Examples of Cost of Works in a sentence
All claims in favour of the Contractor as per Arbitration Award, other than those attributable to gross negligence of the Executing Agency, will be chargeable to Cost of Works.
There has been a delay of over 90 days between the substantial completion of design/contract stage and closing date of tender and an adjustment factor of say 0.95 to the Net Cost of Works for calculation of the Design Stage Fee is obtained from the standard Adjustment Clause.
That the budget amounts for the construction projects in the Pricing Schedules must be taken as the Cost of Works value, excluding of VAT for the purposes of determining the fee.
The summary of cost of the proposed STP and sewerage work Pahari zone of Patna.Table 2.7: Abstract of Cost of Works Proposed STP Table 2.8: Project Cost for proposed sewerage system project (Zone- VI) Sr.No. Sr.No.
Certain items included within the Total Estimated Cost of Works are not included in the amount used to determine Section 94A Contri- butions, therefore the Section 94A Contributions are generally based on a lower amount.