COST REPORT Sample Clauses

COST REPORT. 27 A. CONTRACTOR shall submit separate individual and/or consolidated Cost Reports for Period 28 One, Period Two, and Period Three, or for a portion thereof, to COUNTY no later than sixty (60) 29 calendar days following the period for which they are prepared or termination of this Agreement. 30 CONTRACTOR shall prepare the individual and/or consolidated Cost Report in accordance with all 31 applicable federal, state and COUNTY requirements, GAAP and the Special Provisions Paragraph of 32 this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall allocate direct and indirect costs to and between programs, cost 33 centers, services, and funding sources in accordance with such requirements and consistent with prudent 34 business practice, which costs and allocations shall be supported by source documentation maintained 35 by CONTRACTOR, and available at any time to ADMINISTRATOR upon reasonable notice. In the 36 event CONTRACTOR has multiple Agreements for mental health services that are administered by 37 HCA, consolidation of the individual Cost Reports into a single consolidated Cost Report may be 1 required, as stipulated by ADMINISTRATOR. CONTRACTOR shall submit a consolidated Cost 2 Report to COUNTY no later than five (5) business days following approval by ADMINSTRATOR of 3 all individual Cost Reports to be incorporated into a consolidated Cost Report. 4 1. If CONTRACTOR fails to submit an accurate and complete individual and/or consolidated 5 Cost Report within the time period specified above, ADMINISTRATOR shall have sole discretion to 6 impose one or both of the following: 7 a. CONTRACTOR may be assessed a late penalty of five hundred dollars ($500) for each 8 business day after the above specified due date that the accurate and complete individual and/or 9 consolidated Cost Report is not submitted. Imposition of the late penalty shall be at the sole discretion 10 of the ADMINISTRATOR. The late penalty shall be assessed separately on each outstanding individual 11 and/or consolidated Cost Report due COUNTY by CONTRACTOR. 12 b. ADMINISTRATOR may withhold or delay any or all payments due CONTRACTOR 13 pursuant to any or all agreements between COUNTY and CONTRACTOR until such time that the 14 accurate and complete individual and/or consolidated Cost Report is delivered to ADMINISTRATOR. 15 2. CONTRACTOR may request, in advance and in writing, an extension of the due date of the 16 individual and/or consolidated Cost Report setting forth good cause for justification of the reque...
COST REPORT. 29 A. CONTRACTOR shall submit separate Cost Reports for each Period, or for a portion thereof, to 30 COUNTY no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following the period for which they are prepared or 31 termination of this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall prepare the Cost Report in accordance with all 32 applicable federal, state and COUNTY requirements, GAAP and the Special Provisions Paragraph of this 33 Contract. CONTRACTOR shall allocate direct and indirect costs to and between programs, cost centers, 34 services, and funding sources in accordance with such requirements and consistent with prudent business 35 practice, which costs and allocations shall be supported by source documentation maintained by 36 CONTRACTOR, and available at any time to ADMINISTRATOR upon reasonable notice. 37 1. If CONTRACTOR fails to submit an accurate and complete Cost Report within the time 1 period specified above, ADMINISTRATOR shall have sole discretion to impose one or both of the 2 following: 3 a. CONTRACTOR may be assessed a late penalty of five-hundred dollars ($500) for each 4 business day after the above specified due date that the accurate and complete Cost Report is not 5 submitted. Imposition of the late penalty shall be at the sole discretion of ADMINISTRATOR. The late 6 penalty shall be assessed separately on each outstanding Cost Report due COUNTY by CONTRACTOR. 7 b. ADMINISTRATOR may withhold or delay any or all payments due CONTRACTOR 8 pursuant to any or all agreements between COUNTY and CONTRACTOR until such time that the 9 accurate and complete Cost Report is delivered to ADMINISTRATOR. 10 2. CONTRACTOR may request, in advance and in writing, an extension of the due 11 date of the Cost Report setting forth good cause for justification of the request. Approval of such requests 12 shall be at the sole discretion of ADMINISTRATOR and shall not be unreasonably denied. In no case 13 shall extensions be granted for more than seven (7) calendar days 14 3. In the event that CONTRACTOR does not submit an accurate and complete Cost Report 15 within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days following the termination of this Contract, and 16 CONTRACTOR has not entered into a subsequent or new agreement for any other services with 17 COUNTY, then all amounts paid to CONTRACTOR by COUNTY during the term of the Contract shall 18 be immediately reimbursed to COUNTY. 19 B. The individual and/or consolidated Cost Report prepared for each period shall be the final 20 finan...
