Employee association definition

Employee association means an organization in
Employee association means an organization in which municipal employees participate and that exists for the purpose, wholly or partly, of dealing with one or more employers, whether public or private, concerning grievances, labor disputes, wages, rates of pay, hours of employment, or conditions of work affecting public employees and whose members pay dues by means of an automatic payroll deduction.
Employee association means a formal and continuing affiliation of state employees with the principle objective of speaking for and benefiting their interests as employees, in which membership is restricted to state employees but unrestricted as to the geographic location of their duty stations, and which has at least 2,000 dues-paying members. An employee organization also falls within this definition.

Examples of Employee association in a sentence

  • The as- sets of the trust may be held in a com- mon trust fund, common investment fund, or common fund for the account of all individuals who have an interest in the trust.(ii) Employee association.

  • Employee association and political participation activities may not interfere with an employee’s duties and responsibilities.IV.F.7.2. Definitions(a) Political advertising means any communication that advocates a particular outcome in an election related to either a measure or a candidate.

  • As on March 31, 2019, there were no temporary / contractual / casual employees.3. Number of permanent women employeesTotal number of permanent women employees is 03 as on 31st March, 2019.4. Number of permanent employees with disabilitiesTotal number of permanent employees with disabilities is 01 as on 31st March, 2019.5. Employee association that is recognized by managementThe Company respects the right of employees to free association and union representation.

  • On enforcement of the Act, any of the Employee association shall exist unless it secures registration in the manner prescribed under the Act:Provided that associations which have already been registered under prevailing law shall continue to exist for a period of one month in order to get registration under the Act.

  • In the event of any suit or arbitration under this Agreement, there shall be allowed to the prevailing party, to be included in any judgment recovered, reasonable attorney’s fees to be fixed by the court or arbitration.

More Definitions of Employee association

Employee association means an association that:
Employee association means any association or organization of employees and any agency,
Employee association means any union or organization of public employees that exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with public employers concerning Collective Bargaining, grievances, labor disputes, wages, Benefits, and Terms and Conditions of Employment, as defined herein.
Employee association means any union or organization of public employees that exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with public employers concerning collective bargaining, grievances, labor disputes, wages, hours, benefits, safety, or any other matter relating terms and conditions of employment.
Employee association. Means an association that is registered under the Fair Work Act 1994 and is a party to this Enterprise Agreement
Employee association means any entity representing or compensated by all or any group of current or retired County employees.
Employee association means any union or organization of public employees that exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of representing employees in collective bargaining and related grievances and labor disputes.