Assignment Details definition

Assignment Details. The teacher named above has agreed to work as an FTE 1.2 and be fully compensated for the extra assignment.
Assignment Details means written confirmation of the assignment details agreed with the Hirer prior to commencement of the Assignment;
Assignment Details means the details of an Assignment including any document and/or email or subsequent correspondence between the Company and the Client which sets out, confirms or clarifies the details of an Assignment.

Examples of Assignment Details in a sentence

  • All copyright, trademarks, patents and other intellectual property rights deriving from the provision of the Intermediary Services by the Intermediary for the Hirer during the Assignment shall belong to the Hirer, save such rights as may be expressly owned or retained by the Intermediary and set out in the Assignment Details Form.

  • The Actual Rate of Pay will be notified on a per Assignment basis and set out in the relevant Assignment Details Form.

  • This clause 5.4 is subject to any variation set out in the relevant Assignment Details Form or any variation to the relevant Assignment Details Form which the Employment Business may make for the purpose of compliance with the AWR.

  • Any such variation will be as set out in a variation to the relevant Assignment Details Form and the Intermediary shall ensure that, if at any time the Employment Business varies the Intermediary Fees in accordance with this clause 8.2, the Intermediary will, at the same time, make the same variations to the corresponding payments the Intermediary makes to the Agency Worker.

  • The Intermediary carries on the business of the provision of contractor services and has agreed to provide the services (“the Intermediary Services”) specified in the relevant Assignment Details Form.

More Definitions of Assignment Details

Assignment Details means the details given by the Employment Business to the Client confirming the details of each Assignment;
Assignment Details means the information given to the Registered Nurse concerning work Assignments;
Assignment Details means details of an Assignment (relating to the types of information listed in the schedule to this Agreement), which can be sent electronically via email or text.
Assignment Details means written confirmation of the Assignment details agreed with the
Assignment Details. Nature : Facility A Loan and Facility B Loan(s) Final Maturity : [o] Interest Period : [o] Amount of Participation Assigned : [o] Administrative Details of Assignee Name of Assignee: Facility Office: Address for service of notices (if different): Account for payments: Telephone: Facsimile No: Attention: Dated: .......................... Dated: ...........................
Assignment Details means any information communicated to You by Global Voices in regards to a specific piece of work;
Assignment Details means the details of the Assignment agreed upon directly between the Client and Contractor as recorded on the Platform; “Assignment Period” the length of each Assignment during which the Freelancer shall provide its Services to the Client; “Background IPR” means all Intellectual Property Rights owned or controlled by the relevant Party (or any member of their Group) which are in existence as at the Registration Date or which were or are created, invented, or conceived independently of any Marketplace Agreement (whether before or after the Registration Date). “Booked Freelancer” means a Freelancer who has been Booked by a Client as recorded by the Platform at the time of Booking. “Booking” means a booking confirmed between a Freelancer and a Client once a Brief has been agreed upon and accepted via the Platform for an Assignment for the Freelancer’s Service. “Brief” means the details of the Services required for a potential Assignment, as required from a Client, on the Platform which constitutes the first stage of Engagement between a Client and a Freelancer; “Business Day” means a day other than a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday in England, when banks in London are open for business. “Charges” means the Freelancer Fees and Expenses. “Client” any third party who engages with Workfree for the provision of services from a Freelancer through the Platform; “Client Personnel” Means employees, workers, directors, officers, and agents of the Client. “Client Policies” means policies and procedures applicable to the staff and/or suppliers of a Client. “Client Undertakings” means any Client-standard undertakings required to be signed by Freelancers concerning confidentiality, personal data, intellectual property rights, indemnities and/or insurance before beginning an Assignment (and Client acknowledges that is the author of the Client Undertakings and can impose whatever direct undertakings it wishes, including in relation to Intellectual Property Rights, confidentiality, data protection, insurance and indemnities; Client shall make clear in its Client Undertakings if Client requires signature by the Freelancer’s personal services company, consultancy or umbrella company as well as the individual Freelancer). Client may not prevent Freelancer from providing services to any of their other clients or impose any exclusivity, non-defamation, non-solicitation and/or non-competition clauses unless such restriction is reasonable in all respects and complies with Local ...