Examples of Ancillary Costs in a sentence
The Contractor also will quote here a percentage at the foot of the last Page as his quoted percentage for Profit and Overheads and Ancillary Costs.
Base Year Inpatient Operating Costs are the sum of Inpatient Direct Routine Costs, Inpatient Direct Ancillary Costs, and Inpatient Overhead Costs as described below.
The Statewide Standard Psychiatric Per Diem Rate is derived using the sum of the following: the Acute Hospital Standard for Inpatient Psychiatric Overhead Costs, the Acute Hospital Standard for Inpatient Psychiatric Direct Routine Costs, the Acute Hospital Standard for Inpatient Psychiatric Direct Ancillary Costs, the Acute Hospital Standard for Inpatient Psychiatric Capital Costs, plus the Adjustment to Base Year Costs.
The Standards for Inpatient Psychiatric Overhead Costs, Direct Routine Costs, and Direct Ancillary Costs were updated by the Inflation Factors for Operating Costs between the Psychiatric Per Diem Base Year and RY07.
Base Year Inpatient Operating Costs are the sum of total Inpatient Direct Routine Costs, Inpatient Direct Ancillary Costs, and Inpatient Overhead Costs as described below.