Examples of Lost time injury in a sentence
Year ended 30 June20172016F/(A) %Lost time injury (LTI)1-n.m.Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)4.7-n.m.Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR)4.74.82 One LTI was recorded following a tower rescue simulation in FY17 compared with zero in the pcp.
Lost time injury frequency rate is calculated as lost time injuries multiplied by 1,000,000 divided by total hours worked.
Safety and Health Lost time injury frequency rates (‘LTIFR’) for 2014 was 0.99 (measured per 1,000,000 hours), and 500,000 LTI free hours had been worked on the plant optimization project.
The Lost time injury frequency rate for 2013 was 0.54 lost time injuries per million hours worked, which is 33% lower than the lost time injury frequency rate of 0.81 lost time injuries per million hours worked in 20124.
In particular our:• Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) improved by 38% over last year, falling to 1.25 injuries per million hours worked from 2 in the previous period.• Total Injury Frequency Rate (TIFR) improved by 27% to 12.8 per million hours worked from 17.6 in the previous period.• 19 of our 22 manufacturing sites were lost time injury (LTI) free with no LTI’s in our sites in Asia, Europe and America.During the year under review, we had no significant process safety incidents.