COST REPORT. 20 A. CONTRACTOR shall submit separate Cost Reports for Period One and Period Two, or for a 21 portion thereof, to COUNTY no later than sixty (60) calendar days following the period for which they 22 are prepared or termination of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall prepare the Cost Report in 23 accordance with all applicable federal, state and COUNTY requirements, GAAP and the Special
COST REPORT. 16 A. CONTRACTOR shall submit a Cost Report to COUNTY no later than sixty (60) calendar days 17 following termination of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall prepare the Cost Report in accordance 18 with all applicable federal, state and county requirements and generally accepted accounting principles.
COST REPORT. A. Contractor shall submit a Cost Report to County no later than forty-five (45) calendar days following termination of this Contract. Contractor shall prepare the Cost Report in accordance with all applicable federal, state and County requirements, GAAP and the Special Provisions Paragraph of this Contract. Contractor shall allocate direct and indirect costs to and between programs, cost centers, services, and funding sources in accordance with such requirements and consistent with prudent business practice, which costs and allocations shall be supported by source documentation maintained by Contractor, and available at any time to Administrator upon reasonable notice. 1. If Contractor fails to submit an accurate and complete Cost Report within the time period specified above, Administrator shall have sole discretion to impose one or both of the following: a) Contractor may be assessed a late penalty of five-hundred dollars ($500) for each business day after the above specified due date that the accurate and complete Cost Report is not submitted. Imposition of the late penalty shall be at the sole discretion of the Administrator. The late penalty shall be assessed separately on each outstanding Cost Report due County by Contractor. b) Administrator may withhold or delay any or all payments due Contractor pursuant to any or all Contracts between County and Contractor until such time that the accurate and complete Cost Report is delivered to Administrator. 2. Contractor may request, in advance and in writing, an extension of the due date of the Cost Report setting forth good cause for justification of the request. Approval of such requests shall be at the sole discretion of Administrator and shall not be unreasonably denied. 3. In the event that Contractor does not submit an accurate and complete Cost Report within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days following the termination of this Contract, and Contractor has not entered into a subsequent or new Contract for any other services with County, then all amounts paid to Contractor by County during the term of the Contract shall be immediately reimbursed to County. B. The Cost Report shall be the final financial and statistical report submitted by Contractor to County, and shall serve as the basis for final settlement to Contractor. Contractor shall document that costs are reasonable and allowable and directly or indirectly related to the services to be provided hereunder. The Cost Report shall be the fi...
COST REPORTCONTRACTOR shall submit an individual and/or consolidated Cost Report for each Period, or 24 for a portion thereof to COUNTY no later than forty–five (45) calendar days following the period for 25 which they are prepared or termination of this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall prepare the individual 26 and/or consolidated Cost Report in accordance with all applicable federal, state and COUNTY 27 requirements, GAAP and the Special Provisions Paragraph of this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall 28 allocate direct and indirect costs to and between programs, cost centers, services, and funding sources in 29 accordance with such requirements and consistent with prudent business practice, which costs and 30 allocations shall be supported by source documentation maintained by CONTRACTOR, and available at 31 any time to ADMINISTRATOR upon reasonable notice. In the event CONTRACTOR has multiple 32 Contracts for mental health services that are administered by HCA, consolidation of the individual Cost 33 Reports into a single consolidated Cost Report may be required, as stipulated by ADMINISTRATOR. 34 CONTRACTOR shall submit the consolidated Cost Report to COUNTY no later than five (5) business 35 days following approval by ADMINISTRATOR of all individual Cost Reports to be incorporated into a
COST REPORTCONTRACTOR shall submit an individual and/or consolidated Cost Report for Period One, 31 Period Two and Period Three, or for a portion thereof to COUNTY no later than forty–five (45) 32 calendar days following the period for which they are prepared or termination of this Agreement. 33 CONTRACTOR shall prepare the individual and/or consolidated Cost Report in accordance with all 34 applicable federal, state and COUNTY requirements, GAAP and the Special Provisions Paragraph of 35 this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall allocate direct and indirect costs to and between programs, cost 36 centers, services, and funding sources in accordance with such requirements and consistent with prudent 37 business practice, which costs and allocations shall be supported by source documentation maintained 1 by CONTRACTOR, and available at any time to ADMINISTRATOR upon reasonable notice. In the 2 event CONTRACTOR has multiple Agreements for mental health services that are administered by 3 HCA, consolidation of the individual Cost Reports into a single consolidated Cost Report may be 4 required, as stipulated by ADMINISTRATOR. CONTRACTOR shall submit the consolidated Cost 5 Report to COUNTY no later than five (5) business days following approval by ADMINSTRATOR of 6 all individual Cost Reports to be incorporated into a consolidated Cost Report.
