Affordable Rent Dwelling definition

Affordable Rent Dwelling means an AHP Dwelling let or to be let at an Affordable Rent;
Affordable Rent Dwelling means an RSAP Dwelling let or to be let at an Affordable Rent;
Affordable Rent Dwelling means an AHP Dwelling let or to be let at an Affordable Rent and not a Social Rent; Agency's Representative means such person or persons as the Agency may nominate to act as its representative from time to time for the purposes of this Agreement;

Examples of Affordable Rent Dwelling in a sentence

  • The amount of grant payable in respect of a Firm Scheme will be calculated in accordance with the following formula: FSG = (A x B) + (C x D) where: FSG is the Firm Scheme Grant payable in relation to the relevant Firm Scheme; A is the Agreed Payment Rate for a completed Affordable Rent Dwelling (including a Social Rent Dwelling); C is the Agreed Payment Rate for a completed Affordable Home Ownership Dwelling; D is the number of completed Affordable Home Ownership Dwellings within the Firm Scheme.

More Definitions of Affordable Rent Dwelling

Affordable Rent Dwelling means an Affordable Dwelling to be occupied on an Affordable Rent basis;
Affordable Rent Dwelling means an Affordable Dwelling rented to an Eligible Household by a local authority or an Affordable Housing Provider subject to rent controls that require a rent of no more than 80% of the local market rent (including service charges, where applicable) and“Affordable Rent” shall be construed accordingly “Application” means the application for outline planning permission validated by the District Council on 18 June 2014 for the Development and allocated reference numberH09-0521-14 “CallConnect Bus” means a bus to serve the Development which does not have a fixed timetable but responds to passengerrequests “CallConnect Bus Contribution” means (subject to clause 10) the sum of fortythousand pounds (£40,000) to be paid to the County Council for the provision of a CallConnect Bus “CallConnect Bus Maintenance Contribution” means (subject to clause 10) the sum of £290,000 (two hundred and ninety thousand pounds) to be paid to the County Council to provide for the ongoing operation and maintenance of the CallConnect Bus service and if appropriate the improvement of fixedroute services and flexible services to serve the Land “Chargee” means any mortgage or chargee of the Affordable Housing Provider or the successors in title to such mortgagee or chargee or any receiver or manager (including an administrative receiver) appointedpursuant to the Law of Property Act 1925Commencement of Development” means the date on which any material operation (as defined in Section 56(4) of the Act) forming part of the Development begins to be carried out (other than for the purposes of this Deed and for no other purpose) operations consisting of access, site clearance, demolition work, archaeological investigations, investigations for the purpose of assessing ground conditions, remedial work in respect of anycontamination or other adverse conditions the laying
Affordable Rent Dwelling means Affordable Housing Dwellings provided or let by a Registered Provider and is to be provided to eligible households (that is households whose needs are not met by the market) at a rental level that is subject to rent controls that require it to be no more than 80% of the local market rent (including service charge) for that type of dwelling; Aggregate Base Plot Value means
Affordable Rent Dwelling means a Dwelling that may only be occupied under an Affordable Rent Tenancy
Affordable Rent Dwelling means a SOAHP Dwelling let or to be let at an Affordable Rent; Affordable Rent means a rent which does not exceed eighty per centum (80%) of the market rent (inclusive of service charges) for an equivalent property of the relevant size and location such rent to be assessed and set in accordance with the applicable requirements of Legislation and the Rent Standard in relation to an RP Scheme, and Rent Guidance in relation to an LA Scheme; Agency's Representative means such person or persons as the Agency may nominate to act as its representative from time to time for the purposes of this Agreement;
Affordable Rent Dwelling means an Affordable Dwelling rented to an Eligible Household by a local authority or an Affordable Housing Provider subject to rent controls that require a rent of no more than 80% of the local market rent (including service charges, where applicable) and where the rent and service charge must not exceed the local housing allowance for the relevant area which is reviewed annually and “Affordable Rent” shall be construedaccordingly “Application” means the application for PlanningPermission for the Development and allocated reference number H13-1215-18 “Chargee” means a mortgagee or chargee (or any receiver) including an administrative receiver) appointed by such mortgagee or chargee or any other person appointed under any security documentation to enable such mortgagee or chargee to realise its security or any administrator (howsoever appointed) including a housing administrator (each a Receiver) of the whole or any part of the AffordableDwellings “Commencement of Development” means the date on which any material operation (as defined in Section 56(4) of the Act) forming part of the Development begins to be carried out other than (for the purposes of this Deed and for no other purpose) operations consisting of:• access,• site clearance,
Affordable Rent Dwelling means an Affordable Dwelling to be let in accordance with this Part E at a rent not exceeding the Affordable Rent Age Restricted Dwellings means Dwellings which are intended to be used for age-restricted housing to those of age 55 years or over in accordance with the Planning Permission Annual Update means the North Devon and Torridge Affordable Housing Research Annual Update published by the District Council from time to time Assured Tenancy means an assured tenancy or an assured shorthold tenancy under the Housing Act 1988 as amended by the Housing Act 1996 or other such similar form of periodic tenancy permitted under any statutory modification Average Open Market Valuation means the mean average of the three Open Market Valuations to be provided by Valuers in respect of the [Initial Sales Price FOR ONE BED DWELLINGS AND CHITTLEHAMPTON] or Discounted Price and if a range of valuations is provided by a Valuer then the midpoint of the range is to be used to calculate the average valuation and such valuations shall not be older than six months from the date that they are submitted Average Value means the average value by house size and Zone as published in the Annual Update Devon Home Choice means the method or body agreed by the District Council for the allocation of affordable homes for rent to a person or persons in Housing Need in the District or any subsequent replacement system Discounted Price means a fixed price at the date of this Agreement, at which a DMS Dwelling is to be sold on any subsequent sale which is to be calculated by multiplying the Average Open Market Valuation of the DMS Dwelling as at the date of the offer for sale by the following percentages: One bedroom DMS Dwellings – [ ] % Two bedroom DMS Dwellings – [ ] % Three bedroom DMS Dwellings – [ ] % Four bedroom DMS Dwellings – [ ] % Discounted Market Sales Dwelling(s) or DMS Dwellings means an Affordable Dwelling where 100% of the equity is to be sold at the Initial Sale Price or Discounted Price (as applicable) Eligible Purchasers means in relation to Shared Ownership Housing and DMS Dwellings persons who are in Housing Need and have a Local Connection Eligible Renters means in relation to Rented Housing persons who are in Housing Need and have a Local Connection