Stage Payments definition

Stage Payments means shall mean the payments (including the Initial Payment and the Final Completion Payment (if any)) specified in the Contract Sum Payment Chart;
Stage Payments any payment made in respect of a Milestone or on any other date in either case as identified in schedule 7.1 (Charges and Invoicing);
Stage Payments means the payments (if any) specified as such in the Stage Payment Chart.

Examples of Stage Payments in a sentence

  • Loans and Receivables Loans and receivables are recognised on the Balance Sheet when the Authority becomes a party to the contractual provisions of a financial instrument and are initially measured at fair value.

  • For example on the due date to achieve the Project Milestone-I (i.e., Stage Payments of 10% (ten percent) of Contract Price on 180th (one hundred and eighty) day from the Appointed Date), if 5% (five percent) of the project length corresponding to the Project Milestone-I is not handed over or lately handed over resulting in the extension of completion of this 5% (five percent) length beyond ScheduledCompletionDate,StagePaymentof10%X0.95=9.5%onlyistobeachieved by 180th (one hundred and eighty)day.

  • CRR = 1 - [(Closing Pool Balance - Stage Payments) / (Closing Pool Balance - Further Advances + Redemptions)]^n*PRR = 1 - [(Closing Pool Balance - Stage Payments) / (Closing Pool Balance - Further Advances + Redemptions)] (ii) Constant Default RateThe percentage of outstanding mortgage loan principal that defaults in one year.

  • For example on the due date to achieve the Project Milestone-I (i.e., Stage Payments of 10% (ten percent) of Contract Price on as specified in Schedule-J of the Contract Agreement, if 5% (five percent) of the project length corresponding to the Project Milestone-I is not handed over or lately handed over resulting in the extension of completion of this 5% (five percent) length beyond Scheduled Completion Date, Stage Payment of 10% X 0.95 = 9.5% only is to be achieved by the first Milestone date.

  • For example on the due date to achieve the Project Milestone (i.e., Stage Payments of 10% (ten percent) of Contract Price on 180th(one hundred and eighty) day from the Appointed Date), if 5% (five percent) of the project length corresponding to the Project Milestone-I is not handed over or lately handed over resulting in the extension of completion of this 5% (five percent) length beyond ScheduledCompletionDate,StagePaymentof10%X0.95=9.5%onlyistobeachieved by 180th(one hundred and eighty)day.

More Definitions of Stage Payments

Stage Payments. As set out in Section Three of Appendix 1 to this Order Form, the Contracting Authority shall pay in three/four stages. Guidance Note: Contracting Authority to delete as appropriate (to confirm if they will be paying in three or four stages).
Stage Payments means the payments required to be made by PWD to the Contractor upon completion of each stage of the Works in accordance with Schedule 3 “Stage Completion Certificate” shall mean the certificate issued by the Project Engineer in accordance with Article 7.1 “Taking Over Date” means the day on which Completion Certificate is issued by the Project Engineer. “Tax” shall mean and includes all taxes, cesscs, duties, levies that may be payable by the Contractor under Applicable Law. 3
Stage Payments. Has the meaning given in Clause 12.8.
Stage Payments means the periodic payments based on the value of the Works performed in any Relevant Period Works: ……………………………………………. Works Completion Date: ……………………
Stage Payments any payment made in accordance with the Pricing Schedule;
Stage Payments means the sums payable to the Service Provider for
Stage Payments means any payment made in respect of a Milestone or on any other date in either case as identified in Schedule 7.1 (Charges and Invoicing)."Stakeholders"means the Department, Members, Teachers, Employers, Beneficiaries, Teacher Unions and Employer Associations."Standard Dispute Timetable"means the standard timetable for the resolution of Disputes set out in the Appendix to Schedule 8.3 (Dispute Resolution Procedure)."Standards"means the British or international standards, Department's internal policies and procedures, Government codes of practice and guidance referred to in Schedule 2.3 (Standards) together with any other specified policies or procedures identified in Schedule 2.3 (Standards)."Statement of Service Requirements"means the requirements of the Department as set out in Schedule2.1 (Statement of Service Requirements), as varied from time to time in accordance with this Agreement."Steering Board"means the board described in Paragraph 2.6 of Schedule 8.1 (Governance).“Strategy Board”means the board described in Paragraph 2.5 of Schedule 8.1 (Governance)."Sub-contract"shall mean any contract or agreement or proposed contract or agreement between the Contractor and any third party whereby that third party agrees to provide to the Contractor the Services or any part thereof or facilities or services necessary for the provision of the Services or any part thereof or necessary for the management, direction or control of the Services or any part thereof, other than an Ancillary Sub-contract."Sub-contractor"means the third party with whom the Contractor enters into a Sub- contract or its servants or agents and any third party with whom that third party enters into a Sub-contract or its servant or agents, other than an Ancillary Sub-contractor."Sub-contractor Credit Rating Threshold"means the Credit Rating Thresholds relating to a Key Sub- contractor and notified to the Department pursuant to Paragraph 2.1 of Schedule 7.4 (Financial Distress)."Sub-contractor Financial Distress Event"means the occurrence of one or more of the events referred to in Paragraph 9 of Schedule 7.4 (Financial Distress)."Target Performance Level"has the meaning given in Paragraph 3 of Part 2 of Schedule 2.2 (Service Levels)."Teacher"means any person who is eligible for membership of the Teachers' Pension Scheme, whether or not he or she is a Member."Teachers' Pensions Administration Forum"means the group comprising the Department, Teacher and Employer representatives, with a brief...