Higher classification definition

Higher classification. A classification with a higher maximum base salary.
Higher classification. A job classification in the same classification series in which the maximum rate of pay is greater than the maximum rate of pay of the employee's current job classification.
Higher classification means any classification for which wage schedules are set out in Article 46 other than the classification to which the employee is assigned by his/her individual contract, and which has an hourly rate greater than the rate of the classification to which the employee is assigned by his contract.

Examples of Higher classification in a sentence

  • Higher classification shall be those classifications which have a higher present value salary range allocation.

  • CASE 2: Higher classification employee doing lower classification work.

  • Book review: Higher classification, phylogeny and zoogeography of the Satyridae (Lepidoptera), by L.

  • Figure 2: Asynchronous Three Stage Pipeline [4] The handshake protocol shown in figure 2 regulates the flow of information through the self- timed pipeline.

  • Higher classification of roadways will connect to lower classification of roadways.

More Definitions of Higher classification

Higher classification means a job classification in which the top rate of pay is greater than the top rate of pay of the employee's present job classification. For any employee who has not served a probationary period in his/her present job classification, or any employee whose position has been reallocated, classification seniority shall be mutually established by the Authority and Union. For those classifications that have flexible staffing designated in the classification specifications, classification seniority shall be defined as the effective date of probationary appointment to the lowest classification in the classificationseries.
Higher classification means a classification with a higher monthly salary range. “Lower classification” means a classification with a lower monthly salary range.
Higher classification means a classification that has higher placement on the classified salary schedule.
Higher classification means the assignment to the temporarily unoccupied position would be considered a promotion if the assignment were permanent (see Administrative Procedure 15.6, Transfers/Demotions/Promotions).
Higher classification means higher placement on the classified salary schedule. As between two classifications with the same placement on the
Higher classification means an Employee is required to work at a Higher Classification level if they are required to perform a majority of their role or duties at the standard or with the skills required of a classification higher than the Employee's substantive classification.
Higher classification means a classification which has a higher first step rate of pay.