Examples of Lost time injury in a sentence
Year ended 30 June20172016F/(A) %Lost time injury (LTI)1-n.m.Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)4.7-n.m.Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR)4.74.82 One LTI was recorded following a tower rescue simulation in FY17 compared with zero in the pcp.
For this study, the researcher used in-depth interview as a primary tool of data collection.In-depth interviewsNewcomb (1991), explaining the potency of interviewing, writes, “The primary strength of interviewing as a method is its capacity to range over multiple perspectives on a given topic.” He further explains that conducting manifold interviews helps to increase the information and broaden a point of view.
Safety and Health Lost time injury frequency rates (‘LTIFR’) for 2014 was 0.99 (measured per 1,000,000 hours), and 500,000 LTI free hours had been worked on the plant optimization project.
This encourages people, who already have packed agendas and many invitations, to attend yet another meeting without creating a heavy burden on their daily logistics, while being entertaining.
Lost time injury frequency (LTIF)The number of lost time injuries per million hours worked.