel only assumes liability for loss of or damage to motor vehicles parked or manoeuvred on the hotel’s property and the contents thereof only pursu- ant to the preceding No. 7.1, sentences 1 to 4. 7.4 Wake-up calls are carried out by the hotel with the greatest possible diligence. Messages, mail, and merchandise deliveries for guests shall be handled with care. The hotel will deliver, hold, and, for a fee, forward such items (on request). The ho- tel only assumes liability according to the preceding No. 7, sentences 1 to 4. 8.1 Amendments and supplements to the contract, the acceptance of offers or these general terms and conditions should be made in written form. Unilateral amend- ments or supplements by the customer are invalid. 8.2 For commercial transactions the place of performance and payment as well as, in the event of litigation, including disputes for checks and bills of exchange, the exclu- sive court of jurisdiction is at [Bitte Ort eintragen, wahlweise Standort des Hotels oder Sitz der Betreibergesellschaft]. Insofar as a contracting party fulfills the re- quirements of section 38, para. 2 of the German Code of Civil Procedure (ZPO) and does not have a place of general jurisdiction within the country, the courts at [Bitte Ort eintragen, wahlweise Standort des Hotels oder Sitz der Betreibergesellschaft] shall have exclusive jurisdiction. 8.3 The contract is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with German law. The application of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods and Con- flict Law are precluded. 8.4 Should individual provisions of these general terms and conditions be or become invalid or void, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected thereby. The statutory provisions shall also be applicable.

  • Mitbringen von Speisen und Getränken Der Kunde darf Speisen und Getränke zu Veranstaltungen grundsätzlich nicht mitbringen. Ausnahmen bedürfen einer Vereinbarung mit dem Hotel. In diesen Fällen wird ein Beitrag zur Deckung der Gemeinkosten berechnet.

  • Force Majeure 14.1. A party's obligations in terms of these Credit Terms shall be suspended for such period during which that party is prevented from complying with its obligations due to Force Majeure, provided such party: (a) has notified the other party of the existence of such Force Majeure, (b) does everything in its/his/her power to comply with the Loan Agreement; and (c) fulfils its obligations once the Force Majeure event has ceased to exist, within the time specified by the other party. 14.2. For the avoidance of doubt, Force Majeure shall only suspend a party’s obligation in so far as it is impossible for such party to perform the same and shall in no case excuse such party from the obligation to perform other obligations in terms of the Loan Agreement.

  • Asbest Ausgeschlossen sind Ansprüche wegen Schäden, die auf Asbest, asbesthaltige Substanzen oder Erzeugnisse zurückzuführen sind.

  • ISSUE SPECIFIC SUMMARY Section 1 – Introduction containing warnings

  • Währung, Emissionsvolumen und Laufzeit der Wertpapiere Die Abwicklungswährung der Wertpapiere ist Euro ("EUR"). Emissionsvolumen: 500.000 Wertpapiere Die Wertpapiere haben eine festgelegte Laufzeit. Mit den Wertpapieren verbundene Rechte Form und Inhalt der Wertpapiere sowie alle Rechte und Pflichten der Emittentin und der Wertpapierinhaber bestimmen sich nach dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Form und Inhalt der Garantie und alle Rechte und Pflichten hieraus bestimmen sich nach dem Recht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Wertpapiere berechtigen jeden Inhaber von Wertpapieren zum Erhalt eines potenziellen Ertrags aus den Wertpapieren.

  • Service Level Agreement Das folgende Verfügbarkeits-Service-Level-Agreement („SLA“) wird von IBM, so wie im Berechtigungsnachweis angegeben, für den Cloud-Service bereitgestellt. Das SLA stellt keine Gewährleistung dar. Es wird nur Kunden zur Verfügung gestellt und gilt ausschließlich für Produktionsumgebungen.

  • Kategorien von Empfängern der personenbezogenen Daten Rückversicherer: Vermittler: Datenverarbeitung in der Unternehmensgruppe: Externe Dienstleister: Weitere Empfänger: