Severity Level 3 definition
Examples of Severity Level 3 in a sentence
An Error is Severity Level 3, when, in the production environment, the Software encounters a technical or functional problem, but a temporary workaround is available, or, in a test or back-up environment, the Software is significantly impaired (e.g. loss or degradation of a substantial functionality), which causes the Software to perform materially less than as described in the applicable documentation.
Standard M&S Hours 2 hours 120 hours Severity Level 4 All Defects other than Severity Level 1 Defects, Severity Level 2 Defects and Severity Level 3 Defects (e.g., minor or cosmetic Defects).
Severity Level 3 A Severity Level 3 Defect exists if the noncritical component result is not as expected but a Workaround for the item of Work is available and there is no significant impact to the end user.
NOTE: If Severity Level 3 (actual harm that is not immediate jeopardy) has been ruled out based upon the evidence, then evaluate as to whether Severity Level 2 (no actual harm with the potential for more than minimal harm) exists.
Severity Level 3 – “Major” Severity Level 3 involves Acknowledged Incidents where on or more of the following occurs: (i) the Software or Add-On is operable, but a feature of the Software or Add-On is unavailable, for which a commercially reasonable workaround is immediately available, (ii) the Software or Add-On has minor degraded functional capability/performance or (iii) a Critical Acknowledged Incident for which a commercially reasonable workaround is immediately available.