Examples of Hardware Store in a sentence
Item 3: Enter one type from the following list which best describes the business: Insurance Bank Law Firm Physician/Dentist Construction Grocery Store Utility Accountant Clinicians Furniture Sales Hardware Store Designer/Artist Rental Property Clothing/Fabric Machinery/Equipment Architect Farmer Car Dealer Truck Hauler Pharmacy Other Item 4: Enter the business structure.
Basic classifications describe the business of an employer, such as: Business ClassificationManufacture of a product Furniture Mfg.A process EngravingConstruction or erection CarpentryA general type or character of business Hardware Store A service Beauty Parlor Classifications are listed alphabetically in Part Two of this manual.
Some of the permitted uses for a B-3 property include Hardware Store, Automobile Rental, Gasoline Station, Jewelry Store, University/College, or Copy and Printing Service.
A focused performance evaluation may only be used for teachers who received a performance rating of proficient (Level 3) or above in the previous school year.
Erickson said he spoke to Russ Sirek about the sale of the Hardware Store and the closing has been scheduled November 1, 2010.
His year in New York convinced the young Vonnegut that America would be his permanent home, and he traveled to Indianapolis with his friend Charles Volmer to start a new life.36 He founded the Vonnegut Hardware Store in 1852, and was considered “one of the city’s most respected citizens….”37 Like Lieber, he was a co-founder of the Socialer Turnverein and a forceful voice for public education, founding the German-English Independent School and serving on its board for over 30 years.
It is certainly a concern that asbestos cladding was discovered as still being sold in a Hardware Store in Gizo.
Energy consumption is analyzed due to the potential direct and indirect environmental impacts associated with the proposed Ganahl Lumber Hardware Store and Lumber Yard Project (Project).
Photo 1 - Pang Pang Residential Photo 2 – Residential Demo Site Rue de Wales Photo 3 below shows an AC sheet at the entrance to a Chinese Hardware Store (MOK 3) in Elluk Rd. The shop manager had previously reported that he sometimes sells asbestos cement sheeting but that he did not have any in stock at the moment.
COMMENT Land use The proposed use is deemed to comply with the definition of Hardware Store as per Schedule 1 of DPS2 and set out below: Hardware Store: means a shop in which tools, building materials, paint, garden improvements products and plants are for sale.