Bonus Issue definition
Examples of Bonus Issue in a sentence
MARY PARISH This ordinance was returned to the Clerk of the Council on this the 21st day of August 2019, at the hour of 9:45 a.m. Mr. Ina stated that after careful consideration of introducing the ordinance to change the meeting day from the second and fourth Wednesdays to the first and third Thursday, as the Principle of Franklin Junior High School, he cannot support the ordinance due to athletic school functions.
The Proposed Bonus Issue of Warrants will not be implemented in stages over a period of time.
The Proposed Bonus Issue of Warrants is not conditional upon any other corporate exercise / scheme being or proposed to be undertaken by the Company.
There will not be any capitalisation of reserves arising from the issuance of the Warrants pursuant to the Proposed Bonus Issue of Warrants.
ISSUE OF EQUITY SHARES FOR CONSIDERATION OTHER THAN CASH IN THE LAST ONE YEAR Except for the details of Bonus Issue mentioned below, we have not issued Equity Shares for consideration other than cash in the preceding one year.