Online Payment Service definition
Examples of Online Payment Service in a sentence
Neither we nor our Online Payment Service Providers are responsible for requests for refunds and we are under no obligation to participate in a dispute with a Participating Merchants or an unintended recipient of an Online Payment.
On selecting Online Payment, Service Provider / Contractor / Vendor shall have the provision of making payment using its Credit / Debit Card / Net Banking.
On selecting Online Payment, Service Provider / Contractor / Vendor shall have the provision of making payment using its Credit/ Debit Card / Net Banking.
Il xxxxx healthcenters has contracted Buckaroo Online Payment Service B.V. (xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx) to perform SEPA automated direct debit.
On selecting Online Payment, Service Provider/Contractor/Vendor shall have the provision of making payment using its Credit/ Debit Card/ Net Banking.
In such cases, Consumer is automatically returned to the Online Payment Service once the required function has been performed.
Where the Applicable Law requires us to provide information to you on a “durable medium”, we will send you an email with a document attached or instruct you to visit the Online Payment Service to download a copy.
The Online Payment Service provides a web page that allows an End User to make a payment to Customer through Customer’s website.
I f such changes require changes to be made to the online shop of Vendor subscribing to the Online Payment Service, Vendor shall implement such changes at his cost.
Prior to making a payment, the End User will have completed the Online Payment Service process and will have provided End User’s credit card information or bank account information including End User’s financial institution’s ABA routing number and End User’s account number maintained at End User’s financial institution.