Priority 1 Incident definition
Examples of Priority 1 Incident in a sentence
SAP will provide a solution, work around or action plan for resolution (“Corrective Action”) of a Priority 1 Incident within four hours of SAP’s receipt (twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week) of such Priority 1 Incident via the SAP Support Network (“SLA for Corrective Action”).
However SAP will commence processing of Priority 1 Incidents within twenty-four hours, seven days a week after SAP`S receipt of such Priority 1 Incident via the SAP Support Network, provided that the Incident is reported in English and that Partner and Supported End User provide for a suitably skilled, English-speaking contact in order to ensure communication with SAP if SAP assigns the Incident to an overseas SAP Support Organization center.
If Green Cloud is able to provide a workaround for a Priority 1 Incident, it may be downgraded.
Notwithstanding the Change consideration and implementation process outlined in this Exhibit 4, if a Change is required to resolve a Priority 1 Incident (“Emergency Change”), Provider shall immediately begin implementing the Emergency Change upon request by Customer.
Please note: if you log a Priority 1 Incident (i.e. complete loss of service) you must also contact the Service Desk by telephone.