Examples of Executive Services in a sentence
Author - Penny MacDonald In providing this advice to Council as the Executive Services and Governance Coordinator, I have no interests to disclose in this report.
Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Executive Services Directorate (0704-0188).
It is the responsibility of Compass Group Executive Services (governance@compasshousing.org) to maintain and update the Compass Master Policy Document, Policy Directory and the Policy Review Register, administer the review and approval process and inform and distribute new and amended policies and procedures once approved (refer PROC-011 Policy and Procedure Development Approval).
Then there exists a unique (G, W , G0)- cohomology class ξ such that A is bundle isomorphic to any Bϕ (as in Defi- nition 2.13), ϕ ∈ ξ .Proof.
Registrations may be also be made prior to the Meeting by completing the on- line Registration form and emailing or faxing the form to Executive Services staff.