Stage Payments definition
Examples of Stage Payments in a sentence
Loans and Receivables Loans and receivables are recognised on the Balance Sheet when the Authority becomes a party to the contractual provisions of a financial instrument and are initially measured at fair value.
For example on the due date to achieve the Project Milestone-I (i.e., Stage Payments of 10% (ten percent) of Contract Price on 180th (one hundred and eighty) day from the Appointed Date), if 5% (five percent) of the project length corresponding to the Project Milestone-I is not handed over or lately handed over resulting in the extension of completion of this 5% (five percent) length beyond ScheduledCompletionDate,StagePaymentof10%X0.95=9.5%onlyistobeachieved by 180th (one hundred and eighty)day.
CRR = 1 - [(Closing Pool Balance - Stage Payments) / (Closing Pool Balance - Further Advances + Redemptions)]^n*PRR = 1 - [(Closing Pool Balance - Stage Payments) / (Closing Pool Balance - Further Advances + Redemptions)] (ii) Constant Default RateThe percentage of outstanding mortgage loan principal that defaults in one year.
For example on the due date to achieve the Project Milestone-I (i.e., Stage Payments of 10% (ten percent) of Contract Price on as specified in Schedule-J of the Contract Agreement, if 5% (five percent) of the project length corresponding to the Project Milestone-I is not handed over or lately handed over resulting in the extension of completion of this 5% (five percent) length beyond Scheduled Completion Date, Stage Payment of 10% X 0.95 = 9.5% only is to be achieved by the first Milestone date.
For example on the due date to achieve the Project Milestone (i.e., Stage Payments of 10% (ten percent) of Contract Price on 180th(one hundred and eighty) day from the Appointed Date), if 5% (five percent) of the project length corresponding to the Project Milestone-I is not handed over or lately handed over resulting in the extension of completion of this 5% (five percent) length beyond ScheduledCompletionDate,StagePaymentof10%X0.95=9.5%onlyistobeachieved by 180th(one hundred and eighty)day.