Enabling Software definition
Examples of Enabling Software in a sentence
Technical support is provided for the IBM SaaS offering and Enabling Software, as applicable, during the Subscription Period.
This IBM SaaS offering may include Enabling Software provided by IBM or a third party supplier.
In such event Customer and its IBM SaaS Users must cease any further use of the IBM SaaS and destroy any copies of the associated Enabling Software within Customer’s possession or control.
If Enabling Software is presented with a separate license agreement (for example, the IBM International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs (“ILAN”) or other IBM or third party license agreement) at the time of installation or download, such separate agreement will govern its use.
IBM, its Affiliates and suppliers disclaim all further warranties ("Ausschluß der Gewährleistung").Warranties, if any, for Enabling Software supplied as part of this IBM SaaS may be found in their license agreements.