Quotations Musterklauseln

Quotations. Quotations are given free of charge and are non-binding on us. Any devia- tions from the inquiry must be expressly indicated in the quotation. Prices must be provided in euros (net), including the lead time and terms of delivery.
Quotations. 1. Unsere Angebote sind freibleibend. Für den Umfang unserer Liefe- rung ist unsere schriftliche Auftragsbestätigung maßgebend. Sofern unser Angebot mit zeitlicher Bindung fristgerecht angenommen wird und wir den Auftrag noch nicht bestätigt haben, ist unser Angebot für den Lieferumfang maßgebend. Nebenabreden und Änderungen müs- sen von uns schriftlich bestätigt werden. 1. Our quotations are subject to alteration. Our written confirmation of an order is definitive for the volume of our supplies. If our quotation is tied to a specific time limit and is accepted within that limit and if we have not yet confirmed the order, our quotation for the volume of sup- ply is applicable. Any oral agreements and modifications must be agreed to by us in writing.
Quotations. Quotations given by Baumer Electric AG are binding for thirty days from the date of issue, unless another period shall have been expressly stated in the quotation.
Quotations. Quotations are valid for 30 days from the document date or in accordance with the period of validity stated in the quotation. We reserve the right to adjust prices in the case of partial quantity orders. Our products are subject to prior sale at any time. The contract with the customer is concluded with confirmation of the order by SCHMOBI. The content of the contract is conclusively defined in the confirmation of order even if the confirmation differs from any purchase order of the customer, unless the customer takes action immediately. The prices are exclusive of value added tax (VAT). The VAT is stated separately on the sales documents and invoice. Packing costs shall be charged based on costs incurred and stated separately on the invoice. Packaging cannot be returned and credited, with the exception of returnable containers. These must be returned within one year of the delivery, otherwise no credit note will be given. Delivery deadlines and dates are only approximate and are delivery targets. In all cases of non-compliance, the customer shall set a reasonable deadline for delivery. SCHMOBI becomes in default only after this deadline has expired. Deliveries are normally made with our own fleet of vehicles according to our delivery schedule. With order volumes of 100 kg and over, deliveries are made by truck carriage paid. In the case of deliveries by truck with an order volume of under 100 kg, a shipping charge of CHF 50.00 will be billed. In the case of postal deliveries, postage and packaging charges will be billed according to costs incurred.
Quotations. All quotations are to be understood as, at any time, subject to alterations with regard to drawings, prices, measurements, and weights. All prices are based on the prices of materials and the manufacturing costs applicable at that time. If considerable changes occur we reserve the right to adapt our prices.
Quotations. 2.01 Our quotations are always subject to change, legally non-binding and to be understood as an invitatio ad offerendum (invitation to treat) with regard to the respective service. Customers must check our offers and, if they intend to commission us, prepare a letter of commission as a legally binding offer on the basis of our previously sent, non-binding offer. The contract does not come into force until we have issued a written confirmation of order in response to the customer’s legally binding offer to us, and the extent of the contract is restricted to the content of our confirmation of order. Individual agreements remain unaffected.
Quotations. 1. Our quotations are subject to alteration. Our written confirmation of an order is definitive for the volume of our supplies. If our quotation is tied to a specific time limit and is accepted within that limit and if we have not yet confirmed the order, our quotation for the volume of supply is applicable. Any oral agreements and modifications must be agreed to by us in writing.
Quotations. 2.1 Our quotations are as a matter of principle subject to change and do not obligate us to accept any orders. All goods are subject to prior sale.
Quotations. Our offers are without obligation. Catalogue and price list from part of our offers. Weights and dimensions, illustrations, performance detail, technical drawings and data are subject to change without prior notice, unless contracted and confirmed otherwise.

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