COST REPORT. 8 A. CONTRACTOR shall submit a Cost Report to County no later than sixty (60) calendar days 9 following termination of this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall prepare the Cost Report in accordance 10 with all applicable federal, state and COUNTY requirements, GAAP and the Special Provisions 11 Paragraph of this Contract. CONTRACTOR shall allocate direct and indirect costs to and between 12 programs, cost centers, services, and funding sources in accordance with such requirements and 13 consistent with prudent business practice, which costs and allocations shall be supported by source 14 documentation maintained by CONTRACTOR, and available at any time to ADMINISTRATOR upon 15 reasonable notice. 16 1. If CONTRACTOR fails to submit an accurate and complete Cost Report within the time 17 period specified above, ADMINISTRATOR shall have sole discretion to impose one or both of the 18 following: 19 a. CONTRACTOR may be assessed a late penalty of five-hundred dollars ($500) for each 20 business day after the above specified due date that the accurate and complete Cost Report is not 21 submitted. Imposition of the late penalty shall be at the sole discretion of the ADMINISTRATOR. The
COST REPORT. 10 A. CONTRACTOR shall submit an individual and/or consolidated Cost Report to COUNTY no 11 later than sixty (60) calendar days following termination of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall 12 prepare the individual and/or consolidated Cost Report in accordance with all applicable federal, state 13 and COUNTY requirements, GAAP and the Special Provisions Paragraph of this Agreement. 14 CONTRACTOR shall allocate direct and indirect costs to and between programs, cost centers, services, 15 and funding sources in accordance with such requirements and consistent with prudent business practice, 16 which costs and allocations shall be supported by source documentation maintained by CONTRACTOR, 17 and available at any time to ADMINISTRATOR upon reasonable notice. In the event CONTRACTOR 18 has multiple agreements for mental health services that are administered by HCA, consolidation of the 19 individual Cost Reports into a single consolidated Cost Report may be required, as stipulated by 20 ADMINISTRATOR. CONTRACTOR shall submit the consolidated Cost Report to COUNTY no later 21 than five (5) business days following approval by ADMINISTRATOR of all individual Cost Reports to 22 be incorporated into a consolidated Cost Report. 23 1. If CONTRACTOR fails to submit an accurate and complete individual and/or consolidated 24 Cost Report within the time period specified above, ADMINISTRATOR has sole discretion to impose 25 one or both of the following: 26 a. CONTRACTOR may be assessed a late penalty of five hundred dollars ($500) for each 27 business day after the above specified due date that the accurate and complete individual and/or
COST REPORTCONTRACTOR shall submit an individual and/or consolidated Cost Report to COUNTY no later 9 than sixty (60) calendar days following termination of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall prepare the 10 individual and/or consolidated Cost Report in accordance with all applicable federal, state and COUNTY 11 requirements, GAAP and the Special Provisions Paragraph of this Agreement. CONTRACTOR shall 12 allocate direct and indirect costs to and between programs, cost centers, services, and funding sources in 13 accordance with such requirements and consistent with prudent business practice, which costs and 14 allocations shall be supported by source documentation maintained by CONTRACTOR, and available at 15 any time to ADMINISTRATOR upon reasonable notice. In the event CONTRACTOR has multiple 16 Agreements for mental health services that are administered by HCA, consolidation of the individual Cost 17 Reports into a single consolidated Cost Report may be required, as stipulated by ADMINISTRATOR. 18 CONTRACTOR shall submit the consolidated Cost Report to COUNTY no later than five (5) business 19 days following approval by ADMINISTRATOR of all individual Cost Reports to be incorporated into a 20 consolidated Cost Report.